forum Tell me the weirdest dreams you've ever had!
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I love how this chat has evolved into discussing relationships and our kissing status.

Honestly though the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to me was one time when I was chilling in my room on my computer, my precious little angel cat Miss Giblet (don’t judge the nickname) came in and just curled up on top of me. She then proceeded to drool all over my hand as I pet her. We just sat there watching childish animes and random art videos on YouTube for like an hour. It was great. My cat is super amazing in case it’s not obvious-

Oh and another time I sang a romantic duet with a dustpan in a language I don’t speak instead of doing my laundry, that was pretty great.

@soupnana group

I got one. Be warned, it is pretty freaky and it contains graphic images. It still haunts me so now it can haunt you! Also, Imma tell it like a personal narrative because I think that makes it more interesting.

I was standing outside the big house, wind rustling the few leaves left on the dead branches. I looked over at the boy next to me and he grinned encouragingly in that handsome way he did. I turned forward again, a few words popping up in the corner of my vision.
Objective: Go inside the Mansion.
I swallowed nervously taking a tentative step forward, the boy following behind me. Leaves crunched beneath our feet as we walked down the pathway to the door, before we had reached the front step. The old wooden boards creaked and groaned when we stepped up onto them. Something white caught my eye. I looked down to see a skull with hollow eyes staring up at me. I swallowed again.
The boy slowly pushed open the door, and it swung forward on it's old, battered hinges. A dark room greeted us. We walked inside and as we did, everything seemed to light up. A front desk with a silver bell sat in the middle of the room, and two people stood behind it. As I looked closer, I noticed that they were hags. They had white hair that stuck up and hung down in chaotic tangles, hooked noses that protruded out of their wrinkly faces, and they wore rags of different shades and patterns.
"Why hello young travelers! We have a quest for you!" The two identical old women said in unison. More words popped up in my vision.
Objective: Find the ingredients

  • Bone Marrow
  • Human Finger
  • Wooden stick

Me and the boy turned into a hallway, and he pulled out a flashlight and he clicked it on. We continued forward. As we walked onward, we passed corpses with their guts spilling out, or with missing limbs. Almost immediately, we found a bone, and I stuffed it in my back pocket, ignoring the fact that what I had just held once was in a human body. We continued. Little facts and tips popped up in the corner of my vision every so often, but I ignored them as something caught my eye. A trail of blood leading into a dark room. I held back a grimace as we followed the trail. As we neared closer to the doorway, I heard sounds of chewing and a slight splutter. That did not sound good.
(Blegh… I can hardly continue with so much detail.)
Okay guys, I can't describe it because then I would just feel evil, and I hate that feeling. So basically, me and the kid walk in the room aaaaand we find…. (oh lawdy it's so bad…) we find a little girl chewing on someones intestines… So yeah, that is the worst part of it. But imagine waking up with that image in your mind…. it was soooo bad….. I feel sick just thinking about it. Anyways, me and the kid take a finger off the body the girl was eating and we continue on like nothing. Even. Happened. Yup. We go upstairs and we are like in this greenhouse place, and the two old ladies are there. We give them the ingredients, they give us a potion, and I point at them with finger guns like, "AYYYY! You my girls! I love y'all, you are my besties." And me and the kid left to go on a romantic date at a haunted theme park.
Yeah, so it went from spooky, to horrifying, to chill within the span of a few minutes. There was another part to the dream, but it was the best part of the whole thing, and I like to keep it to myself. :)


I woke up to find this in my dream journal:

January 15 2019:
All of got together in one chat thread to debate the best way to stay quiet when you wake up before your siblings and since I have so much experience I was winning. They also argued about the lyrics to spooky scary skeletons


I had a nightmare last night that I only remember the ending of. I broke some rule and got caught and I was going to be executed. I don't even remember what the rule was. I was saying goodbye to my friends and cats in tears. My family had deserted me without saying goodbye. I walked down the street and crossed a bridge to get to where I was being executed. There were no soldiers following me to be sure I'd come because the lady who was going to execute me knew that I was already dead inside. I looked down at the road below me because love heights. They soothe me. Then I smiled and jumped off the bridge. My head hit the pavement and bleed. Then I woke up.


Sorry. Was it disturbing of me to share that?

No, I made this place for people to share the weird dreams they have and that definitely counts as a weird one, but geez it went from choking to death on salad dressing to happy dreams about dead friends and suicide

@soupnana group

I had a dream that my best friends were still alive.

^^ This is the one I was talking about there

Yeah…. forget dreams about cannibalism, that one takes the cake when is comes to depressing and dark….


i had this dream, back when i lived in an apartment complex. in it, i stepped out onto my back porch and the entire like huge shared yard was a swamp, filled with just. millions of ducks. and crickets. ducks and crickets. and for some goddamn reason i STEPPED OUT INTO IT. and im just standing there as they move around me? it was so weird

Deleted user

Oof once I had this weird dream where I had to solve a world ending issue (while being stupid and clueless) while stopping a hurricane combined with a tornado. If I was close to running out of time, I would have to compliment the weather, and how I love it then it would calm down. I was too lazy to solve the problem, even in dream form, so I hated on the weather so it would kill me, it was dumb.

@HighPockets group

Okay guys settle in because I had a weird as heck dream a while back.
I was at Toys R Us, because I'm a collector and they get exclusives. I then got chosen for a scavenger hunt. And who was on my team?? KELLY MARIE TRAN AND EDDIE REDMAYNE! TWO OF THE CUTEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD! So we teamed up to begin the hunt they're lovely people by the way and it turns out it wasn't a regular Toys R Us, oh no! It was a Costco Toys R Us. But it wasn't. We had been yeeted to Costco fro Toys R Us. After we completed the Costco objective we had to walk across a long, hot, and dusty highway back to Toys R Us. It was hot as hell so we all got ice cream. We won. The end.

@soupnana group

I don't like or know anything about anime, which I'm okay with because they are so unrealistic and no one could ever be that beautiful in real life.

Deleted user

Exactly. I wish I was an anime character, maybe I could be likable why do I keep roasting myself…