forum Tell me the weirdest dreams you've ever had!
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Well, I had a series of odd dreams that left me waking up in a cold sweat last night.
I'll describe the second one first since it's not as horrifying as the first one.

So apparently I was in a world where everyone had powers of sorts, and I was on a team fighting another team for whatever reason. I can't remember. But I wasn't the main fighter since my power was literally to pause time. My alias was "Aion" and whenever I was signaled by my team, I would move my right hand in a counter-clockwise direction to pause time. However, I had limitations. I could only pause time for a maximum time limit of 20 minutes and I could only do so 3 times per real-world hour. My team was close to winning when I felt time slow down on me and the opposing team launched a net around my arms and hands, halting any movement and effectively rendering my power useless until I would be able to free myself from my restraints. With my capture, my team began to lose until I was the only one left conscious. With that, the opposing team decided it would be fun to play with their new toy, me, by taking a fire poker from a nearby fireplace and burning me with it. I took the opportunity to move for the fire poker to catch on my restraints and finally release me, leading me to pause time once again and set up as many traps as I could before becoming un-paused. The dream ended with me carrying my pregnant teammate back to my team's base.


I was in an omniscient point of view, watching everything go down but powerless to do anything. There was a couple, a guy and a girl, just married, about to go to sleep in their hotel bed. They were on their honeymoon, I think. It was cute at first, the guy turning off the TV and stating he was "going to go to sleep" and the girl responded with "okay, good night dear". But something was off. A red light appeared when the guy said he was going to go to sleep, but a blue light appeared with the girl's response. And soon, as the night progressed, I would learn who those lights belonged to. When the night hit 1 o'clock, it appeared.
Slowly. Swaying. Eerie.
It walked through the window into the room holding the sleeping couple. Its body was lanky, emancipated, dark, and had muddy bandages on its joints while it was covered in various pelts. Its face was a white mask with black markings and one, big, unblinking eye smack dab in the middle. Its hair was just dark tentacle wisps, flicking around as it glided across the room. Its eye turned red when it neared the bed, casting a blood-red glow over its target–the guy.
Its head bobbed slowly, following an unheard rhythm as it quieted the man by shoving one of its hands down his throat. Its fingers began to claw, scrape, dig around the man's airway until it broke through, making a gaping hole as the man choked and bled to death next to his peacefully-sleeping wife. His eyes were left wide open, glazed over with the trance of death, his mouth left hanging open in a silent scream that never left him, his throat a mangled hole, a signature mark of the victim's own teeth being embedded in his own wound.
The creature then turned it's attention to the wife, it's red eye switching to a calm blue, casting a soft light over her figure as she finally roused from her sleep. The whole scene was too much for her to handle that it broke her mind, broke her soul, as she finally looked upon the very thing that killed her husband, before laying back down in that bed. Shocked. Frozen. Apathetic.
"I'm going back to sleep–" she began to speak hoarsely until the being's eye turned red once more and began to advance quickly on her. "Not that way." she scolded the creature before correcting herself, "good night" she whispered from her trembling lips. The thing stopped and it's light turned blue once more. It left her side once she fell back into her coma, covered in her husband's blood.

And then I woke up in a cold sweat and quickly glanced around my room to check for that creature. I only thought I saw it once and passed it off as my brain being paranoid and went back to sleep. But for good measure, I made sure to whisper "good night" into my silent bedroom before resuming my sleep.


Well, I had a series of odd dreams that left me waking up in a cold sweat last night.
I'll describe the second one first since it's not as horrifying as the first one.

So apparently I was in a world where everyone had powers of sorts, and I was on a team fighting another team for whatever reason. I can't remember. But I wasn't the main fighter since my power was literally to pause time. My alias was "Aion" and whenever I was signaled by my team, I would move my right hand in a counter-clockwise direction to pause time. However, I had limitations. I could only pause time for a maximum time limit of 20 minutes and I could only do so 3 times per real-world hour. My team was close to winning when I felt time slow down on me and the opposing team launched a net around my arms and hands, halting any movement and effectively rendering my power useless until I would be able to free myself from my restraints. With my capture, my team began to lose until I was the only one left conscious. With that, the opposing team decided it would be fun to play with their new toy, me, by taking a fire poker from a nearby fireplace and burning me with it. I took the opportunity to move for the fire poker to catch on my restraints and finally release me, leading me to pause time once again and set up as many traps as I could before becoming un-paused. The dream ended with me carrying my pregnant teammate back to my team's base.


I was in an omniscient point of view, watching everything go down but powerless to do anything. There was a couple, a guy and a girl, just married, about to go to sleep in their hotel bed. They were on their honeymoon, I think. It was cute at first, the guy turning off the TV and stating he was "going to go to sleep" and the girl responded with "okay, good night dear". But something was off. A red light appeared when the guy said he was going to go to sleep, but a blue light appeared with the girl's response. And soon, as the night progressed, I would learn who those lights belonged to. When the night hit 1 o'clock, it appeared.
Slowly. Swaying. Eerie.
It walked through the window into the room holding the sleeping couple. Its body was lanky, emancipated, dark, and had muddy bandages on its joints while it was covered in various pelts. Its face was a white mask with black markings and one, big, unblinking eye smack dab in the middle. Its hair was just dark tentacle wisps, flicking around as it glided across the room. Its eye turned red when it neared the bed, casting a blood-red glow over its target–the guy.
Its head bobbed slowly, following an unheard rhythm as it quieted the man by shoving one of its hands down his throat. Its fingers began to claw, scrape, dig around the man's airway until it broke through, making a gaping hole as the man choked and bled to death next to his peacefully-sleeping wife. His eyes were left wide open, glazed over with the trance of death, his mouth left hanging open in a silent scream that never left him, his throat a mangled hole, a signature mark of the victim's own teeth being embedded in his own wound.
The creature then turned it's attention to the wife, it's red eye switching to a calm blue, casting a soft light over her figure as she finally roused from her sleep. The whole scene was too much for her to handle that it broke her mind, broke her soul, as she finally looked upon the very thing that killed her husband, before laying back down in that bed. Shocked. Frozen. Apathetic.
"I'm going back to sleep–" she began to speak hoarsely until the being's eye turned red once more and began to advance quickly on her. "Not that way." she scolded the creature before correcting herself, "good night" she whispered from her trembling lips. The thing stopped and it's light turned blue once more. It left her side once she fell back into her coma, covered in her husband's blood.

And then I woke up in a cold sweat and quickly glanced around my room to check for that creature. I only thought I saw it once and passed it off as my brain being paranoid and went back to sleep. But for good measure, I made sure to whisper "good night" into my silent bedroom before resuming my sleep.

That is terrifying. I love it.


Yeah, imagine having that as a dream, a thing you just experienced and witness first-hand.
And my reaction?
I wasn't scared or terrified. Maybe overheating a bit from my blankets and a possible fever but I felt nothing besides calm. No racing heart. No fully-awake brain jolting myself awake.

Now I'm on a quest to draw that creature to see it again.


Yeah, imagine having that as a dream, a thing you just experienced and witness first-hand.
And my reaction?
I wasn't scared or terrified. Maybe overheating a bit from my blankets and a possible fever but I felt nothing besides calm. No racing heart. No fully-awake brain jolting myself awake.

Now I'm on a quest to draw that creature to see it again.

I may seem like a smol child who's terrified of everything, but I'm really only scared of spiders. I think I've lost all ability to be scared. I'd see a terrifying monster in my room and ask for its autograph…

Also, if you do draw the creature, please share it.


Yeah, imagine having that as a dream, a thing you just experienced and witness first-hand.
And my reaction?
I wasn't scared or terrified. Maybe overheating a bit from my blankets and a possible fever but I felt nothing besides calm. No racing heart. No fully-awake brain jolting myself awake.

Now I'm on a quest to draw that creature to see it again.

I may seem like a smol child who's terrified of everything, but I'm really only scared of spiders. I think I've lost all ability to be scared. I'd see a terrifying monster in my room and ask for its autograph…

Also, if you do draw the creature, please share it.

Nice! You were like me when I was your age lol I still am kinda like that.
I shall share the creature if I can ever perfect drawing it lmao and if I have the time today


Recently had a spooky first-person dream where I woke up in bed like I do every morning. As soon as my feet hit the floor, I would "wake up" again, basically teleporting. This went on for very long until I woke up for real. Eerily enough, the dream setting was exactly like in real life, down to the clothes on my floor.


When I was 9 years old I had a dream that I was in a weird floating hotel and there was this MASSIVE swimming pool in the centre and my mum said "don't run beside the pool! you will fall in the pool and we wont be able to save you!" I replied with a "yes mum" thrown over my shoulder.
I then started to play hopscotch on the tiles near the pool when I slipped and fell on the tiles, suddenly a giant-red-eyed platypus rose from the pool, grabbed me by my legs and dragged me into the water and started to death roll me crocodile style. all the while my parents did nothing to help.

@Mojack group

I had a dream yesterday that I was in a house similar to my own but it was kinda like a castle. Hard to explain. Anywho the basement part was really big and in one of the rooms there was a wood stove looking contraption that I guess I had to go in and put fuel into so the castle wouldn’t explode but the floor of that room was really, really bad. Like there were big human sized spaces that you could fall through and fall into lava and at that time the lava was really high for some reason
So I headed into the room and I walked across the floor carefully, put wood into the stove and started to walk back and then I fell through one of the holes. I caught onto the bars that were the floor and I was hanging above the lava. It felt like a really long time. I couldn’t get up for some reason. Then my grandma arrived to pull me back up and we left the room and then I heard a yowling but it was actually happening in real life because my cat was getting assaulted by my other cat in my room. And that’s how I woke up.

I’ve also had some creepy dreams so if y’all want me to share them I will (not really directly ‘creepy’ but it has undertones)


Well, I had a series of odd dreams that left me waking up in a cold sweat last night.
I'll describe the second one first since it's not as horrifying as the first one.

So apparently I was in a world where everyone had powers of sorts, and I was on a team fighting another team for whatever reason. I can't remember. But I wasn't the main fighter since my power was literally to pause time. My alias was "Aion" and whenever I was signaled by my team, I would move my right hand in a counter-clockwise direction to pause time. However, I had limitations. I could only pause time for a maximum time limit of 20 minutes and I could only do so 3 times per real-world hour. My team was close to winning when I felt time slow down on me and the opposing team launched a net around my arms and hands, halting any movement and effectively rendering my power useless until I would be able to free myself from my restraints. With my capture, my team began to lose until I was the only one left conscious. With that, the opposing team decided it would be fun to play with their new toy, me, by taking a fire poker from a nearby fireplace and burning me with it. I took the opportunity to move for the fire poker to catch on my restraints and finally release me, leading me to pause time once again and set up as many traps as I could before becoming un-paused. The dream ended with me carrying my pregnant teammate back to my team's base.


I was in an omniscient point of view, watching everything go down but powerless to do anything. There was a couple, a guy and a girl, just married, about to go to sleep in their hotel bed. They were on their honeymoon, I think. It was cute at first, the guy turning off the TV and stating he was "going to go to sleep" and the girl responded with "okay, good night dear". But something was off. A red light appeared when the guy said he was going to go to sleep, but a blue light appeared with the girl's response. And soon, as the night progressed, I would learn who those lights belonged to. When the night hit 1 o'clock, it appeared.
Slowly. Swaying. Eerie.
It walked through the window into the room holding the sleeping couple. Its body was lanky, emancipated, dark, and had muddy bandages on its joints while it was covered in various pelts. Its face was a white mask with black markings and one, big, unblinking eye smack dab in the middle. Its hair was just dark tentacle wisps, flicking around as it glided across the room. Its eye turned red when it neared the bed, casting a blood-red glow over its target–the guy.
Its head bobbed slowly, following an unheard rhythm as it quieted the man by shoving one of its hands down his throat. Its fingers began to claw, scrape, dig around the man's airway until it broke through, making a gaping hole as the man choked and bled to death next to his peacefully-sleeping wife. His eyes were left wide open, glazed over with the trance of death, his mouth left hanging open in a silent scream that never left him, his throat a mangled hole, a signature mark of the victim's own teeth being embedded in his own wound.
The creature then turned it's attention to the wife, it's red eye switching to a calm blue, casting a soft light over her figure as she finally roused from her sleep. The whole scene was too much for her to handle that it broke her mind, broke her soul, as she finally looked upon the very thing that killed her husband, before laying back down in that bed. Shocked. Frozen. Apathetic.
"I'm going back to sleep–" she began to speak hoarsely until the being's eye turned red once more and began to advance quickly on her. "Not that way." she scolded the creature before correcting herself, "good night" she whispered from her trembling lips. The thing stopped and it's light turned blue once more. It left her side once she fell back into her coma, covered in her husband's blood.

And then I woke up in a cold sweat and quickly glanced around my room to check for that creature. I only thought I saw it once and passed it off as my brain being paranoid and went back to sleep. But for good measure, I made sure to whisper "good night" into my silent bedroom before resuming my sleep.

The… the dream from the second paragraph sounds strangely familiar to me…

Deleted user

I just remebered this when I was lost in my very tired mind and I remembered I had this dream where I was chased by a single slice of cheese and it cut my throat open, killing me. I shouldn’t have aten cheese that night…


I just remebered this when I was lost in my very tired mind and I remembered I had this dream where I was chased by a single slice of cheese and it cut my throat open, killing me. I shouldn’t have aten cheese that night…
