forum Tell me the weirdest dreams you've ever had!
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Mojack group

just had a dream a few nights ago where I was at this hotel thing and a bunch of people were there like twitch streamers for some reason and every time people left while I was the only one at the hotel I kept on seeing ghosts
And then I told people but no one believed me
At one point we got onto a bus and I saw the ghost but no one else did


I’ll just grab my most recent dream journal entry

July 7, 2020:

I was walking through this weird futuristic building to go to my art lesson
we were a bit early so I sat down and watched a music video, it was a new REOL song except the whole thing was 3D animated and it was super cool
After that we walked into the room and I realized that I forgot my bag, my paints, even my canvases, but my art teacher said it was ok cause this was a digital painting lesson
I looked up at him and instead of seeing Mr. Shaw, it was hecking PewDiePie of all people
He showed me how the program worked, we made a few bright pink brush strokes, he explained that the theme was mushrooms and then suddenly I was inside the art program
it was like a giant 3d world where I could just wave my arm and create different brush strokes floating through the sky with no sense of gravity
I experimented a bit by splashing watercolor in the air and watching it drift around kind of like it would in outer space, but less blobby, a bit more misty/diffused, and staying completely in place apart from the slight color bleeding
I guess the best way to describe it would be as if the entire sky was invisible, breathable paper and it soaked into it in all directions so everywhere you looked just looked like watercolor, but you could touch it and it would spread
I ended up making a mushroom city thing, it had all sorts of weird details and floating objects but it looked like a 3D oil painting and I was so happy with it-
the sky was a bright pink sunset and the grass was navy blue
Pewds took a walk through the place and approved of my work, ending the lesson and sending me back to reality
It started to get late but for some reason now there was an entire class of children with me and we were going to walk through the shops, get some supplies, and go home before coming back for the next lesson, but I ended up not going home
instead there were mini hotels in the building that mom and Sara stayed in, while I snuck out to explore the building
Talked to Pewds again, he said something about creativity or whatever I wasn’t paying attention but he gave me a jar of glitter so that’s all that matters
I sat down on the same sofa I watched the REOL video on and fell asleep before waking up for real after the sun decided to blind me at 6 fecking AM


Bruh but being inside the program must've been neat. And Pewds giving you a jar of glitter lol.

I've had two notable dreams as of late-

The first was were @Ash-has-a-One-Piece-problem and I were playing at this park and swinging with another new friend, when he spontaneously turned into a fork. So me and Ash started doing CPR on the fork-friend to save him, but forks don't breath so we stopped. Ash said they were going to go find paramedics so I stayed around and watched the fork-friend do nothing, just chilling in the woodchips. Then I called Ash's dad. He asked where his kid was, so I told him they went to find first responders. Their dad was like "Aight see you soon" and I was like "Aight" and we hung up. Fork friend still wasn't doing anything. Ash came back with a whole parade of paramedics and police and firefighters, along with bystanders who were curious. I layed fork friend on one of the floats, and we all went to the hospital.

The second was when a notebook user found my Facebook account, because I use the same pfp for everything. Except my fb account has my birth name because I'm friends with all my family on there. Well the person who found it leaked my birth name and I cried :(

@stolenbrocoli group

it's this really weird recurring dream where i'm in this like theater booth type are (but big and made of stone) and below me are a bunch of people dressed like roman senators. i'm with my sister and another person (i can never remember who he is) and i'm trying to protect the mystery guy cos the senators below us want him dead for some reason? so i'll like lean over the edge and shoot one of them with a bow video-game style. they're all sitting on these throne things. and the one i shot got up and was like "wtf" (yk just like a video game–hardly phased by the fact they just got shot). and one of them gets up and comes up to the theater booth we're in and he had like a kitchen knife. and usually in the dream i would be fighting him and he would stab me to get to the guy he wants dead but this time i was like "no last time i got stabbed i'm not doing that i stopped fighting him and moved to the side and let him die. it was weird

@Mojack group

Had a dream where I was in a van driving around the city with these people (in my dream they were my friends)
We got 20 people to get into our trunk (don’t ask how that works…)
Did I mention we were all wearing hazmat suits for some reason?
Drove up to random people, shouted “CLOWN CAR” and everyone exited the vehicle all at once, crowded around the poor people, then jumped back in and drove off

Eventually the car glitched (I later figured out I was dreaming of a game, which would make sense) and disappeared, the people in the trunk sent to the void and my friends were the only ones left aside from myself. So we stumbled around the hospital for a while until the dream ended.


here's a list i've been keeping

  • creeper cat. acts like a normal cat, but explodes when you stop giving it attention
  • ender dragon enters my world through a nether portal, tries to destroy my stuff, and says "what the demonetized is this demonetized" professor hidgens' voice
  • bee stings me in the nose and says "no" in rachel's voice
  • the carrots are actually candy bars
  • literally just the phrase "jon matteson stan." that's all i remember
  • I BEAT MINECRAFT YAY! but it was just a dream
  • some guy named robert turtles dies "WHY'D HE DIE?" "IDK ASK THE TURTLES!"
  • izzy goes to church
  • i'm a fairy
  • we did a production of starry that apparently wasnt that good, but [redacted] played segatori
  • ah yes, the best way to deal with period cramps. a bandaid (great logic brain)
  • all i remember is that i wouldn't stop talking about starkid
  • we went to see a second emoji movie but the movie theater slushies were gross
  • starkid did a livestream, but it wasn't on zoom or anything. they all met up in person, and i was there for some reason. there was lauren, mariah, jeff, rachael, jon, jaime, and i think that's it. and then we all sang naked in a lake
  • i was sick (so why was i with starkid?? especially during a pandemic??? more great logic brain) and i was struggling to take the pills
  • i was crying over bare
  • i was in a hot air balloon with three other people, one was [redacted] i think, idk about the other two. and we were in minecraft
  • we had guests. these included mariah rose faith (who was actually my cousin), kendall nicole yakshe, and a random furry
  • mean girls (the musical) was on disney+ along with hamilton and i was watching it with two other girls. no idea who they were or if they were even actual people i knew
  • i n f i n i t e g a r l i c b r e a d
  • i got an app that made my keyboard have cats. it also played music and was one of those match three games

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I was in my parents' bedroom and my dad was holding one of our cats. They both had the heads of Elf On The Shelf, and by that I mean their heads were the size of an Elf On The Shelf's head, too. Then my dad started yelling nonsense.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

My mother and I were at a pet convention where there was a cat-tree-climbing contest. The cat tree was like two stories tall. Our cat Cooper was in it, but for some reason, he was entered as Uncle. There was a staircase next to the cat tree so you could follow your cat up, but if they fell off, you had to climb up the cat tree.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Wait your cat's name is Cooper?
My dog's name is Cooper!

Really? That's cool! :)
my cats' names are Cooper and Sadie and I know a boy named Cooper who has a dog named Sadie. I used to think it was really creepy.


Wait your cat's name is Cooper?
My dog's name is Cooper!

Really? That's cool! :)
my cats' names are Cooper and Sadie and I know a boy named Cooper who has a dog named Sadie. I used to think it was really creepy.

my friend has a dog named lily, also my cat's name is izzy and i have a friend named izzy (well she goes by izzy). so we have to specify if we're talking about the human or the animal


i just remembered a dream i had a while ago where there was an argument over whether zazzalil from firebringer is lesbian or bi

(i accidentally deleted my original notes doc thing, then when i tried to recover it i straight up accidentally deleted it from recently deleted, so i had to retype it but i didnt remember everything)


finger guts dripping with blood and intestine waste

Didn't trim your nails, huh?

I'll do it tomorrow.

This went in a strange direction.


last night i had a dream we were at my great grandma's house, then we left to get on these buses. the buses were pretty full and we had to sleep on them, and i had to sleep next to this random girl i'd never met. i think we also went through the nether. idk where we were going because that's when i woke up, but marvin and whizzer from falsettos were there too.