forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

The only way I know how to flirt is by getting really close with a person then complementing them but they think it's just a friend thing and boy am I lonely

I'm not the only one

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

The only way I know how to flirt is by getting really close with a person then complementing them but they think it's just a friend thing and boy am I lonely

I'm not the only one

o h my goodness i thought that was just m e


Dangggggg it's been a LONG time since I was last on this site. If you were ere before and saw my panic, spoiler alert, I'm not a trans boy. I'm still non-binary.

Deleted user

has only been flirted by guys, because girls don't like me well shit. why is having cute girls like you so damn hard?? OH RIGHT because im just a T H O T

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a little, its just that my friends are all attractive, and well…they know im "joking" when i would flirt with them when deep DEEP DEEP down……… crushing hardcore, but ik they prefer people they don't know and….welll we've been friends since forever… and…. i told them through a petty dare, that i liked them….and they were like …" wait what?? you're kidding right? Lol" and i look at them thinking mmmm nope i really like you but im not gonna get all up on you because i like you and well…yeah… and looking more feminine i get ALOT of guys on my ass….and i HATE IT….

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

@SaggicornMessIsVeryTiredOfBeingHome you sound like my idea of a perfect girlfriend honestly

/see it's always the same case with me, at least i always worry that if a girl says they like me or i'm in a relationship with one that she doesn't actually like me and she's just saying so because she feels bad for me or she doesn't want to hurt my feelings,, anyone else get that??there's gotta be a term for that because i literally have it crushing me every single time i'm in any kind of relationship, not just dating-wise

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@SaggicornMessIsVeryTiredOfBeingHome you sound like my idea of a perfect girlfriend honestly

huh.. is it weird im …trans?…and you can call me Jake..


Everything anyone ever needs to know about demisexuality/demiromantisism
(Upon request from another chat)

Say you're a straight, allosexual man. Allosexual means you experience regular sexual attraction. Since you're also straight, you would say some women are hot, sexy, and occasionally "want" them, or lust after them. You may pay special attention to sexual features on some women. You may picture yourself in a sexual relationship with these women.

You are allo-heterosexual.

You also happen to be allo-heteromantic.

That means you're also regularly attracted to women in a romantic way. You might see some women and want to do romantic things with them, like dates, hold hands, and spend time together. You may hope for a loving relationship with these women.

But let's also say you choose to save your virginity for marriage. You're still an allosexual, because you still experience sexual attraction, even if you choose not to act on it.

For a demisexual/romantic, it's a lot different. Demis are on the asexual and aromantic spectrum.

Asexuality is experiencing no sexual attraction. Aromantisism is experiencing no romantic attraction.

Demi means partially, (like demi-god) So think of demisexual as "part-sexual" and demiromantic as "part-romantic"

A demisexual can't look at a stranger and think they're hot, sexy, or otherwise want them in a sexual way. No matter how pretty, sexy, or hot society labels said stranger, a demisexual will not experience that kind of attraction.

A demiromantic can't look at a stranger and want to do romantic things with them, spend special time together, or truly want a relationship with them. No matter how desirable, a demiromantic will not experience that kind of attraction.

Let's use myself as an example. I'm demiromantic and demisexual. The only circumstance in which I (and most other demis) will ever experience attraction is in a deep friendship.

BUT just because me and another person form a deep platonic relationship doesn't mean I'm automatically attracted to them. It's just the pre-requisite for any attraction to happen at all. To clarify, demis don't choose to refrain attraction until trust and a strong bond is formed. It's simply the only environment those feelings happen in.

This type of sexuality/romanticism results in very few crushes, a difficult dating life, and really rough break-ups.

Many demis (including myself) describe the moment they feel attraction as a switch flipping on for the first time. Many demis also describe feeling like sexual or romantic attraction was just a big joke everyone was playing along with, until their switch went off.

For me, I couldn't honestly say I had a crush, thought people were hot or sexy, or found romantic love appealing, until my switch went off. That's when I realized I was demi.


It's also important to note that demisexuals/romantics may still experience aesthetic attraction- thinking someone's pretty, appreciating their looks. Also, you can mix and match labels, like
Biromantic demisexual
Demiromantic pansexual
Homoromantic demisexual

Deleted user

Biromantic demisexual



Wait so there are people who think romantic thoughts about people they don't know???
I know I know, but I was part of the aforementioned conversation.

Yeah, but usually even alloromantics are more likely to feel romantic attraction to aquantances. But yes, to strangers as well.


Wait so there are people who think romantic thoughts about people they don't know???
I know I know, but I was part of the aforementioned conversation.

Yeah, but usually even alloromantics are more likely to feel romantic attraction to aquantances. But yes, to strangers as well.

Then again, I imagine it wouldn't be "oh I want to spend the rest of my life with that stranger over there", I figure it'd be more like butterfly stomach, feeling sheepish and lovey, maybe.


Sure, a demiromantic can have a romantic crush if they were close to the person, then the romantic feelings could've naturally flourished.


But of course, I am also sure to keep my emotions away from romance.

If one is purposely choosing to smother romantic attraction, than one isn't demiromantic, they just don't want to experience romance

@Pickles group

#HB500. Look it up. This shit is unacceptable.

What is it and is it something my conservative Christian parents would be remotely upset by me googling?

@The-Magician group

#HB500. Look it up. This shit is unacceptable.

What is it and is it something my conservative Christian parents would be remotely upset by me googling?

Ah, banning transgender girls from sport