forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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Being out must be hard Ella. I'm glad it wasn't a total catasptrophy but you still deserve parents who'll recognize your loving relationships.

@tungsten fastfood

It's times like this where I'm glad my Christian raised mother supports me– I could be a lot worse off right now, especially with how I changed my sexuality and came out twice.

But coming out as a process is hard, but once you're out it's so reliving. Confidence booster too! Great job Ella. Welcome to the Lesbian Protection Squad (well you were already part of it but shhh)

Deleted user

Ugh guys it’s questioning Orion’s sexuality hours once more. Anyways I think I might be gay. Still totally aro, but like. Women are pretty from afar, I can appreciate pretty girls but not from an attraction standpoint. Guys, on the other hand? I wouldn’t say I like them but I would say that I would totally feel the hots for one. Anyways. Idk I’m not sure if I wanna change labels but women just,,,,, idk I just. Women are cool but not for me maybe? Or maybe not?

@ClownB*tch eco

Ok soooo here's how my brains going right now:

  • you wear dresses and skirts
  • you were "born as a girl"
  • you wear makeup
  • you want a pretty name like Blossom


  • you call yourself a guy
  • you use he/they pronouns
  • you like girls
  • you hate girly things

so basically i'm questioning all of who I am for like the hundredth time even though I know that at the end of this discussion with myself i'll still call myself a demiboy and use he/they but I just hate when I get like this

@Becfromthedead group

Gender expression =/= gender, and pronouns =/= gender.
Whatever makes you feel the most comfy, my dude. You can mix things up however you'd like. It's your gender, you get to call all the shots.

@Becfromthedead group

I didn't realize the next season of BNHA was coming out omg
I watched it all like last summer I think and ughhhhh I didn't realize I missed watching it so much lmao
I really sit there like "Yes, these are my kids, and I'm very proud of them."

@tungsten fastfood

Hi sorry to interrupt but it is Lesbian Visibility day

And I'm lesbian so 👉👈 I exist lmao

Happy Visibility day to my other lesbians as well mwah

@andromeda language

Hi sorry to interrupt but it is Lesbian Visibility day

And I'm lesbian so 👉👈 I exist lmao

Happy Visibility day to my other lesbians as well mwah

our day of reign has finally come !!
today is gonna be a good day, i can tell

@tungsten fastfood

Hi sorry to interrupt but it is Lesbian Visibility day

And I'm lesbian so 👉👈 I exist lmao

Happy Visibility day to my other lesbians as well mwah

our day of reign has finally come !!
today is gonna be a good day, i can tell

A day of lesbians is always a good day

Its also a full PINK MOON tonight I swear

@andromeda language

Hi sorry to interrupt but it is Lesbian Visibility day

And I'm lesbian so 👉👈 I exist lmao

Happy Visibility day to my other lesbians as well mwah

our day of reign has finally come !!
today is gonna be a good day, i can tell

A day of lesbians is always a good day

Its also a full PINK MOON tonight I swear

and AAAGH yeah i heard about the pink moon!! tonight is definitely gonna have some good vibes to it

@larcenistarsonist group

Hi sorry to interrupt but it is Lesbian Visibility day

And I'm lesbian so 👉👈 I exist lmao

Happy Visibility day to my other lesbians as well mwah

our day of reign has finally come !!
today is gonna be a good day, i can tell

A day of lesbians is always a good day

Its also a full PINK MOON tonight I swear

and AAAGH yeah i heard about the pink moon!! tonight is definitely gonna have some good vibes to it


@andromeda language

Hi sorry to interrupt but it is Lesbian Visibility day

And I'm lesbian so 👉👈 I exist lmao

Happy Visibility day to my other lesbians as well mwah

our day of reign has finally come !!
today is gonna be a good day, i can tell

A day of lesbians is always a good day

Its also a full PINK MOON tonight I swear

and AAAGH yeah i heard about the pink moon!! tonight is definitely gonna have some good vibes to it



@spacebluelily language

Congrats! We're proud of you :D

tf, i sound like a parent snjdanjd

thank you * lowkey sobbing *

You're welcome. I'll always be proud of you no matter what. Despite not even knowing you. ^^

@spacebluelily language

I sadly haven't

I also can't keep thinking about how Lily Potter was pregnant when Voldy killed her.
Harry could've had a brother or sister. R.I.P unborn Potter.