forum Tell me the weirdest dreams you've ever had!
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Let me remember… I'm keeping a lot of secrets and desperately want to tell them but can't, I'm having an internal conflict driving my entire life into shambles, andI'm very, very lonely. That's kinda it. But pretty accurate actually


When I was younger I had a super freaky nightmare.
I was standing on the deck of a ship, like a small freight ship, and I was in incredibly stormy and crazy waters, and the waves were freaking huge. I look over and there is this even huger ship crashing through the waves. It suddenly turns so that it is hanging in the air vertically (imagine a toothpaste tube cap down) with millions of gallons of water spilling out of it, and then it dropped back to the water. Then suddenly I was standing on the deck of the other ship, and there it was deserted except for a woman with black hair in a white dress standing in the center of the deck, and a missing link (like from monsters vs aliens but more golum like) that was cowering a couple yards away. The woman turned around to face me and her face was filled with a horrific terror. Then she screamed: "The boy, his face!!!" and then she let out a long, piercing, unearthly scream like a banshee, her eyes rolled back into her head and started melting. Then the scene cut so that the missing link was right in front of me, but only his eyes were showing, like what golum does, and he was breathing heavily like golum and I woke up terrified.

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I had a dream in 1st grade that I kissed a guy in my class

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I'm young teen, never kissed anyone, but have a girlfriend.


I remember having a dream last night where I went into the attic to find that my parents had bought two nerf guns, the Vulcan EBF-25 (the chaingun) and the Semper-Fi (a Gatling gun that was only ever present in the video games). I've also had some pretty fun lucid dreams where I was doing something I shouldn't have, and whenever someone would catch and threaten me I would just laugh and purposefully wake up feeling like I've just evaded the law.


I love how this chat has evolved into discussing relationships and our kissing status.

Honestly though the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to me was one time when I was chilling in my room on my computer, my precious little angel cat Miss Giblet (don’t judge the nickname) came in and just curled up on top of me. She then proceeded to drool all over my hand as I pet her. We just sat there watching childish animes and random art videos on YouTube for like an hour. It was great. My cat is super amazing in case it’s not obvious-

@Starfast group

^^ I've never told anyone about this but once had a dream where I was at school when a school shooter came in. I was hiding in the library with my friend and a bunch of other people and some of the people started talking and the shooter heard them and came in. Instead of just shooting up the place she (the shooter was an Asian girl dressed in like Cyberpunk style clothes) just started doing eenie meenie miney mo to randomly select people to shoot. I think I woke up before anyone actually got shot but it was still effing horrifying.

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I love how this chat has evolved into discussing relationships and our kissing status.

Me too