forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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that really sucks. i actually was on the receiving end of it with one of my friends, and it just took a little bit of time apart for them to move on. i'm not saying that this is the exact situation that you're in, or that it will happen exactly the same, but hopefully it will get better. and we'll be here for you the whole time!


I'm sorry man, that shit hurts deep. Someday someone you care about is gunna fall for you hard, and love you like you deserve.

Deleted user

Oh shit I'm sorry man…
I know how that feels…
I can also say I was friendzoned by my bsf, whom I had a crush on, and she literally said no and went on to date another one of our friends. LIKE TF??? I am so sad rn, and she barely talks to me anymore.
Another side note, I kindly told off my ex, WHo is a homophobic assbunch.
This bitch thinks im gonna take his Straight ass gf, all because we're friends. LIKE DUDE NO I HAVE A GF BACK TF OFF. What maks it worse is that he says he still loves me but thinks everyone is toxic, But yet if everyone is then you saying you love me and wanna get with me and confuse tf out of me with other signs that you don't care, IM SORRY AM I REALLY THAT LOWLY TO YOU??? This is why i like girls.


Thanks guys, I sent the message and
he wanted to stay friends

he said sorry if he led me on.
I showed three of my friends some of his messages and they were just as confused as me, they thought that he was flirting, they thought that he liked me, so I wasn't just making shit up.
But we will continue to be friends, yes it hurt, like really fucking bad, but I'm glad I told him, and hopefully I can move on from here.

@ClownB*tch eco

i don't think my friend is gonna accept my confession and now i'm sad. Like I respect her decision I just put so much time into planning how to ask her out and I dont think she'll say yes so like… what's the point in asking?

@tungsten fastfood

Idk its always worth it to ask

It'll change your relationship for sure if they don't accept your feelings or don't have the same feelings for you but it's healthy for you to admit it and be honest about it

@Moxie group

It's a miracle that nobody in my class has asked if I'm gay

  • I've literally said "Straight people are weird"
  • I wear docs constantly, once rolling up my jeans and tucking my mismatched socks over them
  • Once these two girls asked which male singer/movie star/something or other I thought was hotter and I said 'neither'
  • I talk about doing rainbow-related thigs(rainbow socks, rainbow hair, rainbow dice)
  • I have an absurd amount of pins that I wear daily
  • My friend and I explained what each letter in LGBTQIA+ means
  • I'm literally wearing a frog hoodie today, it's got little frog hands and the mouth zips closed so I can block out society and I love it
  • When I got my braces off, someone was like 'They're so straight!' and I just started laughing

I think my entire class is thinking it but nobody's asked it

Ash I don't think people need to ask at this point

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

There's a coffee shop with gay owners near my house with a bunch of pride flags and it's just really cozy in general and there's a cross stitch that says 'homo sweet homo' and I can't get it out of my mind-


The guy at the Costco help desk helping my parents yesterday had a "rainbow sheep of the family" shirt and a bunch of pride pins and stickers all over his name tag. Love that for him. I can tell my parents were confused and maybe a little disgusted. He was chill. I hope the adult gays can spot the baby gays even when they're hidden in homophobic families, like please don't associate me with these bland ass straights, thank you.


The guy at the Costco help desk helping my parents yesterday had a "rainbow sheep of the family" shirt and a bunch of pride pins and stickers all over his name tag. Love that for him. I can tell my parents were confused and maybe a little disgusted. He was chill. I hope the adult gays can spot the baby gays even when they're hidden in homophobic families, like please don't associate me with these bland ass straights, thank you.

my biggest fear is people thinking im homophobic when im in the wild because i wear a whole religious garb and i'll see someone with a pride pin and be like "please im staring at you because me too!! im not trying to be rude i think you're neat!!!"