forum Tell me the weirdest dreams you've ever had!
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I recently started writing down my dreams while I remember them and here are some of the things I wrote:

My older sister became a professional chef that specializes in making rabbit-safe cupcakes and burritos

I was at my cousin's show and my baby sister walked on stage and sang about spaghetti-os

Everyone was stuck in a gigantic ocean and the only way to survive was to store food rations in pool noodles


I've had a lot of weird dreams. I first thought about this scary reoccurring nightmare I keep having about getting stuck in a giant strawberry and suffocating to death. I have weirder, but right now that's what I feel comfortable sharing.


Here goes:
I was in Minecraft (not playing it, in it) and there was this weird mod that made the sky look kind of orange. I was walking somewhere and this rat with a fiery tail tried to eat me for some reason. Orange cats had something to do with it eating me but I can't remember what.
Anyway, to escape this fire rat I ran back to my house—
~Interlude~ before I got to my house I ran past this garden that was tiered kind of like a wedding cake and for some godforsaken reason andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), of all people, (yes, I do mean @andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)) was doing something there. I dunno what.
~end interlude~
—and when I finally got back to my house, I pressed the button to open the (iron) door and went inside. But then I look out the window and there are millions dozens of pressure plates and buttons on the ground, the trees everywhere outside my house. And that goddamn rat was activating them and opening the door and I kept trying to destroy them so it wouldn't get in my house and eat me (although in hindsight the best thing to do would have been to try and kill the rat but oh well) but I couldn't break them so the rat kept opening the door and trying to eat me and then I woke up.


Well, I remember two of the nightmares that freaked me out the most when I was little and looking at them today, they're absolutely ridiculous:

1: (This one I remember pretty clearly) I was coloring a picture of a bag of Skittles in my grandma's basement, and I looked behind me to find a spider, (I'm a huge arachnophobe) but it wasn't a spider, it was a Mario squid with snakes for legs and a scorpion tail. I was so scared by it that I ran upstairs, only to end up in the backyard of the house I used to live in. Turns out, the spiders were everywhere. My mom and siblings all huddled around me while my dad scared the creatures off, but my baby brother apparently didn't see these things and was just swinging on the swingset when all the spiders formed together into a giant fruit-roll-up and ate him. I woke up screaming.

2: It was Christmas Day and we had all gone to my grandma's to celebrate, as usual. I had opened up one of my presents and inside was an ear cleaning hat with some sort of liquid inside…? Well anyway, I then had to use the bathroom but when I was done I decided to try it out, and instead of trying it out for some reason I just used the liquid as a mouthwash, only to realize that the "liquid" was actually a mixture of OLIVE OIL AND VINEGAR (Dun dun DUUUUNNNNN) which apparently would clog my throat and choke me to death if swallowed or used as mouthwash. And so I died. When I woke up it took me a moment to realize I wasn't in the afterlife…

Those two dreams terrified me for so long…

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Do I have stories for you~
I rarely dream, but when I do it's batshit crazy

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Hrm okay…
Lemme think…
So, I dreamt that I was like an elven princess who was escaping from a kitten of mass destruction. I just jumped and jumped on and off of these little sky islands until I reached a huge cloud castle where… There was a gaint laptop with Notebook opened on it, I clicked refresh and the site crashed, bringing on the Kittenpocolpsye


Hrm okay…
Lemme think…
So, I dreamt that I was like an elven princess who was escaping from a kitten of mass destruction. I just jumped and jumped on and off of these little sky islands until I reached a huge cloud castle where… There was a gaint laptop with Notebook opened on it, I clicked refresh and the site crashed, bringing on the Kittenpocolpsye

That seems to me like the Zero music video mixed with Skyward Sword mixed with that one weird video on the internet about "CHANNEL 666".

@Starfast group

I had a dream just the other night that there was this travel company that was holding a contest and the prize was a trip for two to Antarctica (really sounds appealing doesn't it). In order to promote the contest they sent a bunch of people down to Antarctica as I guess kind of like a sneak peak of what the trip would be like. I went down with my friend and I don't really remember much but we seemed to be having a good time. Then we went swimming in the ocean (as one does when visiting Antarctica) and we were in this shallow area where you couldn't really touch the bottom but you could at least see it. But there was this really steep and sudden drop off where the water was extremely deep and we start swimming over in that direction. We could see these giant whales swimming underneath us and I got super freaked out and decided I didn't to enter the contest anymore but my friend was still pretty keen on entering. The dream ended after we got back home and I was asking my boss (for some reason??) for advice because I didn't know how to tell my friend that I didn't want to enter anymore.


Oh boi oh boi, here’s a reoccurring dream of mine:

I’m walking down the street if some place, I think it’s New York but I have no clue. I’m minding my own business when I see a small grey cat on the pathway. When I go to pet the lil thing, it turns around and starts twerking. Yup, you read that right. I go to backaway when suddenly, entire swarm of twerking cats appear and surround me. I’m freakin’ the fuck out and I go to run away when I trip over the curb of the street and wake up with a jolt…

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I had this weird ass dream when I was twelve about the terrifying Mr. Sand Monster.
The Sand Monster is this bloob that looks like someone who worked on the artwork from the Zelda CDI games drew it. I was with my Family, mainly because at the time I had no friends except for one may she rest peace. So it took place in a clone of my current home which wasn’t my current home in the past, but remolded to me part of a mansion which made zero sense. The house was huge, and you couldn’t escape because there were sand barriers surrounding it, the all so terrifying Sand Monster used sand and wind storm to get everyone to one area, onc eyour there he will stare at you, if he’s starring at you, well you can’t move or breath. If you move or breath, even if it’s silent he inhales you with sand and eats you with his non exsisting teeth. At the time I was terrified, I was the last one to get killed, and in any nightmare I have I just kill myself to leave, so I just put my head into the sand barrier which ripped it to shreads.

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Just look up Link: The Faces of Evil on google and that’s it.


I used to have this weird dream where my family was at the beach and then huge eels came out of the water and tried to kill everyone and then the eels tried to take over the world and (idk if this was part of the dream or if i made it up to have a happy ending) then they got mcdonalds and were content and went back
I'd like to say that I was maybe 5 years old when I had this dream


There was a choir concert at my old middle school and everyone was dressed up as things that were green. My vocal coach was in a gigantic iguana costume, and I think my two friends were a piece of broccoli and a bowl of guacamole, respectively. The only two songs they sang were 'Sincerely, Me' from Dear Evan Hansen and the Ghostbusters theme song. I had to accompany them on the guitar. At the time, I did not play the guitar. Let me tell you I woke up very, v e r y confused.