forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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This thing? I didn't even mean to post it here, but it's here now I guess.

Yes that thing


Does anyone know what to do for oily hair? I've been told a lot that I have oily hair

When you're washing your hair, wash it once regularly with shampoo, rinse, then wash with shampoo again, rinse, and condition. Also, try washing your hair every other day. Every hair type is different tho

Deleted user

Does anyone know what to do for oily hair? I've been told a lot that I have oily hair

When you're washing your hair, wash it once regularly with shampoo, rinse, then wash with shampoo again, rinse, and condition. Also, try washing your hair every other day. Every hair type is different tho

Thanks! :)

@Pickles group

Does anyone know what to do for oily hair? I've been told a lot that I have oily hair

How often do you wash it? Sometimes washing it too often makes it get oily faster.
Or does it have the weird sort of texture after you wash it that it's still kinda oily and still kinda soap-like (that happens to mine a lot because my shampoo doesn't like to rinse out and my hair is icky), because in that case, rinse it well, and then re-shampoo that section. Also if that happens and I don't realize it until it's dry, washing that section again the next day helps

Deleted user

Really make sure you get all the shampoo and conditioner out. Even a little left over in your hair can make it feel gross until you wash it again.


i have a weird patch in the back of my hair that feels like it’s made of wax
it’s slightly thinner but more wirey than the rest and leaves a residue on your fingers when wet
It seems to get worse the more you wash it, but not washing it doesn’t help either
is that normal-?
I tried using dish soap on it cause that’s what the internet recommended but it’s still waxy

@Pickles group

That's what happens to mine. It could be that you aren't rinsing it well enough or not getting enough shampoo on it to begin with. That's what it is for me anyway

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Don't you just love when people try to use your flaws against you?
Thanks Sarah, you suck
I hate you
she's not anyone on here, just a friend

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Miriam when NBN was like "haha we're all ace, the ace squad"


@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

i had a really heartfelt conversation yesterday with my (cishet) best friend who lives across the world from me and i thought i might as well post it here cos well it's relevant right. he literally made me cry dudes

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Today's aesthetic: Black leggings. Black tank top with distressed triangle chest thing lmao, tied up.