forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Y ' A L L
today was my first day back at school and i-
i was the only one who showed up to my class today
i was a class of one
very social distance, the teacher sat on the other side of the room
he said i didn't have to wear my mask if i didn't want since we were very distanced
so i had a pretty good first day back

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Tw? Maybe? For homophobia and transphobia

@Pickles group

Tw? Maybe? For homophobia and transphobia

Well uh. If you're gay…how are you supposed to date a straight person? So that's just

@Pickles group

I forgot that I actually know people who are openly homophobic and use autistic as an insult ✌️
Sat there the whole time wondering how to tell them that I'm queer and just didn't say anything at all

@Milani eco

I forgot that I actually know people who are openly homophobic and use autistic as an insult ✌️
Sat there the whole time wondering how to tell them that I'm queer and just didn't say anything at all


@Milani eco

I forgot that I actually know people who are openly homophobic and use autistic as an insult ✌️
Sat there the whole time wondering how to tell them that I'm queer and just didn't say anything at all

the way i ignore people who say that is by thinking 'they probably dont know what autism actually is <3'

@Pickles group

Does anyone know why the word "heterosexuals" makes me laugh so much?? It's not funny so why am I laughing when my textbook calls straight people heterosexuals????

@darling-velocipede group

Does anyone know why the word "heterosexuals" makes me laugh so much?? It's not funny so why am I laughing when my textbook calls straight people heterosexuals????

Idk but I'm cackling too

a related massive fear of mine is i say 'homosexuals' a lot in an ironic context (example: to my boyfriend: "idk man there might be homosexuals there." we're both gay) and what if another queer person hears me and thinks i'm just massively homophobic

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Lets see, i'm sad there isn't any dances rn. or this week would be the week of my school's homecoming.
I was gonna ask my crush to go with me but y'know.