forum Tell me the weirdest dreams you've ever had!
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

OR that one I had where Thomas Sanders and I had a sleepover in a pool

Bro I had a dream where Thomas Sanders and I drove a bus at breakneck speeds through this random city.

99% sure I dreamed that Talyn was a cat at least once


OR that one I had where Thomas Sanders and I had a sleepover in a pool

Bro I had a dream where Thomas Sanders and I drove a bus at breakneck speeds through this random city.

99% sure I dreamed that Talyn was a cat at least once


@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

The weirdest dream I've ever had would either be the Phineas and Ferb one where Doof was trying to make an army by turning dogs into humans and he turned Perry into a human instead and it was a whole three episodes or so worth of Perry having anxiety attacks

This is so in-character for both of them that for a sec I thought you were describing a deleted episode


The weirdest dream I've ever had would either be the Phineas and Ferb one where Doof was trying to make an army by turning dogs into humans and he turned Perry into a human instead and it was a whole three episodes or so worth of Perry having anxiety attacks

This is so in-character for both of them that for a sec I thought you were describing a deleted episode

Everyone who I've told this has told me very similar things

@nebula__ group

There's this dream I've been having that I'm thinking of turning into a story- And beware,,, this dream is very gory and gross and sad so-


So, the night I first had this nightmare, I had watched a movie called "The Banana Splits Movie." There's one scene where a kid's show mascot kills a famous live streamer by putting him into that box that magicians use for their "saw-in-half" trick, but this dude literally got sawed in half. My brain decided to recreate that scene, but my mom is in the box and I'm the one sawing her in half. My face was blank the whole time. Just as I was about the take the box apart in the dream, I woke up in tEarS.

Should I be concerned??? I think sO—?

Deleted user

Ok so basically the dream is wayyyyy to long and complicated to explain-

It ended in me naruto running across a gym multiple times because it apparently had to do with a classic movie called "Hoodwinked" that I had never watched, yet I somehow got into the final rounds of this giant competition. I ended up waking up because I was gonna loose.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Oh, once I dreamed that we were in gym class, in the smaller one of my school's gyms, and we had to throw Perler beads onto the little things you put them on. But, those things were across the gym. So we were all lined up, throwing beads across the gym. Then, I got tired and went to nap in a basketball hoop. For some reason, this one was free-standing, even though there are like, 8 hoops attached to the wall in that gym. Also, the hoop was being held together with old duct tape. But I climbed up into the basket and fell asleep. I only woke up when the thing (predictably) fell apart, and I hit my head. Then I had to walk back up to my classroom, and when I got inside the main building, everybody in the entire school was staring at me. Including my crush at the time, who was right in front.

@Mojack group

I had two pretty funky dreams and I sort of miss it because it had a cool storyline for both

I was some sort of living weapon, I’d escaped a lab, but apparently that was in the past. Fastforward 7 years or something and I live with my adopted father who is also a scientist and knows my identity. There’s a couple of gaps in the storyline here. Somehow my father steals a big carrier ship and we go out to open ocean until two other ships follow us, obviously to try and get us back to land. Me, with my living weapon (possibly overpowered) status, has a few tricks up my sleeve, including the ability to possess non living objects. And apparently there’s no limit to the size of possession.

So another small ship comes along, I possess that one and the people are like “wtf” because there’s a sizeable ship flying into the air. And they’re all like “should we shoot it.” And the guy says “no”.
I then crash land it but somehow my adoptive father gets knocked out. I possess the big carrier ship and take it into the sky at incredible speeds.

Guys on ground are pretty confused and shocked at this point. They then launch an ICBM targeting me and specifically me somehow. So now I freeze the ship, say “stay here” to my unconscious father and fly out of the ship, meet the ICBM and make it explode. I survive. And return to my father, pick him up, and fly into space. And somehow both of us are surviving and alive in space, and I fly to a different planet similar to earth, supposedly where we live our lives there after that but idk because the dream ends.

THE SECOND DREAM is uh…interesting political climate. I’m a younger child, on a bus. I arrive to a city and big buildings, and apparently I’m at a school to learn how to ‘serve the fatherland.’ I later figured out I’m in alternate history nazi germany. I mean, it wasn’t that hard, because there were literally flags and symbols everywhere.
We then get split up into groups, and for some reason people that I know irl are there. My grade 7/8 classmates were there. I haven’t seen most of them in years.
We enter the building, which is big and surprisingly nice looking. We start to have lessons. I sort of forgot the content of the lessons, what they were, but given the place we were in, you can sort of guess. Anyways, I get away from the group, enter a dark room, and find some glowing moths. And as I walk towards them, someone says “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE”
And I say nothing at all, as the person takes me out of the room, back to the group. But apparently the other kids liked my example. And now they’re slipping from the group, and they’re starting to lose control of the kids.

Eventually, though, we arrive at the back of the compound. The dude’s like “there’s a minecart you have to use to get to the very back” and moves on to explaining other stuff. Night falls and we’re introduced to our rooms. I wait until silence hits before leaving and heading to the minecarts, where I take one down the confusing railroad and end up at a dimly lit, but ominous corridor. The door is very big. I enter, and I’m in some weird core room. Somehow my little kid self knows what to do, and I sabotage the core room to explode. I presumably escape, because while the dream doesn’t end I switch control to someone else.
I am now someone who works in this building, and the alarms are blaring. I get called to a meeting room where many people are in and we discuss how to stop the core from blowing up. Apparently, if it blows up, it will take down this entire city and the area surrounding it, and that wouldn’t be good (for the bad guys.)
I’m actually pretty big brained in this dream. I don’t remember what I said but apparently it was a risky way to stop the core from exploding. Everyone’s like “hmmm”, unsure but knows it might be the only way.
Also some of the people in this room look like 7/8 classmates, just older. Again.
So a team of 10 are sent to the core, including me. Our journey is relatively quiet except for it progressively getting hotter because of the core failing. We take a few minecarts, spawning them into reality roblox style and ride to the core.
Wow things have gone wrong. Pillars in the core room have fallen over and I get a sense of dread from being here. But we approach the core anyways and surround it, all ten of us. There’s a lever to pull (wow, it was that simple?) but we all have to pull it at the exact same time (oh) or it won’t work. Somehow, we first try it.

And then we push the button to stop the core from exploding, and we did it! Yay! We stopped the allied resistance!
Things degrade from this point on. We head back on the minecarts, except the carts are glitching and flying around, roblox style. People are standing in the railroad and not moving, and the carts are stopping for them. I eventually get off, see one of my friends in a cart with their other friends, then leave by walking on the tracks back to the beginning, where a commander is there and congratulates me for stopping the explosion. He doesn’t seem bothered by the tracks flying around in the background. He acts like an NPC, actually, since I talked to him again and he repeated the same thing.

Then I go to the moth room, but instead it’s brightly lit and my friend is there. There’s a minecart, which I sit in, press the “go fast” button a billion times, then go lightspeed using the minecart, and the dream ends on that note.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Okay so last night I had the weirdest dream

I was at a waterpark place with various friends, and we had fun, I think somebody gave birth or something

But then I saw a wave pool and it turned out to be at the end of an obstacle course, so I went on the course but chickened out because it was too high up, so then I ended up in front of a theater sort of thing, and suddenly it was in Minecraft, so I decided to mine a hole with my fists, which came in handy later when a certain YouTuber released the Ender Dragon so I hid in the hole with Jyn and Crocs, then we ran out and were suddenly on my street, and Ace(Ace from Notebook) was there. Then I managed to realize that I was dreaming and woke up, then went back to sleep again.
Then I dreamed that my Spanish class was outside in a sort of trailer thing, but the trailer was a tennis court and I was playing tennis with a girl in my class. She kept hitting the balls out of the court, and we ran out after two. So we were next to a pond that had a weird island in it, and both balls landed on the island. So naturally, I jumped into the water to swim over, instead of asking one of my classmates(who was on the island) to get it for me. So I jumped in and was apparently wearing goggles, and I saw a big ol' goldfish looking at me. Then I turned around and there was an albino carp. I looked up, and there were a bunch of dead fish floating above me, so I nope'd out and then I woke up

@sock group

Here are some of my dreams that, now that I look at them, are really surreal:

  1. During recess, a friend and I went under the portables ("temporary" classrooms) that were near the playground. It was surprisingly spacious. There, we found a weird looking chicken, almost cartoonish. Its eyes were wide open, and it looked terrified. I, for some reason, decided to pick it up. It shrieked once and then shattered into pieces.
  2. I was at the Battle of the Alamo. I think I was one of the Texan soldiers? Not sure about that. Anyways, I don't remember the actual battle, but at the end, the survivors, including me, were rounded up and individually shot. I remember one soldier pleading for his life before getting shot, making a sheep noise before dying. I held a watch? Then I got shot and woke up in a cold sweat.
  3. It was the middle of the night. For whatever reason, I was at my elementary school's gym. Walking into the bathroom, I found two girls I didn't recognize talking about something. Ignoring them, I went into a stall and did my business. I woke up, finding that I actually wet the bed. (I think this was like in kindergarten, pls don't judge)
  4. I was Halt from the Ranger's Apprentice series (I think). Either him or Will, I'm not sure. I had to infiltrate a castle posing as a blacksmith. The other blacksmiths welcomed me, though there was one that was really suspicious. One day, the suspicious one accused me, in front of the king of that castle, that I was a fake and "never picked up a hammer at the forge" (or something along those lines). I immediately ran away as the king ordered his soldiers to catch me. In the end, I was cornered, and I, in exchange for my life, offered to build him a grand palace. He took the offer. Then there was a sudden time skip. The palace, half built, was a tourist attraction/museum, complete with a gift shop. I found myself looking at a description talking about secret passageways and my family in the nearby gift shop, waiting next to some shirts. We then left together.
  5. I met one of those blue-eyed zombie things from Game of Thrones in a forest.
  6. (I'm not sure if I made this one up or not) I was in a large, empty classroom with white, foldable tables all in neat rows. I walked up to the nearest one, where a small tray appeared. A cow eye, the kind you dissect in school science labs, was the only thing sitting inside. I looked at it for a moment, it blinked despite the lack of eyelids, and I woke up.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I had a weird dream. So I woke up in the dream, Skyrim style. And I'm in a boat, and my friend Jess was there and she was in this boat and she was like oh good me and (another friend) Dev were taking bets on how long it would take you to wake up. And I was like oh good. And there was an old captain guy in the back of the boat steering us, and my brain decided to look around my dream and it was very gorgeous. There were lots of very tall trees covered in moss. And there was a island off in the distance that was making a low thrumming noise and Jess asked what Island it was and I looked towards in and I remember saying it's Scotland… And the captain guy was like you're right about it being Scotland. So we sit in the boat and pass Scotland and we drift into an area that has the tall moss covered trees and I had like a deja vu moment in a dream and I tell my friends that I've been here before, and the captain dude is like so you remember don't you? And I vaguely remember something but I don't know what and Dev looks at me and goes the water is shallow here I can touch the bottom and I looked at him and told him no and to stay in the boat and he's like the shore is a few feet in front of us, I'll pull us there. And he jumped out of the boat and started to sink, and a giant white squid grabs him and I watch him fight and the squid vanishes and Dev surfaces saying it let him go, and me and the captain pulled him back in the boat, and the squid comes up to our boat and starts talking and says that if it weren't for me Dev would have been killed and I still don't know who I am in my dream but apparently the captain and the squid think I'm something and the squid pulls our boat to shore and I remember refusing to get out of the boat and the captain was like, this was where it happened. I can understand why you don't want to set foot on it again. And then the dream ended. (I'll find out tonight bc my dreams normally continue)(I actually think this dream was something from the past, like from a past life or a past family member, but it all felt so real to me…)

Deleted user

I once had this horrible dream that my sister died. Once she died I basically became a replica of her and stopped doing stuff that she would have disapproved of. I stopped wearing clothes that I liked and adopted her style and I stopped watching cartoons and began to watch "All American" and "Outer Banks" and stuff like that. I woke up in tears and the whole thing was kinda creepy.

@4lagoon4 group

I remember a long time ago I used to be tormented by a series of reoccurring nightmares. It all started back in 2005 when a new movie had just been released, War of The Worlds. Now I didn’t know anything about the movie at all because I was 5 years old, and at that time my preoccupation was strictly Barbie Fairytopia, Libby Lu, and all things cute & fluffy. But my mom thought otherwise. I don’t know what came over her, but for whatever reason she took me and my older sister to this movie–where our young impressionable minds bore witness to some of the most horrific scenes of our lives. Now if you don’t know what War of The Worlds is then here’s a quick summary! Basically a divorced dad attempts to connect with his two estranged children as an alien apocalypse comes out of nowhere and brings about the end of the world as we know it. (You know, a movie for kids.💀) But funnily enough, it wasn’t the fear inducing scenes of people getting vaporized into oblivion that scared me. Or watching all their blood get sucked out and used as a source of nourishment for the alien’s crops. No…it was something way SCARIER,and that was the thing that did it..! The alien’s ship

From it’s slow animalistic-like movements to the heart-stopping sound it produced forewarning you of it’s deathly presence; it had me shaken to my very core. You might think “Aww, that’s not so bad” and to that I’ll say you’re right.. Because it gets much worse! These things slaughtered so many people at a time that in one scene when they went to attack a cruise ship they literally had the bodies of dead passengers (and I’m talking in the thousands) fill up an entire river. With some even piling on top of each other, aimlessly floating around in every which direction. …And just remembering that and knowing that this thing appeared in my dreams petrifies me. There was this one time I dreamt about one chasing me. I was a street running home while the ship was closing in on me from behind. Darkness surrounded me at every angle, or, it would have if not for the bright minacious beam that was the ship’s search light shining on my back as it began getting closer. It was about to grab me too until I finally found my house! I ran as fast as I could into my room and slammed the door closed. The only way I could escape my nightmares was if I hopped in my bed and went to sleep. (Whenever I did this I’d wake up irl) But this time it wasn’t working! I tried calming myself down and trying again but to no avail. I immediately started panicking as I saw the beam from the searchlight shine under my door. So with no other option, and tired of being scared I threw open my door and charged headfirst into the ship, forcefully waking myself up.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I had a weird dream. So I woke up in the dream, Skyrim style. And I'm in a boat, and my friend Jess was there and she was in this boat and she was like oh good me and (another friend) Dev were taking bets on how long it would take you to wake up. And I was like oh good. And there was an old captain guy in the back of the boat steering us, and my brain decided to look around my dream and it was very gorgeous. There were lots of very tall trees covered in moss. And there was a island off in the distance that was making a low thrumming noise and Jess asked what Island it was and I looked towards in and I remember saying it's Scotland… And the captain guy was like you're right about it being Scotland. So we sit in the boat and pass Scotland and we drift into an area that has the tall moss covered trees and I had like a deja vu moment in a dream and I tell my friends that I've been here before, and the captain dude is like so you remember don't you? And I vaguely remember something but I don't know what and Dev looks at me and goes the water is shallow here I can touch the bottom and I looked at him and told him no and to stay in the boat and he's like the shore is a few feet in front of us, I'll pull us there. And he jumped out of the boat and started to sink, and a giant white squid grabs him and I watch him fight and the squid vanishes and Dev surfaces saying it let him go, and me and the captain pulled him back in the boat, and the squid comes up to our boat and starts talking and says that if it weren't for me Dev would have been killed and I still don't know who I am in my dream but apparently the captain and the squid think I'm something and the squid pulls our boat to shore and I remember refusing to get out of the boat and the captain was like, this was where it happened. I can understand why you don't want to set foot on it again. And then the dream ended. (I'll find out tonight bc my dreams normally continue)(I actually think this dream was something from the past, like from a past life or a past family member, but it all felt so real to me…)

So I ended up being led out of the boat by the captain dude, and I stepped onto the land and I knew that whatever land I was on didn't feel right. Well Jess and Dev got out and seemed to know the way to where we were going so me and the captain dude followed Jess and Dev and the captain was like I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad at us. We know you can't remember anything but this has to be done. And I still can't remember anything, until we hit this big open clearing, and this boy is tied to two stone pillars and the captain looks at me and says you know what you have to do. It's tradition. And he hands me a knife, and I knew that I had to kill this boy, and so I took the knife and walked over to him and then I remembered what the tradition was. It had to do with a scot killing a nord to repay a debt, and I knew I had to kill this boy. I raised the knife and the boy looked up into my eyes and I stopped. I recognized those green eyes, and every memory came flooding into my brain. I dropped the knife and hugged this boy realizing that the person I was going to kill was none other than Elias. I turned towards the captain realizing that he was trying to get me to kill the person I loved. I was very angry and so I picked up the knife and rushed the captain and I killed him very viciously. I remember standing up dripping with blood and I remember Jess and Dev shrinking back in horror. Elias was still shackled to the rocks and I went and cut his bonds to the rocks and he picks me up and doesn't care that I'm bloody he's just so happy he isn't dead. Then there's this rumbling sound and all of a sudden all the nordic and Scottish ghosts of debts payed in the past appear and none of them approve of what I have done. So I remember pleading to what ever ghost king it was for the sake of love and I ended up convincing him, but on the condition that I never stepped foot on the island again. Me and Elias agreed, and me, Elias, Jess, and Dev all walked back to our boat and we stepped into it, and pushed off. We had no idea where we were going and the squid appeared and just said follow the drumming, and so we listened and heard drumming in the distance and the squid left and we head back out into a strait and the island that I had said was Scotland was making the drumming noise and so we went to Scotland. And that's where it ended. I still have no idea if the dream will continue again, but I won't know until tonight. Also there's an actual Island, as I described in my dream, off the coast of Scotland. It's called Staffa. So Idk if I was living a past memory but with my current love in it, but it was so weird…..