forum Tell me the weirdest dreams you've ever had!
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Exactly. I wish I was an anime character, maybe I could be likable why do I keep roasting myself…

You are very likable, don’t lie to yourself

is trying not to laugh in real life THIS PERSON SAID YOU ARE VERY LIKABLE, I SAID BITCH WHERE! I’m sorry

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Okay guys settle in because I had a weird as heck dream a while back.
I was at Toys R Us, because I'm a collector and they get exclusives. I then got chosen for a scavenger hunt. And who was on my team?? KELLY MARIE TRAN AND EDDIE REDMAYNE! TWO OF THE CUTEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD! So we teamed up to begin the hunt they're lovely people by the way and it turns out it wasn't a regular Toys R Us, oh no! It was a Costco Toys R Us. But it wasn't. We had been yeeted to Costco fro Toys R Us. After we completed the Costco objective we had to walk across a long, hot, and dusty highway back to Toys R Us. It was hot as hell so we all got ice cream. We won. The end.

I went on a trip with Percy and Annabeth once.


an Inferius!


I had this dream that I had family, it was pretty great, I had twin girls age 4 and The entire point of the dream was me crying because my other kids was born really early and I couldn't stay in the hospital with him, So my husband was singing really softly and helping me fall asleep because I was sad. It was like one of those sad but good dreams,


I had a really weird lucid dream last night. I was in front of my house but not living there (it made sense to me at the time) and I could transform into animals. The person who came out of my house looked very much like my old band teacher, who was an asshole. I decided I would scare him by turning into wasps and flying around him, and so I made sure I was out of his line of sight when he went to get the mail and transformed into a single wasp.

This certainly wasn't going to work for me, so I decided to call for some other wasps to help me out. I yelled in my weird wasp-y voice, and soon hundreds of wasps flew over the trees and descended in front of my old band teacher. I yelled at them to not sting him, but they tried to intimidate both him and me. I kept yelling at the wasps to draw them away so he could run into the house (I didn't want to hurt him, after all), and then my phone went off. He managed to get inside, and I realised that my phone alarm was drawing them away, and then I woke up.

@soupnana group

I had a dream where I met Tom Holland. And the next day I was riding a horse into a magical garden place and he was walking the other way with some friends. I was like, "Yo! That was Tom Holland!" And he turned to look at me and I walked up to him. When he recognized me he walked away. It was sad…