forum Tell me the weirdest dreams you've ever had!
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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OOh! I have a few good ones. (Keep in mind these are all from when I was younger and mostly bad dreams because those are the ones I remember)

I was having a sleepover with the gang from Scooby-Doo but everyone disappears besides Scooby himself who then turns into a vampire and tries to kill me in this big mansion at night. I'm running around and trying to hide when Hot Diego from Go Diego Go pulls me into a room and tries to help but Scooby gets to me anyways and I wake up when he pounces on me.

My elementary school was going to war for some reason but my family and I had to stay behind to tie our shoes but when we got to the elementary school everyone was ghosts and then my family became ghosts. My job was to try and turn everyone back to normal but the only way to do that was to go inside the school and find a gem but if I stepped into the school all of the ghosts would try and touch me and therefore turn me into a ghost too. I woke up early from that one so idk how it ends.

I was in a castle as a knight in shining armor and I was trying to protect my friends from a dragon. I almost defeated the dragon but then the dragon's wife came and killed everyone in one blow (pun intended). Then I woke up.

I was a fighter in a video game (think of it like Wreck-It-Ralph kind of) where the wall opens up and then we had to fight the other team but then the wall never opened up and we just kind of sat there depressed for a while until that dream spun into another one that I can't remember.

@soupnana group

Weird dream I had…

I was on a train with my crush (we both work at a train) and we were just kinda chillin. My family were the only other ones in the train car. Both me and him were in work uniform, and we were just talking casually. For some stupid reason, my dumb mouth says that I want to hug him. He's totally aight with it. I give him a hug but then he's super confused because I apparently made up the part of him saying okay to me giving him a hug. So I slunk into the corner and felt stupid.
We got to our stop. Me and my best friend got off the bus (we were on a bus now) and we were in a cool autumn scene. The golden sun was casting shadows over the pavement as yellow and red leaves drifted down from the trees above us. A huge silver building was in front of us, gleaming. My friend turns to me, "They're after us," she said. I nodded and went on my way, passing by a fountain in front of the huge building. Glancing behind me, I saw two men in black suits and sunglasses following me. I walked faster.
Lounging on the fountain were two guys. The two guys that asked me to HOCO. I walked even faster. I was in danger. He was in danger. I had to protect him.
I ran inside the building. Escalators, stairs, slides, ladders, and elevators met me, all made of glass and steel. I went up one of the escalators and found myself surrounded by expressionless people wearing suits and holding briefcases as they went about their day. The building was filled with them. I ended up on a barren platform. Looking down, I saw the floor hundreds of feet below me, along with the two guys I had seen by the fountain, staring up at me. My legs began to shake. I slowly sunk to the ground, trying not to look below me. There was a thin bar of railing, but it wouldn't be enough if my slippery feet kept being slippery. My feet were now slippery, so standing up was hardly an option. But I still had to protect him! What was I supposed to do?
A small trap door to the side of me opened and a group of kids came tumbling out of the tube slide, giggling. They hit me and, like a hockey puck, I slid across the glass and went off the edge. My fingers managed to grab hold of the ledge, but one of the kids kicked my hands and I slipped and fell. Down. Down.

And then I woke up.
So there, that's my weird dream.


once I had a dream where I was a time traveller and i accidentally caused a rip in the space time continuum and all of a sudden random objects like toothbrushes, and toothpastes didn't exist and I apparently ate a bunch of cupcakes? (4:15 ish AM on Sept. 4, 2019)


Last night I had a dream where I was trying to perform in two different musicals at the same time and I kept running back and forth between the theaters doing costume changes in the hallways and trying to play both of my parts at once, leading to a bunch of hijinks with me confusing the two shows and going on in the wrong costumes and saying the wrong lines (I feel like this is a comedy trope that's definitely been done before), and at one point (by the way, both of these shows were shows that I was actually IN) I dreamed I was doing one of the musical numbers but I couldn't remember any of the choreography… and then when I woke up I literally spent five minutes lying in bed just going through the entire number in my head to see if I could remember it all from when I did the show six months ago


December 13, 2019:

I was alone in my grandmas basement being forced to play board games with Satan himself only Satan took the appearance of N64 Mario and I won cause he fell asleep

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Okay, so I have a had time remembering a lot of my dreams, but here's one I remember vividly.:

I was seven years old at the time. And in my dream, I was bouncing on this banana yellow trampoline. In the centre was a relatively small navy blue circle with a white star in it. As I was bouncing, I heard whispers. They said "this one's gonna die," and "he'll miss these days." It genuinely confused me, but I decided to shrug it off. Not too long after, an extremely large hand pushed out of the darkness and enveloped me completely and I woke up.

I didn't think much of the dream until one night. I went to sleep and I saw the exact same trampoline. But this time, it was tattered and ripped. It couldn't be used anymore. I remember feeling disappointed. But I still didn't wake up. I was still in the dream and I didn't know why. I began to walk closer to the enormous trampoline. I found myself tracing my hands over its cold, metallic legs. As I was doing so, a whisper suddenly arose. "

Do you miss it?" it asked me. I was at first frozen still, but the voice continued.

"Don't you know what this is?" it inquired. I shook my head slowly, for I had no idea what it was. I'd never seen the trampoline before except for in past dreams.

The voice sighed deeply. Its sigh rumbled the room. I had no clue where te voice was even coming from. "Listen," it instructed, "I'm afraid your time has been cut short. You know what this is. It is in your brain and in your heart. You must dig for it." As the last words echoed out, I woke up and I haven't remembered a single dream since.


"Listen," it instructed, "I'm afraid your time has been cut short. You know what this is. It is in your brain and in your heart. You must dig for it." As the last words echoed out, I woke up and I haven't remembered a single dream since.

I think you need to see a shrink. This is some fantasy shit right here. The only way you're gonna dig is either take some hallucinogenics or hit your head really hard, and I don't recommend either.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

This is a reoccuring nightmare that I have…
Okay, so I'm walking by myself through an ice cave and I dunno where I am, but I just keep going. Suddenly the floor falls out from under me, and I'm trapped in ice, but it only comes up to my calves. Then I yell for help, but nothing comes. Then I look down at my feet and oil/tar is bubbling up through the floor, quickly filling the space I'm in. Panic fills my dream, and I try to free myself, but the ice has frozen my arms too. I remeber screaming for help, but the tide of oil/tar keeps rising, and soon it's up to my neck, and I try to keep myself afloat but it starts to fill my mouth and I remember trying to scream and trying to free myself in desperation, but it was no use, I drowned and no one found me, and I woke up in a cold sweat.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

"Listen," it instructed, "I'm afraid your time has been cut short. You know what this is. It is in your brain and in your heart. You must dig for it." As the last words echoed out, I woke up and I haven't remembered a single dream since.

I think you need to see a shrink. This is some fantasy shit right here. The only way you're gonna dig is either take some hallucinogenics or hit your head really hard, and I don't recommend either.

I think Imma go with the "hit your head" option. Because I don't wanna see a psychiatrist and pills ain't gonna do much of anything if anything.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

This is a reoccuring nightmare that I have…
Okay, so I'm walking by myself through an ice cave and I dunno where I am, but I just keep going. Suddenly the floor falls out from under me, and I'm trapped in ice, but it only comes up to my calves. Then I yell for help, but nothing comes. Then I look down at my feet and oil/tar is bubbling up through the floor, quickly filling the space I'm in. Panic fills my dream, and I try to free myself, but the ice has frozen my arms too. I remeber screaming for help, but the tide of oil/tar keeps rising, and soon it's up to my neck, and I try to keep myself afloat but it starts to fill my mouth and I remember trying to scream and trying to free myself in desperation, but it was no use, I drowned and no one found me, and I woke up in a cold sweat.

Also, that sounds strange but also kind of frightening.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

This is a reoccuring nightmare that I have…
Okay, so I'm walking by myself through an ice cave and I dunno where I am, but I just keep going. Suddenly the floor falls out from under me, and I'm trapped in ice, but it only comes up to my calves. Then I yell for help, but nothing comes. Then I look down at my feet and oil/tar is bubbling up through the floor, quickly filling the space I'm in. Panic fills my dream, and I try to free myself, but the ice has frozen my arms too. I remeber screaming for help, but the tide of oil/tar keeps rising, and soon it's up to my neck, and I try to keep myself afloat but it starts to fill my mouth and I remember trying to scream and trying to free myself in desperation, but it was no use, I drowned and no one found me, and I woke up in a cold sweat.

Also, that sounds strange but also kind of frightening.

It happens about once a week… And I can change my dreams, but this is the one I can't change. It's rough.


December 18, 2019:
I was walking across a bright blue ocean, no idea who I was or where I was headed, just slowly stepping across each little wave… when I noticed an island in the distance
A very small island, not much bigger than my backyard, with a few tall buildings
I decided to explore.
The island turned out to be just a large school campus in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by rocks and cliffs.
Outside the campus a bunch of 11-to-15-year-old children were gathered in a circle. They were each wearing these beautiful handmade scarves, brightly colored hairpins, and completely personalized uniforms.
They were doing a little gift exchange, laughing and talking with each trinket, when one of them noticed me.
She had long, wavy, pinkish red hair, a matching scarf, gold eyes, and a white uniform
I hid, knowing I wasn’t supposed to be there, but she found me and invited me to join the rest of them
I hesitated at first but didn’t want to be rude, so I sat down in the circle next to her and two other children.
One was a little girl, she had light brown hair with blue streaks in two little buns, a dark blue scarf, and that adorable cartoon “squishy” body type
The other was a boy, he had floofy yellow hair, purple eyes, and a prosthetic left arm.
As they talked I started to notice their personalities, they all seemed to have something in common, something very obvious but hard to describe…
Their personalities were all desserts
The first girl was a raspberry toaster strudel, the second was a blueberry cream tart, and the boy was a sweet lemon pudding.
It sounds like nonsense but was so clear to me.
The more gifts they opened and laughs they shared the more I started to feel that I belonged there, I wasn’t alone, I had friends, I was happy…
Then, suddenly, the bell rang, only it wasn’t really a bell, more like large windchimes-
They all ran into the building, and as I waved goodbye, Raspberry grabbed my arm and dragged me in as well.
Classes were sorted by skill level as opposed to age, so I only got to see my friends occasionally, since I was brand new and they’d been here a year or more
The first class was a cooking class, where we made our lunch for the day. There was a huge selection of recipes and ingredients we could choose from and the teacher went back and forth, helping each of us out.
I made some chicken alfredo, Raspberry made a spinach salad, Blueberry had some mashed potatoes and chicken, and Lemon just ate a sandwich, although we did end up sharing quite a bit of our meals with each other.
Then we had a history class, only instead of textbooks and homework we acted out stage plays and made little crafts together
Then there was math, taught with fun little animations and more crafts
Then we had art, pretty normal, only the amount of supplies was unbelievable, each little area of wall had shelves and drawers full of paints, chalk, pigments, pencils, inks, papers, glitters- anything you could think of
Then there was dance, followed by science, music, language…
Then came dinner time, where the highest level students and the cooking teachers prepare a buffet for everyone else, based on a single theme.
Today’s theme was seafood, and there were tables piled with all sorts of lobster, sushi, and other things I’ve never tried before.
After that was apparently everyone’s favorite class, the very last one before heading to their dorms.
I didn’t know what it was, but based on their excitement, I knew it had to be great.
I finished my food, followed them to a room on the second floor, when a teacher pulled me aside.
I panicked, realizing I wasn’t actually supposed to be here, but she just smiled and welcomed me to the school before handing me some odd fabrics.
She told me she’ll be my cloakmaking teacher for the week, because I can’t partake in the other class unless I have a proper uniform.
Turns out those scarves everyone was wearing were actually magic cloaks, what the cloaks did was a surprise, but they were apparently magic.
At the end of the day, I was brought to my dorm, it was completely plain with a single bed and practically no light.
As I was trying to sleep, I heard a crash, then footsteps walking down the hallway…
I walked out of my room to see what it was, and I saw someone limping and shaking as they walked down the hall, repeatedly whispering about how he had to find his parents…
I followed him for a while when he opened a door that clearly read “teachers only”
He walked inside, opened a cabinet, and started searching through papers, not even bothering to put them away properly.
As he walked out, I went to see what they were…
In-depth files on each individual student, who they are, why they were brought here, and what to do for them.
I found one of me, even though I just arrived that same day.
It said I was brought here due to being unwanted, and that I had no special requirements…
Then I noticed the date on the paper.
8 months ago
I figured it must’ve been someone else, but there was a full color photo of me in the corner, one I remembered taking.
There were more papers on the floor, all about some secret project…
Turns out the place wasn’t just a school campus
Apparently, in the real world, children of any age that were considered permanently ill, hopeless or unwanted would be “put out of their misery” without their consent in an effort to keep the population steady.
It was considered humane and natural by the majority, any large attempts to stop it would be shut down, so instead of protests, a large group of people banded together to create a top secret place where they’d rescue the children, bring them together, and teach them how to fly.
If anyone from the outside world found out about this place, they’d send someone to kill us…

I had to stop that guy.

I ran through the halls, up some stairs, across a small bridge, and into everyone’s favorite classroom…
It was full of books and tutorials on how to do different flying tricks with your magical cloaks, and sure enough, the window was wide open.
Suddenly a voice came from the speakers… two students had left their dorms, and the teachers needed to bring them back immediately.
I hid inside a closet, hoping no one would notice me, when a teacher ran into the room, and before she could look in my direction, I got scared and woke up.

Deleted user

Are people dreaming of me again?

My beautiful self haunts you always.