forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers


Are people just wrong about "what turns girls on" or am I just so ace that I can't fathom heavy breathing being a turn on??
Every day straight tik tok lowers my attraction to men.

do you happen to watch sam collins by any chance

Exactly what I'm watching right now lmao

yeah lol i just saw his video

Deleted user

Bisexuality is like hhh girls who are tall and scary looking but are actually the softest people in the world and hhh boys who are smol and soft but would fight you for a corn chip and hhh nonbinary people who exist.

@Moxie group

Are people just wrong about "what turns girls on" or am I just so ace that I can't fathom heavy breathing being a turn on??
Every day straight tik tok lowers my attraction to men.

do you happen to watch sam collins by any chance

Exactly what I'm watching right now lmao

Ohhhhhhhh okay lol
I love Sam Collins


Bisexuality is like hhh girls who are tall and scary looking but are actually the softest people in the world and hhh boys who are smol and soft but would fight you for a corn chip and hhh nonbinary people who exist.

This is practically exactly how I feel lmao


forgot what they were
what's a squish again?

A squish is a platonic crush. Like when you meet someone and really want to be there friend, or when you just have a close attachment to someone who's already your friend. Squishes can be physical, too. Maybe your squish entails you wanting your friend to hug you, maybe it's strictly an intellectual and emotional bond you seek.

Deleted user

I know we appreciate ladies on here a lot, and there’s definitely a lot to appreciate, but what about…. boys? Gentlemen? Guys? Like they are also cool and pretty and deserve love. Also! I appreciate nonbinary people! They are perfectly lovely however the identify and however they express their identity.