forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers


i have some major religious trauma from being in this specific sect of islam
and it's weird because there is so much good and part of me does love that and the people but knowing some of the things I know now too
it just,
it spoils the whole thing for me and that's mostly a me thing i guess
also religious trauma is Always focused on Christian religious trauma and i know it's cuz of how westernized everything is and stuff but sometimes i get kinda :// about taht lol
yes i know i'm late to the religious trauma talk

If you need to talk anything out, you can PM me. I'm not online very often anymore but I'd like to think I'm familiar with Islam and I know what it's like to be in a pretty intense religion. I can't do much to help you from here on the internet, but I'd be glad to listen when I can.
A lot of people here have religious trauma. Or some minor form, like a religious aversion. We have an ex-Christian PM, but maybe we need another one for all religions and more focused on dealing with harmful doctrines.
Would that be something that interests people? Just a place to vent more privately. (again, I'm not online much, but if that's something a lot of people want go ahead and make it and add me)

thanks mate i appreciate that :)
mostly i've been talking to my therapist about it and processing and shit but a lot of times i do wish i could relate to some things
like ramadan starts next week and i am dreading it majorly but I can't Talk About That so it's just,,,
but yeah if you do make a private PM for that kinda thing, I totally would be cool with being in it


I would say that you first figure out if they're gay, make some sort of reference or something along those lines :)
Though take my words with a grain of salt, I'm aromantic

@ClownB*tch eco

hey yall im back from my short disappearance and ummm how do i tell my best friend she is like the best person ever and like if it's ok with her i'd love to give her a kiss (with masks on tho) ummm yea

@larcenistarsonist group

I have met my new best friend.

I don't know their name yet I just know I'm in platonic love if that makes any sense at all.

But we were out shopping today and I was totally vibing with my 90's grunge look (doc martens, extremely high waisted and extremely ripped light acid wash jeans, black foo fighters t-shirt, leather jacket with all sorts of pins in it including a pansexual and demigirl pride pins, straight hair and a little bit of eyeliner and mascara) and I branched off from my parents and went down a different isle and theRE THEY ARE


I recognized them from school, I know they're a year older and I've seen them in the halls before

They're wearing a baby pink skirt with a white polo and a sky blue sweater over it with the collar sticking out and blue low-tops with white socks. They're wearing a mask that has a small little gay pride flag in the corner and had short, curly dirty blonde hair.

I just look them up and down and they look at me and they notice my pride pins and freAKING TIP AN IMAGINARY HAT AND GO "m'theydy" AND JUST :ALKFLAJ:FSKSF:KLASJ:F

I'm smiling like a dope under my mask and laugh and just ALDFAKSDLFJAK


Real Weird story,

So, I was at work, which is cleaning playgrounds for neighborhoods. I also live where it is already almost 100*, so I was wearing a shirt which happened to have a bi flag. A lot of the HOA's requested that it makes the people outside a lot more comfortable if we wear masks, so I was wearing my bi mask too, nothing to weird. But there was a garage sale at a nearby house, so naturally people were driving by and staring. This has happened before, I'm used to it. They stare for like five seconds and either drive away, wave, or ask what I'm doing. But this time, I was raking the sand when this little Nissan drove by and a lady stared. Didn't think much of it, continued on my work. 2 minutes later, same car with the same lady staring. Three, four, five times this happened for at least 30 minutes and she kept staring at me until finally she parked right in from of my car bumper to bumper and just staring at me. I did the normal "procedure" of "I'm not a creepy person doing illegal things at a child's playground" Which was acknowledge them with a smile (As much as you can with a mask) and a slight wave. But when I did that, it seem to set her off. She gasped dramatically and flung her door opened and stormed towards me and walked all through my raking (Which takes forever). She got real close to me and basically screamed "Don't you know it's rude to stare?" I took a step back and quietly muttered "Don't you? Hypocrite" Cause she kept staring at me for 30 minutes. She proceeded to gasp again "Excuse me! I happen to love gay people! You just assumed that I hate gay people. I bet you're the one who hates gay people, you … you!". I stood there for another second before looking at her and said "A hypocrite is someone who contradicts her stated beliefs or feelings. So yeah, The Bisexual person (I gestured to the bi pride flag mask and shirt) hates gay people. Also, the word you were look was homophobe." She looked like she was about to scream at me again when a dud from the garage sale came down. "Excuse me ma'am," He said looking at us, "You're causing a scene. I think it's best that you leave." The woman then looked at me and then laughed "You heard him, LEAVE." the guy then turned to her and said, "She technically can't since someone parked really close to her (Rude Lady's car) and I was actually talking to you since you were screaming." The woman was shocked an was yelling about how she was a tax payer and she was being discriminated and all other sort of things until she yelled "MY HUSBAND IS THE HOA PRESIDENT." The guy then full on laughed and said "That is the worse lie think I've heard today." "Why" "Because I'M the HOA president." The lady quickly paled and basically ran to her car before leaving. The HOA president then apologized and left. I finished that playground and got the hell out of that neighborhood.

Deleted user

Hey guys….what would you do if you have mental breakdowns from your family and and shitty drama you never asked for???