forum Tell me the weirdest dreams you've ever had!
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I hate those dreams when it's just so weird and outta control that you kinda worry about your own sanity and mental health because, aheh, who would dream about cannibalism in GREAT DETAIL?

I have those dreams way more often than I should… I need to cut back on the Vocaloid horror

@soupnana group

I hate those dreams when it's just so weird and outta control that you kinda worry about your own sanity and mental health because, aheh, who would dream about cannibalism in GREAT DETAIL?

I have those dreams way more often than I should… I need to cut back on the Vocaloid horror

Ha ha same. Strange how I had a dream about cannibalism after reading an incredibly sweet and innocent comic before bed, and when I watch play throughs of DDLC before bed I have dreams of Tom Holland.


Okay so there’s this kid at my school who is really weird and predatory and no one likes him. I had a wack fever dream that he was a serial killer, but not just any regular serial killer, nonononono, he would kill someone, Mabel the corpse, then dismantle it, reassembling it a sort of 10 ft tall Picasso looking thing, then Frankensteined it, and sent it after me so I went to a friend of mine and told her that he was a serial killer, but he was standing right there so he sits down next to us and goes, “I just want you to know: it’s for an audition.”

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

I had this dream a few times, always the same. I would be in my room, and then I would be given a question. If I answered right, nothing happened. But if I answered wrong, my room would turn into a haunted house and monsters would try to kill me. It was realy fun.

@soupnana group

Y'all I want to learn how lucid dreaming works. Cause if I could control my dreams you better bet that I'd have all my favorite book characters in it and we'd fight some wicked evil creatures. I'd be great.


Y'all I want to learn how lucid dreaming works. Cause if I could control my dreams you better bet that I'd have all my favorite book characters in it and we'd fight some wicked evil creatures. I'd be great.

That’s the reason I keep my little “dream journal”, I read somewhere that by writing my dreams down I can eventually learn to recognize patterns in them until I learn how to tell when I’m asleep and control my dreams. It’s just a theory on the internet but I’m willing to try it


Okay so there’s this kid at my school who is really weird and predatory and no one likes him. I had a wack fever dream that he was a serial killer, but just any regular serial killer, nonononono, he would kill someone, Mabel the corpse, then dismantle it, reassembling it a sort of 10 ft tall Picasso looking thing, then Frankensteined it, and sent it after me so I went to a friend of mine and told her that he was a serial killer, but he was standing right there so he sits down next to us and goes, “I just want you to know: it’s for an audition.”

um um


@soupnana group

Okay so there’s this kid at my school who is really weird and predatory and no one likes him. I had a wack fever dream that he was a serial killer, but just any regular serial killer, nonononono, he would kill someone, Mabel the corpse, then dismantle it, reassembling it a sort of 10 ft tall Picasso looking thing, then Frankensteined it, and sent it after me so I went to a friend of mine and told her that he was a serial killer, but he was standing right there so he sits down next to us and goes, “I just want you to know: it’s for an audition.”

All I can think after reading it is that it is incredibly disturbing.


Okay so there’s this kid at my school who is really weird and predatory and no one likes him. I had a wack fever dream that he was a serial killer, but just any regular serial killer, nonononono, he would kill someone, Mabel the corpse, then dismantle it, reassembling it a sort of 10 ft tall Picasso looking thing, then Frankensteined it, and sent it after me so I went to a friend of mine and told her that he was a serial killer, but he was standing right there so he sits down next to us and goes, “I just want you to know: it’s for an audition.”

I would acknowledge this but I donT unDeRsTAnD it's just super weird and fksafnjkafnkafkj. Brains are weird for coming up with stuff like this

@HighPockets group

Okay so there’s this kid at my school who is really weird and predatory and no one likes him. I had a wack fever dream that he was a serial killer, but not just any regular serial killer, nonononono, he would kill someone, Mabel the corpse, then dismantle it, reassembling it a sort of 10 ft tall Picasso looking thing, then Frankensteined it, and sent it after me so I went to a friend of mine and told her that he was a serial killer, but he was standing right there so he sits down next to us and goes, “I just want you to know: it’s for an audition.”

H E C K!

@Mojack group

I have little to no weird dreams. Almost all of my dreams involve death in some form or idea, and they’re usually pretty serious. I do remember a weird dream from a few years ago.

I think my entire class was flying over the ocean in a giant umbrella. There was a storm and the umbrella crashed on a beach, so we walked to this big building, that had big versions of every object in it. I don’t remember what happened after that but I think it was a hotel for giants and I had to get onto a desk to steal some keys so we could escape, and I had to avoid the sleeping giant.

Then there was that one where there was a volcano that erupted pink lava.