forum Tell me the weirdest dreams you've ever had!
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I legit just woke up from drowning in a sea of blood. I'm legit terrified right now because I've had this dream before and it keeps getting more real. I already struggle with a lot of mental health stuff but this can't be from that and I'm freaking the fuck out.

I'm acting really melodramatic, I know, but I am kinda paranoid so that's probably the main thing to it I guess.

@Mojack group

Yeah, but for that drowning dream I actually felt like I was struggling to wake up. It was a really weird experience overall.

I recall a dream I had a few years ago (there's quite a number of dreams I'm able to remember, but only the full details in a few, surprisingly). I wrote the details down here. It's not really that gory but it does contain the remains of unfortunate people and animals that weren't so lucky in terms of shelter so I'm going to go ahead and put down a spoiler warning just to be safe. It's mostly sorta sad stuff though, nothing graphic.

@Mojack group

I've also had sleep paralysis twice, same theme. The first time was me waking up and my door was open. This was before I started closing my door. There was a man in the door. I could see his figure from the light behind him. He was just there, unmoving. Just staring at me. Second time was a few months later. At this point I was closing my doors due to my cats going into my room and fighting each other. I 'woke up'. I was laying on my back. And the same sort of figure was above me, towering over me, looking down. It felt like forever that he was there.

I haven't had it since. It's been years.


I didn’t end up writing it down so I can’t really explain what happened but geez brain, what is it with you and demonic creatures trying to kill my siblings?

Deleted user

So I'm not the only debatably nutcase person here then?


I mean, the ones I have are also vivid, but not to the point where they scare the crap out of me. My most recent dream put me in the body of my main character, a Half-Dragon. I remember flying around, lifting my arms like I was flapping with them despite my wings working. I flew around in the night over a familiar stretch of highway near where I live and ended up in a completely different city compared to where the highway went. It was like, Lawrence, or something. Tewksbury, maybe? I dunno, but then the "camera" shifted away, and then I saw a tall ship sailing through the ocean, carrying a banner that looked like the American flag, but the stripes were red and blue and there were no stars. for some reason, I recognized that as the flag of one of the three Great Nations, Oceania. Yeah, the same Oceania that was in 1984 by George Orwell. I think I caught a glimpse of the other two flags, one was primarily blue, and the other, yellow.

@Mojack group

I’m recalling the dream where I was chased through an abandoned hospital by a metal monster.

..I have a lot of dreams where I’m getting chased, or something bad is happening. Or had happened.


I had the two worst nightmares of my entire existence so far. Both happened last night, one right after the other. I woke up in a cold sweat and with dried tears.


Basically, the first one was what would happen in my future. I woke up home alone and went about my normal business, making breakfast and starting a fire. But, when I went to go check on my mother, she was lying in her bed, dead. Ellie, our dog, was whining and licking her arm, but she was gone. I broke down and started crying as I phoned my dad with the news. He came rushing home from his hike. My brother was nowhere to be found. I was just left there, cradling her bald head in my arms and sobbing. I could hear my dad calling the coroner from the kitchen.

I was abruptly woken up by my brother arriving home late. My next dream was utter hell after the first one.

I came to school, as usual. But my absuer was there. He was supposed to have graduated last year but he was back and looking to talk to me. But, since I physically changed quite a bit from when he last saw me, he didn't recignize me until someone called me by my birth name. That's when all hell broke loose. He grabbed my phone away from me and started yelling. Screaming at me. He grabbed me and I fought back, but to no avail. He launched me over a few desks and pinned me against the wall. No matter how hard I kicked and screeched and called for help in a room full of people, no aid came to me. I bit him and took a chunk of flesh with me when he started to rip my clothes off. He got so angry at that that he grabbed me by my hair and slammed my head on the corner of a bookshelf.

And that's when I woke up to my cat pawing at my face because I'm pretty sure I was whimpering and it concerned my little furry friend.


I watched an anthropomorphic copy of American Idiot by Green Day bully a fat Korean lady at a train station.

Deleted user

I had a dream last night where I was having a conversation with a talking cockroach. Idek anymore.


I find camping quite relaxing actually but hell yes it was

Intense. In-tents. Camping is in-tents.

bangs my head against the wall in realization

@Starfast group

I had this dream last night that started out weird, got really terrifying, then ended weirdly. and I had all of it typed out in great detail before I accidentally hit back and lost everything RIP

Anyways, it started out with me being a teacher for a grade 1 or 2 class (can't remember which, but either way I was in charge of a bunch of very young children). My classroom was actually in the place where I currently work, which is at a vet clinic. Instead of having desks all the kids sat at treatment tables (at my work we only have 2 in the treatment area, but in my dream the room was longer so that it could accommodate more treatment tables) and my desk was at the dental table.

In the dream, the lesson I was teaching involved me giving each student a beta fish. I was just about to give the first kid their fish when things got really terrifying. Basically a gunman had entered the school. There was no announcement or anything saying that we had to go on lockdown or anything, it was like everyone just suddenly knew that this was happening and that we had to deal with it. So we were all hiding under desks treatment tables when the gunman walked into the class. He was wearing a suit, dark sunglasses, and had this really creepy smile (Now that I look back on it, he looked a lot like the hearse driver from Burnt Offerings).

And then things got really weird from here on out. I was freaking out, because there's a gunman in the class and rather than just opening fire he says he has a list of pre-selected people that he wants to kill in this class specifically. I had no idea if I was on the list or not, but then I had this thought where I was like "Don't worry, you always survive things like this." Kind of a weird thought to have, but it was actually a reference to another very similar dream that I had (I may have even posted it in this thread. I'll look for it later. Edit: found it). So for some reason, that was enough to calm me down.

But then the gunman calls out the name of the first kid on his hit list and I felt like I had to do something to stop it because I was supposed to be the person in charge of the class and it would be my fault if I let this guy kill any of the students. So I'm freaking out, trying to find a way to stop this guy when I have this other super weird thought: "No one will die if you wake up right now." And idk how I was able to do it, but I somehow managed to force myself awake.

I know that lucid dreaming is a thing, but I've never experienced it or even tried to teach myself how to do it. I also don't usually remember my thoughts in dreams, so it was kinda weird that I did in this one. Also, I need to stop having dreams about school shootings. I don't know why that's happening, but that shit really needs to stop.

TLDR; Had a dream that referenced a previous dream that I had. Then proceeded to stop a school shooting by just waking up.