forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Becfromthedead group

Real talk? I've been doing better lately than I have in literal YEARS.
Idk who needs to hear this, but I promise things can get better, when you put a little bit of effort in the right places, live in a way that best fits you, and make sure to take care of your needs and go on meds/get therapy when necessary.


My teacher, who can't recognize me because I look different from last years school photo, talking to J, my friend, who I am literally sitting right next to: Is [DEADNAME] here today? Have you seen her?

J, who I just barely came out to: Yeah
points at me

Me: thanks, and I'm going by Owen now

we high five


Unfortunately, my teacher stopped paying attention after J confirmed that I was present, and his shouts were drowned out by the rest of the class. Still wholesome.

@Becfromthedead group

God, I wish I could actually help my friends
Like I stg, I'm actually having a pretty good day, but all of my friends have had shit go down today and I'm now angry/sad/upset FOR them.

@ClownB*tch eco

Listen, nothing against guys but relationships with ya'll are so pointless and gross in my mind. That being said, tHE GUY I LIKE IS SO CUTE AND SWEET AND AMAZING KHBKGVDSCUKHVSDK


You know what I hate? Being so alloromantic yet so extremely ace at the same time, meanwhile the entirety of shipping culture is the exact opposite

fluff brings validation and joy that helps keep away my big sad
anything else is permanently scarring and will leave me worse than I was before
but most people think what I consider scarring = fluff
so it’s literally a gamble on my mental health every time i try to find comfort in cute akkordian hug doodles

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

When you offer your friend/crush some of the marimo you're gonna buy and he accepts but he doesn't know that marimo are said to bring your heart's desire to the giver and receiver and represent love
Oh yeah it's all coming together Blank Template - Imgflip

@Moxie group

I have a questions for people
So LGBTQ+ call themselves queer because it used to be (and still is sometimes) a slur. And as a community we've reclaimed it and kinda use it as an umbrella term.
Shouldn't that mean that only people in the LGBTQ+ community should use that term to describe LGBTQ+ people?
Because my women and gender studies professor has been using the term "queer community" and "queer people" and it kinda makes me uncomfy. Like, I suppose she could be queer herself, but I really, really don't think so. Idk if she is queer its fine but I just don't think straight people should use that term.
Idk what do you guys think about this?

@Becfromthedead group

It depends… I think describing someone as queer who describes themself as such is fine, and describing a group as being "queer" is also fine if they identify as such, but LGBT+ gets the point across without saying what could be perceived as offensive, so there's no reason to not use LGBT instead, except ease of saying the word.

Deleted user

So I feel like a happy bean. I'm not gonna say names , but this hella hot chick , ( Who've I dated before) are trying it out again. We haven't done anything like this since I was in 8th grade. And I'm hoping on seeing her here in about two-ish weeks.


I have a questions for people
So LGBTQ+ call themselves queer because it used to be (and still is sometimes) a slur. And as a community we've reclaimed it and kinda use it as an umbrella term.
Shouldn't that mean that only people in the LGBTQ+ community should use that term to describe LGBTQ+ people?
Because my women and gender studies professor has been using the term "queer community" and "queer people" and it kinda makes me uncomfy. Like, I suppose she could be queer herself, but I really, really don't think so. Idk if she is queer its fine but I just don't think straight people should use that term.
Idk what do you guys think about this?

i think that the word is sensitive considering the fact that it was used as a derogatory term for so many years. i refer to myself as queer 75% of the time when i feel like gay doesn’t quite fit, and my friends and the people close to me who are straight use it to describe me sometimes, and i’m okay with that, especially considering the fact that i’m only a teenager and never really had it used against me in a derogatory way, but i do know people who find the word triggering, so i think @Becfromthedead has a good point when they say that LGBTQ+ is a good term to use. if your teacher using the word queer makes you uncomfortable, i would definitely recommend having a conversation with her about it and explaining why (if you’re comfortable with that, that is)

@_Gro0vy_ group

daily reminder: drink water, take a breather once and a while and try to meditate or do something today that genuinely makes you happy. you are loved ad appreciated, pm me if you need to rant or anything.

@darling-velocipede group

daily reminder: drink water, take a breather once and a while and try to meditate or do something today that genuinely makes you happy. you are loved ad appreciated, pm me if you need to rant or anything.

and take off your binder at the right bloody time, trans n enby friends w/ tits

@darling-velocipede group

daily reminder: drink water, take a breather once and a while and try to meditate or do something today that genuinely makes you happy. you are loved ad appreciated, pm me if you need to rant or anything.

and take off your binder at the right bloody time, trans n enby friends w/ tits