forum Tell me the weirdest dreams you've ever had!
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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For some reason, I always have dreams about kidnappings or shootings or whatever. So this one time, I had a dream that these two guys were shooting at me and my mom and some other people with us, so we all started running out of the building that we were in. Well, I was running as fast as I could, but I still couldn't go fast enough to lose them. Everybody else that was running from them, including my mom, were far away, but the two men were gaining on me. Then, I ducked into a building that I saw my mom go into, and it was a really big office building type thing. I went all the way up like two flights of stairs, and ducked into a kitchen (idk why there was a kitchen) and hid in some cabinets while the cooks were in there. They didn't question it. One of the men came in there looking for me, but the cooks covered for me. After that, I went out (i think i was looking for my mom) of the kitchen and back down to the first floor, but I heard the men coming, so i went into a secret passage (a long tunnel with a door as an entrance that had been painted to look like the rest of the wall) and came out in a classroom with students and a teacher and everything. They didn't say anything tho, and they kept doing whatever they were doing. But I had forgotten to close the door, and the men came in after me, and there was nowhere for me to go.
And then I woke up.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Whenever I have a dream about peeps trying to kill me I have a great time, because in those dreams I am pretty badass and can defend myself pretty well. So, funnily enough, my favorite dreams are when someone is trying to kill me.

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Sometimes I have dreams about people I miss, and I love those because usually I don't know its a dream and I think I'm actually with the person.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

One of my worst dreams was when a close friend who moved away two-three years earlier came back for a visit. Halfway through he turned to me and told me that we needed to stop with the act that we were friends anymore. It was even worse because that was one of my worst fears at the time. That I would lose contact and drift apart from people I cared about. It was awful.

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One of my worst dreams was when a close friend who moved away two-three years earlier came back for a visit. Halfway through he turned to me and told me that we needed to stop with the act that we were friends anymore. It was even worse because that was one of my worst fears at the time. That I would lose contact and drift apart from people I cared about. It was awful.

Oh that's awful, I hope it turned out better than it did in the dream :(
It really is a horrible feeling to be constantly afraid that people don't really like you like you hope they do


I occasionally have dreams that have foreseen the future. I don't want to go too far into it but I accurately predicted much of 2016 before it even happened. Haven't predicted anything since though.

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in some dreams I can fly

I wish I had a lucid dream where I could fly. That's actually one of the things I want the most in my life: to experience what it feels like to fly. Gives me chills just thinking about it. *shudder *


There's this one dream that REALLY sticks out in my mind. For context, I'm in an acapella group at my school, and I wasn't the biggest fan of a couple of the members.

We were supposed to perform at a festival, kind of like St. Anthony's Feast in Boston, just really packed together. I was weaving through the crowd after we performed, trying to find a place to eat. I had already had dinner, so I just wanted a dessert or something small. There was this little Mom-and-Pop pizza place that also happened to make their own pastries, which was GREAT because everything looked delicious. There was this one thing where it looked like there was pie crust on the bottom, cannoli filling, lemon meringue filling on top of that, and a very thin layer of chocolate espresso powder on top. However, my heart was set on having a cannoli. These things were big, and the one I got had the chocolate chips on the sides. However, this thing cost $20! If it cost me that much, this had better be the best damn cannoli I had ever tasted in my life! I was handed the cannoli on a plate, but then someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was Sam, that no-good, dirty rotten dream ruiner!
"You know you were supposed to buy dinner first, right?"
I woke up thinking But I already HAD dinner!
And then I realized that I didn't have my cannoli.
I was despondent for the rest of the day.


I'm just going to copy/paste what I wrote down for last night's dreams: (sorry for the lack of punctuation, I wrote this while half-asleep)

1: I was heading off to bed at twelve at night after watching Just Dance videos of a Where Are You Now/Psycho thing and I went to grab my iPod and water but I dropped my iPod and after I picked it up I felt a hand on the back of my neck… Also whenever I turned on the lights they wouldn't light up the room and I kinda had to pee when it all happened but I couldn't because I was murdered.
2: (My brother's name) was abducted by an evil alien and to get him back I had to go on a mission with a good alien to get him out and at first I packed up my things and left and no other alien saw us but then mr good alien passed out trying to make copies of himself and he told me to pack up because I had to go home but when I did he was stuck and then we started talking to the other aliens and they were all super friendly and one gave me candy but when you invade their space you have to cover your eye with one hand or they'll spray you and then my computer was stolen and my clothes and I had to find that too and then all the aliens teamed up to stop the evil alien and I got my brother and computer back and it was all good and we went home and I woke up.



Okay so this wasn't my dream but it was about me…
My sister had a dream that she was looking out across a bunch of small islands (not really islands, just tiny patches of sand-covered land jutting out of the ocean) and on each one stood a large buck with huge antlers and they were all staring at her, and their eyes followed her wherever she went. She said they looked mad, like they were about to charge at her.
Apparently I was standing on the very last island, sitting with my arms crossed, and she said she wanted to get to me but she was scared
Idk I thought it was kinda strange lol


Another (admittedly kinda cool) dream I had:

I was in a train station, and I knew I was late. I had to get to my train, or it would leave me behind, and I did NOT want that. Cue a Mission Impossible-style running sequence where I'm pushing past people and little kiosks. At one point, I jump OVER a kiosk, knock it over in the process, but do this sweet tuck-and-roll parkour move. That bit happened during a Matrix-like bullet time, so I had just enough time to give a girl near me the finger guns and a wink (dream-me is much more handsome and flirtatious), and I kept running until I found an escalator going down. The line was just beginning to board a MASSIVE train. I'm talking six stories and triple-wide massive, and it looked like it was made out of gold and ivory. The station itself had a gold hue to it and looked almost like an upscale mall. I get in line behind an older gentleman in a fur coat, and he says that I'm right on time. I board and meet my friends who are all sitting at a booth. The dream camera slowly pans backward and up as I sit down. Our seats rotate toward the windows, and we are all sitting and talking while watching the scenery go by.

Now that I think about it, this would be a fantastic sequence for my story!


The only things I can remember about my dream last night:

-I learned to play the drums (why do all my dreams involve me playing instruments that I don't know how to play at the time? And more importantly, does this mean I will learn to play the drums?)
-I was sitting on a gigantic hill overlooking the ocean playing the drums and talking to a nice boy who could also play the drums (The boy was very nice. Sadly, I think my brain made him up.)
-I was in Canada and I spilled glitter on everything
-My friends from theatre and I were trapped in a gigantic boarding school and running away from this really weird villain guy. Eventually he cornered us in the bathroom and we were all trying to fight him but then he tied a giant bomb to one of my friends and we all just. R a n (man that got dark really fast)
-I was being chased by a random otter through a shopping mall
-I think that's it


in some dreams I can fly

I wish I had a lucid dream where I could fly. That's actually one of the things I want the most in my life: to experience what it feels like to fly. Gives me chills just thinking about it. *shudder *

me too! it's probably because of my four-year-old-self's obsession with fairies