forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

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My new binders came in the mail today and I’m so fucking happy because my old one was basically dead and this new one is soooo comfy and just absolutely fantastic to wear. I got my first one off of Amazon and it didn’t fit super well along with being just plain uncomfortable so I went to GC2B and this! Binder! Is! Actually! Good! And it’s much better in terms of sensory processing and stuff.

Deleted user

Can you guys censor the use of f/mb/y? It’s a transphobic slur that happens to be particularly triggering to me, if that makes sense. Sorry to be annoying!


Tw: uncensored use of f/mb/y, manyother slurs

@HighPockets group

Ahhhhhhh there's like four days until my most anticipated sequel of 2020 drops-
It's Iron Heart by Nina Varela and I'm so so so fucking excited for it, it has sapphic enemies-to-lovers and yearning and ah it's amazing-

@darling-velocipede group

Tw: uncensored use of f/mb/y, manyother slurs


Y'all help me out–

So remember way back when, before I dropped Notebook entirely for a while(sorry about that, school yoinked my computer back), I posted about my crush and that I was going to ask them out? And they said that they were dating someone else? Well, they broke up with him and after a while we went into town and I tried again. They said that they felt the same way and that they wanted to make sure things were okay with their ex(that there were no harsh feelings, since it was kind of soon after the breakup) and they'd call me to let me know, but they never did? For two months? We go to school together and on the first day I asked about it, and they said their phone just stopped working. I still really like them and want to pursue a relationship, but I don't know if that would be a good idea?

Deleted user

Tw: uncensored use of f/mb/y, manyother slurs


I think I did it. I've achieved androgyny.
I'm currently wearing a crop top and high waisted jeans, yet I don't look like a girl. Between my flat chest, new haircut, and kinda mainly jawline, my gender is fairly undiscernable. I love this.
My voice is the only thing that gives me away.
Does anyone have for making the voice more androgynous? Starting from a pretty high pitched place.

Deleted user

Honestly, just try and go the lowest you can go without fucking up your voice entirely. To the point where yeah, it sounds like you, but it’s deeper. Do that consistently and keep going deeper until you’re at a point where you’re happy. Get that fucking range seriously it’s amazing. Also, if you can convince your parents into pursuing a music education, voice lessons really do help. Or, join a choir! I did that. It helped.

Deleted user

I think I did it. I've achieved androgyny.
I'm currently wearing a crop top and high waisted jeans, yet I don't look like a girl. Between my flat chest, new haircut, and kinda mainly jawline, my gender is fairly undiscernable. I love this.
My voice is the only thing that gives me away.
Does anyone have for making the voice more androgynous? Starting from a pretty high pitched place.

Okay, so I might not be the best person for this, but I am in choir and have been in theater, so I kinda have experience with lowering the voice. There's this thing called a soft palate. It's basically that muscle you feel moving when you yawn, the one in the back of your throat. If you can figure out how to raise that and speak, it lets you speak lower without hurting yourself. I think it's amazing, but don't trust me because I don't know anything. Maybe just try it out.

Also, like Starlight said, just work on range. That helps a lot too!!

Here's a video to help you:


@darling-velocipede group

yes 100%!!

