forum Tell me the weirdest dreams you've ever had!
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Does anyone have a really good dream where you just write about t then of way through you forget about what happened so you can’t continue?

That's why I have a dream journal! I suggest getting one. They're super helpful

I have one of those! Only problem is I keep it on my phone, so I blind myself every morning

Yikes lmao I just use a little notepad and a pen that way I can just turn my lamp on and write out the main point to jog my memory for later use. No blinding necessary


I don’t use that, I usually just write plots of dreams down in docs then I’ll try and write a story, I finished one but it’s literal trash. I used Comic Sans as the original font

I mean hey, whatever works for you man, comic sans or no


Does anyone have a really good dream where you just write about t then of way through you forget about what happened so you can’t continue?

That's why I have a dream journal! I suggest getting one. They're super helpful

I have one of those! Only problem is I keep it on my phone, so I blind myself every morning

Yikes lmao I just use a little notepad and a pen that way I can just turn my lamp on and write out the main point to jog my memory for later use. No blinding necessary

ooh smarht


Does anyone have a really good dream where you just write about t then of way through you forget about what happened so you can’t continue?

That's why I have a dream journal! I suggest getting one. They're super helpful

I have one of those! Only problem is I keep it on my phone, so I blind myself every morning

Yikes lmao I just use a little notepad and a pen that way I can just turn my lamp on and write out the main point to jog my memory for later use. No blinding necessary

ooh smarht

yee boi 👌


Alright, it’s 4AM here and I have appeared to bring you the messed up thing my brain came up with last night, copied straight from my dream journal so it’s described with grammar about as readable as that of a 6-year-old writing MLP fanfiction on Microsoft Word. Here we gooo…

…So yeah. What the パンケーキ, Brain?

Deleted user

Holy fucking God Jesus please help praying for innocent child. That’s dark, I’ve had some dark dreams, and whenever I’m killed I wake up, so I try and kill myself as soon as possible or wake myself up. I remember one dream though and it’s pretty dark so I’m going to put the spoiler thing, it’s also gory as hell so beware innocent small children.

Deleted user

Just going to drop my dreams here, that pale in comparison to Ella's (Also involves FNaF somewhat.)

Walked out to the porch to let my dogs out, noticed a chair was fallen over. I went and picked it up, heard a noise to my left and looked over. Entire of the FNaF 1 and 2 animatronics were there, they just did the jumpscare noise. Then I woke up.

(This is a short one)
I died and then christmas happened (The dream was in the summer.)

I have had a dream where my boyfriend (I'm a boy as well) was actually taller and skinner than me. We had fun playing then it just cut to us going back inside and getting on a train. I woke up after that.

@HighPockets group

This is a weird weird WEIRD dream…
For some reason, Ace, Emi, Eris, Jensen, and Lex were at a convention with me.
There was some sort of lockdown and so we hid in a conference room, and then got these really big fancy cupcakes afterwards.
I don't know why.


This is a weird weird WEIRD dream…
For some reason, Ace, Emi, Eris, Jensen, and Lex were at a convention with me.
There was some sort of lockdown and so we hid in a conference room, and then got these really big fancy cupcakes afterwards.
I don't know why.



I had a dream where my sister had to find something, I think it was a key, in a barn. I had to sing to this Wyvern, but it looked like a girl. And I remember that her eyes were sooooo dead looking. She fell into my arms, asleep, and my sister wanted to wake her up and did. But I got mad at her because if the Wyvern didn't stay asleep, then she'd eat us(????). I had to sing something that rhymed, so I just sang, "Boobies, boobies, boobies," over and over because that rhymes, right? Then the girl woke up, told me her name was Snow Margaret, and went back to sleep. I noticed that Mary Margaret from OUAT was in this car with Regina and my mom, so I waves spazztically to them and shouted that the Wyvern's name was Snow Margaret. But then the Wyvern started waking up again so I had to start singing my boobies song again.

@Mojack group

I just woke up from a dream. I guess there was a play practice and we were supposed to jump into the water but I jumped in before they could prepare the water and in real life it felt like I couldn’t breathe at all and I woke up gasping for breath.

@soupnana group

But watching people wake up from them is hilarious. Like kids who fall asleep in class and then jerk upward like they just fell off a cliff.

Deleted user

Oh god you just remind me of when you are about to fall asleep, then feel like you are falling and get startled awake.

Deleted user

I remembered this when I was reading some other dreams. It’s pretty weird I guess. I was actually the main protagonist You could customize the main protagonist in the game but whatever of Fire Emblem Awakening. I wasn’t put with anyone, but I got to put my favorite pairs together, like the actual game, so it was basically me inside Fire Emblem, playing Fire Emblem.


This is a weird weird WEIRD dream…
For some reason, Ace, Emi, Eris, Jensen, and Lex were at a convention with me.
There was some sort of lockdown and so we hid in a conference room, and then got these really big fancy cupcakes afterwards.
I don't know why.

Lmaoo that's kinda nice actually besides the whole lockdown thingy

@HighPockets group

This is a weird weird WEIRD dream…
For some reason, Ace, Emi, Eris, Jensen, and Lex were at a convention with me.
There was some sort of lockdown and so we hid in a conference room, and then got these really big fancy cupcakes afterwards.
I don't know why.

Lmaoo that's kinda nice actually besides the whole lockdown thingy

Yeah, especially the cupcakes!


So I had this dream where I was in a different world, with silver helicopters and tails with leaves, like vines. we were having to save this old person, but inside the helicopter it was split into four pieces and each was separated by an invisible wall that kind of had a mirror effect, you could go through them but it looked crazy weird. When we got back to my house, the vampires were invading and my dad was trying to stop them. while we waited, we got some ice cream. I forgot to get sprinkles, so I went back upstairs and turned the light in the kitchen on. There was a short man standing in my kitchen, about three feet tall with a pale white, lumpy face. He just smiled at me while I was trying to scream (We were on opposite sides of the kitchen) and I eventually just shook the fridge to make noise because I'm totally strong enough to do that. After that I ran downstairs, told everyone, and then went outside to see if dad had defeated the vampires. He hadn't, which I knew because a bunch of stars called the orient aligned. I texted him, "I am taking in the orient." He said, "I failed." I said, "It's ok." Then I turned off the phone and I heard it ding to text me back and then I walked away to go save the world and then I woke up.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

This is a weird weird WEIRD dream…
For some reason, Ace, Emi, Eris, Jensen, and Lex were at a convention with me.
There was some sort of lockdown and so we hid in a conference room, and then got these really big fancy cupcakes afterwards.
I don't know why.

Lmaoo that's kinda nice actually besides the whole lockdown thingy

Yeah, especially the cupcakes!
