forum Tell me the weirdest dreams you've ever had!
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I’d have to tweak it quite a bit because the more I think about it the more it sounds exactly like Space Boy and Children Of Light smushed together into a hodge podge of nonsense


December 21, 2019:
I woke up in the dream to crying, screaming, and loud alarms
My mom ran into my room and carried me out, shaking with fear
The world was going to end
I don’t remember much about what happened, but we had gas masks, we watched a few people perish, and the last thing I remember was hugging my best friend in tears, trying to tell her just how much she meant to me before I slowly died from heat


Does anyone else have sort of… prophetic dreams? Not really prophecies but like… sometimes I have deja vu but instead of feeling like I've done the thing before, it feels like I've seen it in a dream…
Also, I want to add that I had a dream last night that my best friend who I'm really really close to texted me saying I was clingy and crap like that and that he didn't want to talk to me as much anymore and now I can't shake the feeling that he might actually feel that way in the back of my head.

@Mojack group

Here’s one of the more recent dreams that I was able to remember, I had it a few days ago and wrote it down because it was..interesting to say the least (and for once I’m actually doing something in it? Not getting chased by a monster? Wow!) think it could’ve been lucid but I’m still trying to figure out. But damn was this dream cool and I got upset when I woke up because like…I want more.
So here it is:

I was in this big city. And I mean big. I don’t know the exact year of it either besides the fact that it was most likely futuristic, sci-fi setting or something? Yeah I was an alien in it. I only found that out when we entered this skyscraper thing- actually I’ll just start from the beginning.

So I woke up and there were people around me and I guess we knew each other, but something had happened to me (from what I could decipher) that I forgot all of my memories previously. And then I stood up, and I was like “oh wow I’m so tall” because I was towering over everyone there, but everyone was like “no no sit back down” and so I did
And then it was kind of a blur? I don’t really remember what happened around here, but we went over to the part where we had some friends in trouble in the skyscraper I mentioned before and that “they need to get out of this heist alive.” And so we got into all our cars (I rode on the back of a pickup truck and got to see the city)
We pulled up to the bottom of the building and it was heavily guarded and someone said “how are we gonna get up there” and they all pointed to me that “i was going to climb up there and set off the alarm” but you can imagine how I felt considering I don’t like climbing at all

So then epic plot twist, one of the guys aims a gun at me and orders me to climb, the rest of the gang is like “wtf” and pulls out their guns and I’m like “o-o-ok.” And I slowly walk to the base of the building the guy still aiming at me, and I wonder, “how the hell do I do this”
And then I just start climbing. And it’s really easy and fast, but I really messed up stopping to look down about half way up and god it felt really weird.
So I arrive at the vantage point, no idea how I knew it was this exact window. So I punch the window REALLY HARD and it’s like “ow” but I break it and I’m in the alarm room. No ones in it for some reason and there’s all these buttons, so I just start breaking everything and there’s an alarm, then someone comes into the room and aims a gun at me (wow I get threatened a lot here)
And I decide “IVE HAD ENOUGH” and pick up the guy and I think I was going to eat him? But that would’ve been really bad…if i continued, which the gang ran into the room (how did they get up so fast? Dream logic? Honestly the weirdest part of the dream, we were like 60 floors up)

And they’re like “no no no” and the dude from before (one that ordered me to climb) points the gun, but the other dude (in the gang) says “no, it is going through a rough time” (it? Why am i an it now) and I put the guy down gently

And I don’t know what happened to that guy but we search the building, I find a mirror and see my alien body, I am like a cyborg alien or something like that. I dunno, I’ll have to do a sketch of the characters I saw in this dream

And then a woman is like “come on, they’re on the roof” cue awkward elevator ride

So we get to the roof, meet up and suddenly there’s a helicopter, someone gets shot by a sniper and they’re screaming

But another heli appears and evacuates us….but where do I go? And the woman is like “I’m not losing you again” but someone says “come on, we need to go” and they pull away and now I am all alone on the roof.

And there’s so many helicopters and it is loud

So I do the only sensible thing

And I jump off the roof

And then I wake up

I also have another dream but I’ll have to find my notes for that one as well

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Does anyone else have sort of… prophetic dreams? Not really prophecies but like… sometimes I have deja vu but instead of feeling like I've done the thing before, it feels like I've seen it in a dream…
Also, I want to add that I had a dream last night that my best friend who I'm really really close to texted me saying I was clingy and crap like that and that he didn't want to talk to me as much anymore and now I can't shake the feeling that he might actually feel that way in the back of my head.

Pt. 1. All the kids in my family.
Pt. 2 I feel. I had a dream my friend didn’t love me so I’m even my eager to see her tonight.


Not a dream but I very loosely doodled the characters from that last one and figured I'd share it

I realize the anatomy is non-existent, I just wanted to get the basic idea of what they looked like


December 30, 2019:

My grandma had got this brand new Christmas decoration
Except it wasn’t a normal Christmas decoration, it was a little Christmas princess, like a bad Elsa rip-off
She had a completely 2-dimensional face on a 3-dimensional head, and her body/dress looked like it was made of straw that some idiot thought could be painted blue with watercolors
However, she had little buttons inside her face and hands
If you pressed her face, she’d creepily project a story out of her eyes. It was a very short, generic, 2d-animated princess love story except the ending was legit “she gave up on her dreams, abandoned the handsome stranger, married the idiot prince for his wealth, and lived happily ever after”
If you pressed her right hand she’d dance while singing “we wish you a merry Christmas”, pretty basic.
Now, based on that knowledge, what do you think the left arm button does?
Does it
A: Sing another generic Christmas song?
B: Talk to you?
Or C: Sing a really bad rip-off Frozen song while dancing and projecting snowflakes?

Did you make your guess?

Well you’re wrong.
She just starts playing heccing Cherry Bomb by NCT while swaying around like those tube men you see in front of a drug dealership with her projector lights shining obnoxiously bright rainbows as black and red glitter falls from the sky
The whole family spent like 30 minutes just watching her
And then I woke up before we even got to open our Christmas presents

@ToWorldsUnknown group

Had to share this dream because it was so weird.

A couple of nights ago, I had a dream that I was in a room where the walls were constantly changing colors and patterns In the corner of the room was the oldest woman I have ever seen with her knees drawn up to her chest. She stared at me and began to scream nonsense at me. The entire time, she was throwing Werther's at me that disappeared as soon as they touched the floor. The entire time, I did nothing and just stood there frozen in terror. I woke up feeling confused and had that dream on my mind for the rest of the day.


I dreamt the Justice League were all Transformers
And they had Bakugans as pets, that worked like the lions in Voltron????

The one i remember the clearest is WonderWoman, with Tigrera as her pet

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Had to share this dream because it was so weird.

A couple of nights ago, I had a dream that I was in a room where the walls were constantly changing colors and patterns In the corner of the room was the oldest woman I have ever seen with her knees drawn up to her chest. She stared at me and began to scream nonsense at me. The entire time, she was throwing Werther's at me that disappeared as soon as they touched the floor. The entire time, I did nothing and just stood there frozen in terror. I woke up feeling confused and had that dream on my mind for the rest of the day.

Like the caramel??? Hilarious.

@HighPockets group

Last night I dreamed that me and a friend were exploring some weird campus to find people to bring to my birthday party (my birthday is in April, and I haven't had a birthday party since I was like 11).
We found some actors, along with the FBBC, Pickles, Dom, Ella, and Miriam.
Then we went out to eat.
It was weird.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Well, this one isn't a dream that I had, but rather my mother.

So in the dream, there were leprechauns. Those leprechauns had chainsaws. Those chainsaws were covered in whipped cream. The leprechauns proceeded to dance in a circle singing "Living on a Prayer". Very weird to say the least.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Last night I had this dream that would have been a nightmare maybe. But it was horror not terror if you know what I mean. I was doing whatever one does in a dream, but towards the end there was this guy. Think creepily composed younger dude who might convince someone to join the dark side with manipulation. So anyways this dude could melt into a slug/puddle of tar or something. And it could go pretty fast. This one dude told me not to mess with the other guy because there was no chance to get away, but I didn't take it seriously. Then I tried to run from him, dodging around corners and the like, ending by jumping into the irrigation ditch and getting swept away. But the guy was still keeping up. I woke up right as I realized no matter what happened, he would catch me.

Deleted user

Last night I had a nightmarish dream. I was at home, being boring, you know watching YouTube and shit. It seemed real. No one was home, it was just me. No animals, no family, no friends, nothing. I was alone. I got bored so I walked outside, there was a car. Me being me, I walked up to it. There was a guy and girl, I didn’t know them, they had blond hair, the girls hair went to her waist, it was straightened with slight curls, she had sunglasses on so I couldn’t see her eyes. She grabbed my wrist, the man had spiky-smooth like hair. They shoved me in the back of the car where I was helpless. They drove for a while, I remember nothing from it. They arrived it a place I never saw before, it was an academy. I was confused as hell, they shoved me out of the car and drove off, me not knowing where the hell I was, I went inside the building. There were people, some not human like, some had elf ears, this was when I knew I was dreaming, I slammed my face into a wall, I didn’t feel it at all, I didn’t even budge. I walked up to a random person, I can’t remember what they looked like though. I asked them where we were, they said this was an academy for the weird and gifted. I fucking laughed, me at this place? Bruh I knew I was asleep. They looked at me, they took me to a part of the building with humans. I knew a total of one person. It was my brother, the rest of them seemed to be meshes of characters from anime’s I watch. I thought to myself, did I take to much sleep meds? I’m going insane. Me being myself, and knowing I was dreaming, and whenever I’m asleep, I can somewhat control my dreams. If it’s a nightmare I’m usually the main character and I’m at my old house, or at school. This was different, so using my ability I have when I sleep, I pushed myself into the air, trying to get as high up as possible. I walked outside and got up a tree, then jumped off, killing myself in my dream, waking myself up. That’s that lol. I don’t even know what was happening in that dream, so when I woke up I watched people scream on the internet, and mixed in some PewDiePie with it.

@Starfast group

I had a dream last night where there was some kind of election going on and this one woman who was running said during one of her speeches that whales didn't exist. And then there was this one guy in the audience who thought that was really funny and he started showing up to all her public appearances and she would be talking about all these serious issues and this guy would just shout out "But do whales exist????"
Then at some point I was with my sister and her husband and we were getting food at this outdoor food stand place and the election woman is in front of us. And then the guy came running up to her and was like "Could you tell me if whales exist?" and she had him arrested.