forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@wren-has-mommy-issues group

There's a coffee shop with gay owners near my house with a bunch of pride flags and it's just really cozy in general and there's a cross stitch that says 'homo sweet homo' and I can't get it out of my mind-

that sounds amazing, i wanna go


The guy at the Costco help desk helping my parents yesterday had a "rainbow sheep of the family" shirt and a bunch of pride pins and stickers all over his name tag. Love that for him. I can tell my parents were confused and maybe a little disgusted. He was chill. I hope the adult gays can spot the baby gays even when they're hidden in homophobic families, like please don't associate me with these bland ass straights, thank you.

my biggest fear is people thinking im homophobic when im in the wild because i wear a whole religious garb and i'll see someone with a pride pin and be like "please im staring at you because me too!! im not trying to be rude i think you're neat!!!"

Ugh, if only gays could start a telepathic communication system 😔

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Hello, so I have a small rant to speak about.
So one of my homophoebic teachers came after my trans bsf. And i swear, I almost threw hands. This bitch has the oddassidy to try and take off their pride pins from their backpack.
You know what her response was.
" This is innpropriate and shouldn't be worn on school grounds."
I grabbed my bsf so fast and said to a local teacher, whom was watching and they kindly asked for the pins. they got the pins and after the bitchy karen teacher went into her class room, the other teacher gave my friend her pins back.
And I swear on their desk it said. Love all IN all the prde colors and I lowkey cried. BUT RANT DONE.

@Becfromthedead group

I'm playing an indie dating sim and it's so cute and good, and I get to be gay and also it let's you go by they/them pronouns
Although I'm bi af and can't pick just one partner hellllppp

@ClownB*tch eco

my ex-friend introduced me to this dating sim that i think is called 1001 Days and it lets you put in your own pronouns and stuff and it's great (also its an lgbtq+ dating sim)

@Moxie group

It's called Arcade Spirits
I'm having such a good time 🥺

I thougt you were gonna say The Arcana
Its got a really good story, everyone is super bi, and you get to pick your pronouns, I love it

@requiemisback language

It's called Arcade Spirits
I'm having such a good time 🥺

I thougt you were gonna say The Arcana
Its got a really good story, everyone is super bi, and you get to pick your pronouns, I love it

it's been a while since i've heard about that game but i played it before and UGH it was so good

@Moxie group

It's called Arcade Spirits
I'm having such a good time 🥺

I thougt you were gonna say The Arcana
Its got a really good story, everyone is super bi, and you get to pick your pronouns, I love it

it's been a while since i've heard about that game but i played it before and UGH it was so good

The devs just finished Muriel, Portia, and Lucio's routes. I haven't played them yet but I heard they're good


I feel low key bad now for not giving them anything. We said we weren’t going to do anything for it so I know it wasn’t expected of me but I still feel like they are disappointed that I didn’t do anything special for it.

Deleted user

Well maybe bake them some cookies or something! Better late than never! Or, write them a note in response about how much you care about them, too?


I'm feeling shit guys

Everything is so confusing. I have a female partner who I've been with for three years and I've always loved her dearly but now things feel different and I don't know what is wrong. I guess just find it harder to feel romantic love right now for some reason? I don't know but I want it to stop because it feels awful like this and I can't lose her, she's my yellow and I need her in my life but its so fucking hard to be happy, even around her like I used to and I don't know what to do

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

I'm feeling shit guys

Everything is so confusing. I have a female partner who I've been with for three years and I've always loved her dearly but now things feel different and I don't know what is wrong. I guess just find it harder to feel romantic love right now for some reason? I don't know but I want it to stop because it feels awful like this and I can't lose her, she's my yellow and I need her in my life but its so fucking hard to be happy, even around her like I used to and I don't know what to do

just give it time. sometimes we get confusing feelings, and our brains fuck with us for no good reason. i've had trouble with love my whole damn life, i've learned to just give myself time. i tend to jump to conclusions and shit so i have to take a step back sometimes and breathe and just think about it. it'll be alright, don't freak out. shit like that happens, like i said, give it time, learn about yourself.


Mmm I normally don't read webcomics but webtoons is spotlighting one called "Boyfriends" and it's gay and poly so
I'm addicted
It's so soft istg

YES I LOVE THIS WEBCOMIC. The subtle trans representation makes me feel so so happy

@Becfromthedead group

Time to advertise myself! I opened a redbubble shop, and I started a subtle pride butterfly collection:
More stuff coming in the future obviously. I'm also open to new requests for pride flags you don't see on there, even if you don't intend to buy. The butterflies only take me like 10-20 minutes to make and upload, so it's no problem.
I'll also be making other types of pride stickers in the future. It'll probably pick up more in the summer. And there's Fire Emblem shit on there because I like making fanart and yknow, might as well post it. Fanart takes me a lot longer so those will be fewer and farther in between. Open to suggestions! You can dm me ideas here or on redbubble.

@ClownB*tch eco

Mmm I normally don't read webcomics but webtoons is spotlighting one called "Boyfriends" and it's gay and poly so
I'm addicted
It's so soft istg

YES I LOVE THIS WEBCOMIC. The subtle trans representation makes me feel so so happy

I know!! i noticed Goth's binder and i was just so happy!