forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@ClownB*tch eco

Time to advertise myself! I opened a redbubble shop, and I started a subtle pride butterfly collection:
More stuff coming in the future obviously. I'm also open to new requests for pride flags you don't see on there, even if you don't intend to buy. The butterflies only take me like 10-20 minutes to make and upload, so it's no problem.
I'll also be making other types of pride stickers in the future. It'll probably pick up more in the summer. And there's Fire Emblem shit on there because I like making fanart and yknow, might as well post it. Fanart takes me a lot longer so those will be fewer and farther in between. Open to suggestions! You can dm me ideas here or on redbubble.

not me trying to make up an excuse of how i might have found your stuff so i can buy it cuz i have v controlling parents-

@Becfromthedead group

If you need me to put one under a listing temporarily that has no lgbt connotation (just like, list the color scheme instead of the pride flag, so like pink and blue butterfly instead of trans pride butterfly), I could possibly do that. If the issue is how you found my redbubble in the first place, idk. If you're allowed on there, you can use the search function so

@Becfromthedead group

Asjljflksjdkl;a I fixed it lmaooooo
penciled in the part I fucked up and moved the slit wayyyy over.
My dumb ass forgot I wear big glasses and I have to do it on a higher part of my brow for it to be visible anyway.
But yeah, I wouldn't say I changed immediately when I hit college. There's just some stuff I've always wanted to try, and I've been gradually integrating it into my look. I started with my second lobe and cartilage piercings, and then I eased myself into giving myself red balayage, starting with bleachless dye, then seeing a pro, then going fuck it and DIYing it bright red (which was definitely my favorite of the three!). That was last summer. Finally got a leather jacket (thrifted it, tag still on for $25), got some faux nose/septum rings. Then chopped off all my hair in February, waited a bit before doing anything else crazy, and now is now. Dyed my hair black-blue and gave myself an eyebrow slit. I also want to gradually update my wardrobe. Now's probably the time bc I gained some weight and some of my old stuff isn't fitting anymore.
Also I now like freaking my family out by doing crazy shit. Not impulsive or bad, just out of their comfort zone and more in my element.

@tungsten fastfood

ujirgtkfc I just want to get my dream piercings right now. A couple I'm hoping to get the day of my eighteenth which is in a few months from now. I want to get my second lobes and a septum, but I'm gonna have to start saving like CRAZY if I want to do that

but it'd look so goooood hirjekdhi

@Becfromthedead group

I feel that :(
I want 2 more cartilage piercings on each ear, maybe a septum piercing (if 1. I have a good sweet spot to pierce and 2. my slightly deviated septum won't get in the way), and maybe an eyebrow piercing.
Also tattoos are a possibility in the future, but I'm not ready to make that permanent of a decision.
I will vouch for faux septum rings though. You can get them for pretty cheap on Amazon at least, and while they can be a little loose feeling and you may have to readjust them, they do the job in the meantime.

@tungsten fastfood

I think my ears are like mwah to pierce so I want to get as many as possible, but I'm setting small goals so come closer to my birthday, I can sort out the details and actually manage to do it lmfao

but I'll totally look into faux piercings because I like how they look

@Becfromthedead group

I've had an ideal piercing setup for a while now. Ears first, since I know what I want. Usually piercing places don't do more than 3 piercings at a time, and you don't get deals or anything for getting more at once at most places, so price-wise, timing and order doesn't matter. Since I'm doing 4 more cartilage, I will do it in two separate trips: the first, I'll do both of the right ear ones, and the second I'll do the two in my left ear. Definitely want to try to get cartilage piercings on the same side at once, especially if you're a side-sleeper. I had my first cartilage piercings a year and a half ago, one on each side, and my right ear still occasionally acts up because I habitually sleep on that side, and continued to sleep on that side even when it needed a rest. I think it's healed a lot better now because I found good earrings to keep in, but it kept getting really irritated and had pretty bad bleeding a couple of times. I know the piercer recommended studs over rings (because the hoops can get caught on things), but I'd definitely do rings when I go again, since they seem to be gentler on my ears with how I sleep.
But yeah, I know a good piercer in my hometown, and they also do tattoos there, so maybe when the time comes, I'll get that done there as well.


I will vouch for faux septum rings though. You can get them for pretty cheap on Amazon at least, and while they can be a little loose feeling and you may have to readjust them, they do the job in the meantime.

I bought some off of amazon and they're too loose and I haven't figured out how to adjust them yet :( (but they do work great as faux lip rings until I figure out how to adjust them)

@Becfromthedead group

You gotta like… bend them back and put them in a larger part of the inside of your nose, then bend it back closed, and usually that holds pretty well. Depends what kind you have though. There are several different ones, but the one I'm talking about has two balls on the end that go on either side of the inside of your nose.


So I had a doctor's appt today.
And shit.

Well I have acid reflux for sure, I have been taking meds for that already, but it's only gotten worse. I have also been having these chest fluttery things, like, they take my breath away, and I told my doc about it, so I got an EKG.
She came into the room and was like "Welllllll, your heart palpitations are real alright!"
So apparently, I have such severe acid reflux that my stomach acid is coming into my chest and putting alot of pressure on my heart, and that's why my heart is screwy rn.
So we talked about medicine, because it's getting worse and the medication before was supposed to help, then she asked about my anxiety.
So we deduced that all of this has stemmed from my anxiety, so quite literally, my anxiety is hurting me, like, actually hurting my health.
So I am prescribed Zoloft and Omeprazole and Therapy so I don't fucking die lol

(I won't die, the worst that can happen is I have a severe ulcer if I don't do something now)

Oh yeah, I got blood drawn to see if I had an ulcer, so we will see.

My mom was like "Yeah, school is really stressing him out."

Bithc you are stressing me out, miss ~throw up when I find out my son is gay~

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

precisely. my dad is the problem lately mostly. i mean- it's gotten better, i give them both props because they're beyond supportive of most things and i'm grateful for that. it's just that- my dad's so frustrating. he's hard headed and he'll start talking about something he knows i disagree with him about and it becomes an argument more than a discussion. like dude, why do you ask my opinion if you already know what it is and you're not gonna let me change your mind? W H Y


I'm sorry about all that, man. I know what it's like juggling different facets of your health and not being able to be healthy, particularly for family reasons. It's extremely frustrating and you might feel tied up. Take it easy, one thing at a time, whenever you can.


I wish I could order supportive parents online. Like you know the nice people at Pride who will give hugs and tell you they're proud of you? I want that but always accesible.


I wish I could order supportive parents online. Like you know the nice people at Pride who will give hugs and tell you they're proud of you? I want that but always accesible.

it may have went well but my parents are far from that. like they love me, but there’s not a chance they’re showing up to my wedding

@Becfromthedead group

That's good at least. Better than expected it great. I know this has been weighing on your mind a lot for a long time.
Maybe considering coming out this summer myself. Or just not bothering hiding it anymore lmao.

@larcenistarsonist group

I mean that's kind of what I am. I'm not necessarily out, but I don't hide it. Hell, I have a bunch of pride stuff in my room. If anyone asks, I'll tell them but I don't go around flaunting my sexuality.

@Becfromthedead group

I'm pretty open about it at school. It's just my family is the big home of phobic.
At least, they sure as hell aren't allies.
And yknow, I'm dating a MAN (read: amab enby), so I HAVE to be straight