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@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

anyone have advice on how to stop overthinking so much? there are times when I know something really doesn't matter but I still get worked up over it and it takes up way too much space in my head

Hey, I've got something that I do, I overthink all the time and it's really taxing. I don't know if you're religious or anything but praying really helps me- I just talk to God about it and that typically helps. I understand that can be uncomfortable for some people tho.
Other than that, maybe distractions? Or I know that my best friend is really good at helping me not overthink because she has an outside pov and she helps break it down. so maybe talking to someone?
idk, these are just some things that I do. Hope you feel better!


anyone have advice on how to stop overthinking so much? there are times when I know something really doesn't matter but I still get worked up over it and it takes up way too much space in my head

Hey, I've got something that I do, I overthink all the time and it's really taxing. I don't know if you're religious or anything but praying really helps me- I just talk to God about it and that typically helps. I understand that can be uncomfortable for some people tho.
Other than that, maybe distractions? Or I know that my best friend is really good at helping me not overthink because she has an outside pov and she helps break it down. so maybe talking to someone?
idk, these are just some things that I do. Hope you feel better!

I'm not really religious but I have tried journalling to get the words out in the open? I haven't tried distracting myself much so I'll give it a go because I find that once my mind is set on something else, it stays there for a while which brings some relief from it.
Thanks for the tips! :)

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

anyone have advice on how to stop overthinking so much? there are times when I know something really doesn't matter but I still get worked up over it and it takes up way too much space in my head

Hey, I've got something that I do, I overthink all the time and it's really taxing. I don't know if you're religious or anything but praying really helps me- I just talk to God about it and that typically helps. I understand that can be uncomfortable for some people tho.
Other than that, maybe distractions? Or I know that my best friend is really good at helping me not overthink because she has an outside pov and she helps break it down. so maybe talking to someone?
idk, these are just some things that I do. Hope you feel better!

I'm not really religious but I have tried journalling to get the words out in the open? I haven't tried distracting myself much so I'll give it a go because I find that once my mind is set on something else, it stays there for a while which brings some relief from it.
Thanks for the tips! :)

ooh journaling could work; I personally don't much but I've heard it helps a lot of people.
best of luck to you :)


anyone have advice on how to stop overthinking so much? there are times when I know something really doesn't matter but I still get worked up over it and it takes up way too much space in my head

Well, first of all your brain isn't going to stop thinking it so let it run it's course. Our brains are like children, you say no it can't have candy and you are in for an eternity of whining and will never know peace. Or it's like getting sick, the longer you push off resting and getting better the worse it get's and it takes triple the amount of time to get healthy again. I'm not saying dwell on the thought, I'm saying let it breathe have it's time and then move on from it. (Nor am I saying you should straight up give a child candy, you do however offer an alternative or explanation or a timeline for when they can have candy)
People already talked about journaling, that ones good, I will also just talk out loud to the wall, or a pillow, or a notebook, a plushy, literally anything can and will get personified, same idea as journaling.
You can also just schedule thinking time, it sounds so stupid, but I watched Winnie the Pooh religiously as a kid and even as an adult, He had a point when it came to having a thinking spot, it helps.


anyone have advice on how to stop overthinking so much? there are times when I know something really doesn't matter but I still get worked up over it and it takes up way too much space in my head

Well, first of all your brain isn't going to stop thinking it so let it run it's course. Our brains are like children, you say no it can't have candy and you are in for an eternity of whining and will never know peace. Or it's like getting sick, the longer you push off resting and getting better the worse it get's and it takes triple the amount of time to get healthy again. I'm not saying dwell on the thought, I'm saying let it breathe have it's time and then move on from it. (Nor am I saying you should straight up give a child candy, you do however offer an alternative or explanation or a timeline for when they can have candy)
People already talked about journaling, that ones good, I will also just talk out loud to the wall, or a pillow, or a notebook, a plushy, literally anything can and will get personified, same idea as journaling.
You can also just schedule thinking time, it sounds so stupid, but I watched Winnie the Pooh religiously as a kid and even as an adult, He had a point when it came to having a thinking spot, it helps.

I never really thought about it that way before… Scheduling time sounds like a good idea too. Thanks for sharing :)


The MCYT music side of my brain is freaking out because I just randomly met CG5. I made a comment to my friend about how he looked like a music guy I listen too and she said "Yeah, he writes music" and then we slowly came to the conclusion that this is the guy I loved to listen to and then her ex boyfriend came over to us and him and me both like minecraft and he was like "I think that's CG5" and we were freaking out and my friend was like "I can introduce you, he's in one of my classes" and she did and I was so awkward about it but he was so nice and then later in the night I was still super happy about it and a guy came over and asked what was going on and I explained it and it turns out he was his close friend and it was just a mess

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

so I could use some advice from the more adultier adults here? Long vent warning, sorry

I'm kinda on a clock but I'm very seriously considering quitting my job. I dread it every day and feel sick to my stomach from anxiety and I leave drained. I feel like my kids don't respect me (I work at a daycare) and I'm finding it very hard to bring my all to work, which isn't fair to my kids, they deserve someone who's present mentally as well as physically.
That being said, I need a way to pay for school, and I don't want to burn a bridge that I may need in the future. I like my coworkers but I'm not close with any of them. I know that I'll most likely be able to get another job but what if its worse than this one? I don't want to job hop.
I've never quit a job before and any advice is appreciated

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Okay. What I have done is job search until I find a job that I like and that I think I can tolerate. At least for a little while. If I get the job, I always tell the people that I interviewed with hey, give me a month before I start. I have to tie up loose ends and make sure my old job is taken care of as best as it could be before I move onto the new one. It is very bitter sweet. Also, I really can't help you out much with writing up a two weeks notice, because I worked for a bunch of rednecks in a little café, and I was like I'm not coming back in two weeks, peace out homie. Also sometimes you have to job hop. Money is a fickle thing. You have to make money, even if it means you job hop. No said it would be easy to adult. I could help you search and find a job if you're interested in that. There are so many job openings right now. I'm sure you can find something you like.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

I just hyper-fixated on a song I was supposed to write an analysis on for class, and I accidentally just went on a rant on why that song is like the best ever. To my Professor.
the song is pretty freakin awesome though.

@Darkblossom group

Just had a doctor's appointment and apparently since trying being gluten free (cause of a mild wheat allergy) I lost eight pounds in less than two months! This is bad! This is the opposite of the desired outcome! I was already skinny, can I please have my eight extra pounds of insulation back!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Just had a doctor's appointment and apparently since trying being gluten free (cause of a mild wheat allergy) I lost eight pounds in less than two months! This is bad! This is the opposite of the desired outcome! I was already skinny, can I please have my eight extra pounds of insulation back!

Have you found a wheat alternative? All I can say is fatty proteins should help you out a little bit, such as fish, red meat, etc. Unless you are a vegetarian or vegan. Then Avocado is probably one of the best out there. But I do know a bomb recipe for gluten free cinnamon rolls. I do have that to offer.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Me and my cast for Guys & Dolls just got in trouble for fake kissing all the time. the list now includes:
No mareges, No engagements, no summoning demons, no making and enforcing cult activities, no trying to kill each other, no stabbing each other with power tools, and no fake kissing.
Real kissing will be added shortly.

@Darkblossom group

Just had a doctor's appointment and apparently since trying being gluten free (cause of a mild wheat allergy) I lost eight pounds in less than two months! This is bad! This is the opposite of the desired outcome! I was already skinny, can I please have my eight extra pounds of insulation back!

Have you found a wheat alternative? All I can say is fatty proteins should help you out a little bit, such as fish, red meat, etc. Unless you are a vegetarian or vegan. Then Avocado is probably one of the best out there. But I do know a bomb recipe for gluten free cinnamon rolls. I do have that to offer.

We're somewhat throwing the gluten free thing out the window at this point (well I am, my mom less so), gonna try to avoid wheat as much as reasonable but I'm allowed to go back to the weekly homemade pizza since we think cutting that out might have been one of the things that made me lose weight

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I was watching a "shock-doc" about the Amityville Horror House earlier. There was a short video of Ronald DeFeo Jr. saying the word "performance" in relation to his court testimony. Yeah, I'm not entirely convinced that a malicious entity made him kill his parents and siblings after seeing that; I do believe he was mentally ill. However, I do believe that thanks to the violent acts committed that the house is haunted.


So, the church I go to set up a trunk-or-treat yesterday. Hung out with my sister and her boyfriend the whole time. Ended up getting these weird little things that can only be described as candy Legos. You put 'em together and then you eat 'em. However, due to the fact that they don't stick together very well, I've decided to just eat them out of the package. If you wanna look them up, the package says 'insperika Build-Eat'