forum Tell me the weirdest dreams you've ever had!
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@soupnana group

I have no idea. That's what was sad about it. I woke up the next morning all depressed and all I could think about was why Tom Holland hated me enough to walk away when I wanted to say hi.


I once had a dream where I was at a basketball game at my school. I accidentally walked into the locker room for the cheerleaders and found that somebody had replaced the cheerleaders with rats with tiny pom-poms. Me and my friends went to look for them and we found them in a bird cage on the ceiling. Apparently they weren't the cheerleaders though?? Because as soon as we called out to them they took off these human face masks and were actually tigers. Then the bird cage fell on top of me and the tigers got loose and ate people.


hey im new
heres a weird dream for the interweb society
1) I had a dream that I went to a bar with my dad. I'm thirt-freaking-teen. Why? No idea. He walks up to the counter, sets down a wad of cash and says, "One silver Prius please." THEN the bartender dude drives out in a silver Prius and hands the keys to me.


MAGNUS BANE tells me to paint my car linoleum green. I, however, want to paint it purple. SO as a compromise, I paint the front half linoleum green and the back half purple.


Well, I remember two of the nightmares that freaked me out the most when I was little and looking at them today, they're absolutely ridiculous:

1: (This one I remember pretty clearly) I was coloring a picture of a bag of Skittles in my grandma's basement, and I looked behind me to find a spider, (I'm a huge arachnophobe) but it wasn't a spider, it was a Mario squid with snakes for legs and a scorpion tail. I was so scared by it that I ran upstairs, only to end up in the backyard of the house I used to live in. Turns out, the spiders were everywhere. My mom and siblings all huddled around me while my dad scared the creatures off, but my baby brother apparently didn't see these things and was just swinging on the swingset when all the spiders formed together into a giant fruit-roll-up and ate him. I woke up screaming.

2: It was Christmas Day and we had all gone to my grandma's to celebrate, as usual. I had opened up one of my presents and inside was an ear cleaning hat with some sort of liquid inside…? Well anyway, I then had to use the bathroom but when I was done I decided to try it out, and instead of trying it out for some reason I just used the liquid as a mouthwash, only to realize that the "liquid" was actually a mixture of OLIVE OIL AND VINEGAR (Dun dun DUUUUNNNNN) which apparently would clog my throat and choke me to death if swallowed or used as mouthwash. And so I died. When I woke up it took me a moment to realize I wasn't in the afterlife.

…Those two dreams terrified me for so long.

Just bringing this back to the front as an example of how dreams always make perfect sense and never ever confuse the heck out of me


Dreams are proof that humans are weird. They are content straight from our brains without worry about what society thinks. It is when our brains aren't restrained to think "normally".


(Who's MB?)

A character from Cassandra Clare’s books (the mortal instruments and the infernal devices series)


MAGNUS BANE tells me to paint my car linoleum green. I, however, want to paint it purple. SO as a compromise, I paint the front half linoleum green and the back half purple.

I’m dying omfg