forum Tell Me Stuff You Heard High/Middle School Students Say!
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"We're finger buddies!" - my two straight friends who don't understand how much of an innuendo that was
"Good lord, no." - me and my other friend who does understand how much of an innuendo that was


"I dont think ive ever wanted to punch that girl right there ya the one with puffy hair so much other than right now"
Me to a friend b/c she was flirty with my bf at the time.

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"I'm not gonna be the bullfrog!"


My middle school is strange….

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"What's that guys name? Y'know, Seaweed Hair?"(She was talking about Izuku Midoriya)

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"What's that guys name? Y'know, Seaweed Hair?"(She was talking about Izuku Midoriya)


It was a funny conversation


My baby sister: "Mary had a little bacon, little bacon, little bacon… Mary had a little bacon-"
Me: I think you're getting the words wrong, it's "Mary had a little lamb"
Baby sister: …
Me: …
Baby sister: …
Me: …
Baby sister: "Mary had a little ham-"

I think she's hungry

@HighPockets group

Group Leader: When I was little, people would always ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I'd say 'a pirate' and then they'd say 'that's illegal' so I'm going to live out my childhood fantasies through you.
(We were playing Ships and Sailors)

@HighPockets group

Nope when she said that I thought of that and snorted water out of my nose (she was relaying a conversation she had with her mom about how she has friends who aren't straight and was inviting them over, and one is pescatarion)

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"Kanye West likes fish sticks, therefore he is a gay fish."

That's south park