forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@wren-has-mommy-issues group

okay okay i'll get to adding all of you soon jkdfbvjdbncskjb thank youuu

also, i get where you're coming from mj. it's hard cuz like- people do have lives but at the same time i'm busy as hell and i make time for the people i really wanna spend time with. it's tough cuz it makes me feel like others don't care as much as me and lemme tell you- OW it hurts, but that's what you have to deal with sometimes.. you're not overreacting though, i completely get it

@requiemisback language

self-love is at 100% rn
i just beat some of the hardest friday night funkin mods and i feel HYPED
time to play some more, this confidence is the most i've had in YEARS


So the guy that I have been crushing on for a long while, well, let's just say I wanna cry.
I ended up telling him that I liked him like five weeks ago, and he said "I wanna stay friends for now."
And "for now" is what has kept me going.
I have been flirting with him constantly because I really really like him, and I could swear he had been doing the same.
Like, I've been getting signals, and that's why I kept going.
I just learned that he is thinking about getting back with his ex, and it has crushed me.
So yeah, I'm in a bad mood, I'm just tired of getting attached to someone for them to rub it in my face.
I really thought this one might've been different, I really thought I had a chance, but like always, I choked.
I'm just really sad rn.


My grandpa slaps my ass, after i have told him to stop multiple times, gets drunk alot and gets really close to hitting my grandma, he calls my friends really pretty and hits on them, pets my head and lays in my bed with me even when i say no. (can i report him for this) im not even feeling at home when in my house, ever since i turned 13 he has yelled more and he hit my uncle a few months ago for no reason and he has hit me a few times

@tungsten fastfood

I'm sorry are you really copying and pasting that everywhere? I'm sorry that's happening to you but I think you should tell someone older and more responsible than people on a writing website. Also tw please? There are people here who are triggered by stuff like that.


Yes, all of those things are very concerning (also assault) and you should report them to a trusted adult. If they don't do anything, tell another adult.

@ClownB*tch eco

y'aaaaaall i figured it out, if she* wont respect my pronouns i wont respect hers lol

*'she' is actually a cishet guy who uses he/him


Okay, not to completely discredit it completely, and I get that he's probably only caused you hurt, but if you want to express to him how important pronouns are maybe disregarding his isn't the best thing


And you probably don't care what I have to say but, idk even if I dislike someone deeply I still respect their pronouns bc it's basic human decency and it probably won't change anything other than make them upset and even angrier

@Becfromthedead group

^^^ and it only gives the person further permission to not use your correct pronouns.
It doesn't work.
Sounds like someone who doesn't deserve any of your time and effort.


I get both arguments for the pronoun revenge thing. I completely understand the frustration. It's one of those things where there's really nothing else to do about it but sit and take it. And that's ridiculous, we shouldn't have to deal with it, but if you use their wrong pronouns they're gunna walk away even more mad about your existance and with a transphobic story to tell how they weren't respected by you. Even though they disrespected you first. It's really, really dumb, but there's no good solution for it. Just try to avoid them.

@larcenistarsonist group

I have met my new best friend.

I don't know their name yet I just know I'm in platonic love if that makes any sense at all.

But we were out shopping today and I was totally vibing with my 90's grunge look (doc martens, extremely high waisted and extremely ripped light acid wash jeans, black foo fighters t-shirt, leather jacket with all sorts of pins in it including a pansexual and demigirl pride pins, straight hair and a little bit of eyeliner and mascara) and I branched off from my parents and went down a different isle and theRE THEY ARE


I recognized them from school, I know they're a year older and I've seen them in the halls before

They're wearing a baby pink skirt with a white polo and a sky blue sweater over it with the collar sticking out and blue low-tops with white socks. They're wearing a mask that has a small little gay pride flag in the corner and had short, curly dirty blonde hair.

I just look them up and down and they look at me and they notice my pride pins and freAKING TIP AN IMAGINARY HAT AND GO "m'theydy" AND JUST :ALKFLAJ:FSKSF:KLASJ:F

I'm smiling like a dope under my mask and laugh and just ALDFAKSDLFJAK





@larcenistarsonist group


On an unrelated note: Someone hit me up on ig (I knew who he was so it wasn't too weird) and he was like 'are u bi' and me being me replied with "as in bisexual or bipolar because yes to both" and then finger guns

I've been on read for a few hours.

yes i'm aware that i'm pan, not bi but i just had to for the joke

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

It's a miracle that nobody in my class has asked if I'm gay

  • I've literally said "Straight people are weird"
  • I wear docs constantly, once rolling up my jeans and tucking my mismatched socks over them
  • Once these two girls asked which male singer/movie star/something or other I thought was hotter and I said 'neither'
  • I talk about doing rainbow-related thigs(rainbow socks, rainbow hair, rainbow dice)
  • I have an absurd amount of pins that I wear daily
  • My friend and I explained what each letter in LGBTQIA+ means
  • I'm literally wearing a frog hoodie today, it's got little frog hands and the mouth zips closed so I can block out society and I love it
  • When I got my braces off, someone was like 'They're so straight!' and I just started laughing

I think my entire class is thinking it but nobody's asked it


Yall probably don't care lol, but I really have no one else to talk to so here goes.
The guy I had been crushing on, and I have been trying to keep you guys updated, but things have happened.
After a few weeks of very mixed and very confusing symbols, he told me last night that he was trying to get a girl, and my heart was crushed.
If you know what it feels like to get rejected by someone you literally cared for so much that you couldn't stop thinking about them, I am sorry.
I feel like shit, but I should have seen it coming.
I guess the only thing I can do is move on…again.
I'm gonna send him a message explaining that I still like him, but for both of our sakes I'm moving on. I'll tell him that I'll always care about him, and the only thing that matters is his happiness.
Because that shit is true.
Anyways, this is the third time this has happened to me, I pour all of my energy into someone for them to rub it in my face, I'm tired, and exhausted, and just really sad.
I'm sorry for dumping this in here lol, prolly will ruin the modd.