forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@larcenistarsonist group

okay quick vent time

For my birthday, I was gonna have some friends over and we were gonna binge watch the harry potter series (fuck jk rowling btw). They couldn't come today (my actual birthday) because they have sports things, they always have sports things so it's chill I guess. So they were gonna come over tomorrow, we would get lunch, eat cake and then they would stay the night and my guy friend would come over on sunday to chill for a little bit because he has wrestling things on saturday. Okay, so I'm kinda excited that I'll FINALLY get to spend time with my friends because they always are busy with sports and shit so they can never hang out. But then one of my friends texts and says that she can't make it to either because she has a bunch of church things that came up last second and shit. So me, being the friend that ALWAYS lets the others do what they want, says okay cool. She says now that she'll only be able to come for a few hours on saturday but then she has to leave for more church stuff. She's VERY aware that I am an atheist who has been traumatized by religious bullshit and she just puts it ahead of me, somebody who has shown nothing but loyalty and support. She texted and said "jeez bad timing mj" and I responded "I apologize that my birthday is at the most inconvenient time of year for you." and shut my phone off.

I have no idea why I'm so irritated but like, I wanna cry but I also wanna yell but I just a;kdjfskakf

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, no, imo your friend should've known this stuff was coming up way ahead of time. It's not like Easter suddenly pops up out of nowhere.
Her dismissiveness is kinda icky, and it's understandable that you're upset. Especially since she knows these things about you and still phrased it in a kind of dismissive way when you were really trying to fit everyone's schedules.
Although overall, it's probably best to let this one cool off a bit, because religion is such a touchy subject for everyone involved. Give yourself some time to think, and it'll be okay.


okay quick vent time

For my birthday, I was gonna have some friends over and we were gonna binge watch the harry potter series (fuck jk rowling btw). They couldn't come today (my actual birthday) because they have sports things, they always have sports things so it's chill I guess. So they were gonna come over tomorrow, we would get lunch, eat cake and then they would stay the night and my guy friend would come over on sunday to chill for a little bit because he has wrestling things on saturday. Okay, so I'm kinda excited that I'll FINALLY get to spend time with my friends because they always are busy with sports and shit so they can never hang out. But then one of my friends texts and says that she can't make it to either because she has a bunch of church things that came up last second and shit. So me, being the friend that ALWAYS lets the others do what they want, says okay cool. She says now that she'll only be able to come for a few hours on saturday but then she has to leave for more church stuff. She's VERY aware that I am an atheist who has been traumatized by religious bullshit and she just puts it ahead of me, somebody who has shown nothing but loyalty and support. She texted and said "jeez bad timing mj" and I responded "I apologize that my birthday is at the most inconvenient time of year for you." and shut my phone off.

I have no idea why I'm so irritated but like, I wanna cry but I also wanna yell but I just a;kdjfskakf

jeez I'm sorry MJ that's so rude of her :/ I hope that the rest of your day today ended up being better
(also happy birthday! I'm sorry that it had some icky parts)

@Moxie group

I got the new AJR album for easter and just akldfa;k;d;aldskjfalf;alsfjkasd I may be an atheist but this album SLAPS

Is … is AJR a Christian band?

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, I'd say Easter is the worst for me, especially because it's supposed to be about forgiveness when I don't even feel wanted by those who practice it in my family. I narrowly dodged having to go to church this morning too. Being around my family these past few days has already made me depressed as hell, I don't need to dredge up more religious guilt and trauma while I'm at it.
Christmas at least has more of an air of joy and is less intense in my family (though uh, getting gifts beyond small things makes me feel very guilty)

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

luckily i'm not born into a very church going family. they're super religious and everyone except my mom and dad likes to go to church, but my parents know i'm atheist so- yeah. anyways none of my other family knows and they'd probably hate me even more if they knew that, so i don't plan on telling them anytime soon. i'm just glad we don't do anything religious for the holidays. being as religious as they are, it's surprising but we don't even pray before we eat but they're still very deeply religious if that makes sense??

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, that's how my parents are. But like, they don't know I'm agnostic and I'm afraid to tell them because my mom loves slighting people who don't believe in a God of any sort.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

same! my dad always brings it up. and my mom thinks i do bad shit cuz i don't believe in god and i lowkey think he does too. does that make sense? like they think since i don't answer to a higher power that i'm like "oh, i can do this without any consequences" which for obvious reasons is completely inaccurate but it pisses me off.

@Becfromthedead group

I'm pretty sure I legit care about other people more than most Christians, but yeah, my mom totally thinks it leads to lower moral standards.
Like as far as "morals," the only thing that's really changed is like… my bodily modesty which I realized 1. Wasn't amoral, just a misogynistic standard, and 2. Was largely due to my insecurity with my body as a teen
Also I've been allowed to come to terms with my sexuality without religious pressure.
And uhhhh, that's really all the major stuff. It's like bad morals that aren't really bad morals if you know what I mean.

I don't answer to a higher power, I answer to the people and to the here and now. If God is real, he doesn't need me, but suffering people do. So um yes, I will put humans over religion and my career path (which has the ultimate goal of helping others) over religion. And no, it doesn't make me a bad person. <3 In fact, for me, it makes me a better person. I don't need a religious code to teach me how to not be a dick.

@Becfromthedead group

Also, to clarify! I understand religion gives a lot of people direction and purpose, but it really didn't for me. It made me a morally worse person, I'd say. Very judgemental. Very insecure. All around not a good person to be around.
It's that evangelical southern Christianity baybee


Yeah I’m very much still Christian but I would much rather avoid the church at this point. Like today in the sermon they were talking about how you come to god with however you are, you don’t need to fix yourself in any way. And I’m just sitting here like “dudes maybe actually try to practice what you preach then??” Like they’re so close to getting it and then they just don’t. So yeah I still like God and Jesus and the purpose of the religion, it’s gotten me through a lot but in my opinion most churches aren’t the place for me.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

I'm pretty sure I legit care about other people more than most Christians, but yeah, my mom totally thinks it leads to lower moral standards.
Like as far as "morals," the only thing that's really changed is like… my bodily modesty which I realized 1. Wasn't amoral, just a misogynistic standard, and 2. Was largely due to my insecurity with my body as a teen
Also I've been allowed to come to terms with my sexuality without religious pressure.
And uhhhh, that's really all the major stuff. It's like bad morals that aren't really bad morals if you know what I mean.

I don't answer to a higher power, I answer to the people and to the here and now. If God is real, he doesn't need me, but suffering people do. So um yes, I will put humans over religion and my career path (which has the ultimate goal of helping others) over religion. And no, it doesn't make me a bad person. <3 In fact, for me, it makes me a better person. I don't need a religious code to teach me how to not be a dick.

that's very very true. i've felt a lot better about myself without all the religious pressure telling me everything i do is sinning and that i'm a terrible person. when i came back from church camp a couple summers ago i got "saved" and i threw away all my crops tops along with other shit cuz i was like "i'm gonna be different" and now here's me 2 years later living (or at least trying) my best life a lot more free now that i don't answer to a higher power. can religion be a good thing? of course, but it's just not for me.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

Yeah I’m very much still Christian but I would much rather avoid the church at this point. Like today in the sermon they were talking about how you come to god with however you are, you don’t need to fix yourself in any way. And I’m just sitting here like “dudes maybe actually try to practice what you preach then??” Like they’re so close to getting it and then they just don’t. So yeah I still like God and Jesus and the purpose of the religion, it’s gotten me through a lot but in my opinion most churches aren’t the place for me.

very true as well.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

definitely. there's an episode of queer eye (if you don't know what that is, it's a show series, it's very gay, it's on netflix, you should check it out, all of you) where they're helping a gay preacher and it's iconic, i love it.