forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

My sister got married tonight! Wedding was great and I got teary eyed.

oh my gosh that's awesome! Weddings are great, I'm going to one tomorrow :) Congratulations to your sister!
(I'll straight-up bawl when/if my little sister gets married)


I’m still confused on how I’m passing all my classes and have no missing assignments

Also about the queens death, my English teacher has a cardboard cutout of her. But no I no longer just have a Royal judging me while I don’t pay attention, I have a dead Royal judging me while I don’t pay attention.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

oh my God, I think college is trying to kill meh
So I just started my first on-campus term (until now I've been in an online program) and today was HELLA busy. dr appt this morning, then home for like 10 minutes before I went to classes for the better part of the day. then I had to BOOK IT to make it to work on time, since my last class got out like 5 minutes before my shift started. Work went slightly longer than usual, ran home to change, was home for like maybe 7 minutes, then met my friend for a hella quick dinner we got literally at Safeway, before we went to an on-campus CRU service.
and to top it all off, the McDonalds drive-thru was hella long and they were out of literally everything I wanted, and I also apparently have an assignment due like an hour and a half or smth that I haven't even started.

For my first week of on-campus, it's a definite adjustment.
I just wanna sleeeeeppppp

@Cadeverek group

I signed up to get a free chest binder! I mean, the waiting list is still covering the requests from January 2020 BUT, free binder!! Better late than never! Also, I just finished a hell of a week with more than 10 assignments at university. And I kinda feel like shit specially about my body but hey, free fucking binder. Also I might have made a friend realize they're not cis. And I got 500 views within 3 days on an animation I made, which is a new highscore I guess. So yeah. No one asked me to share these things but today I chose violence so it's y'all's problem now ù_ú

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

I don't know what came over me yesterday but at a friend's birthday party there was a DJ doing dance instruction and I definitely do not dance but it was my best friend's party and she made me but IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!

Also totally unrelated to anything but I may go to a CRU retreat so that will be really cool and fun I hope :) GON MAKE SOME GOOD JESUS-LOVIN FRIENDS THERE

@Space group

Quick question, Do you preferer Soft cover books, Or Hard cover, And why?

I'm really late to this but I prefer hardcover books. Not only do they not accidentally get bent, but I have a tradition of slamming a book closed after I finished. The sound of it is really satisfying and gives me a sense of completion for some reason.

@Space group

I'm so upset! My grades were going to be finalized as all A's but at the last minute one of my classes dropped to a B+ and I didn't have time to fix it. I get my validation from good grades.

Also- @Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire, I apologize if you already gave updates and I'm just not seeing it, but do you know what became of that bear near your house?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm so upset! My grades were going to be finalized as all A's but at the last minute one of my classes dropped to a B+ and I didn't have time to fix it. I get my validation from good grades.

Also- @Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire, I apologize if you already gave updates and I'm just not seeing it, but do you know what became of that bear near your house?

Hey those are still wonderful grades! Also I believe it died. However the time of the bear is over, the time of the fox in the hen house has begun. I’ve come home 3 different days to find three different chickens gone, dead, and otherwise desecrated. How do you know it’s a fox Win? I have it on trail cam with my favorite chicken hanging from its jaws. The unbelievable upset I feel.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

I have it on trail cam with my favorite chicken hanging from its jaws. The unbelievable upset I feel.

Winter's chickens rest in peace :(
I feel ya, Winter, I was so distraught when my (only) chicken Colonel Sanders was killed. Pretty sure a loose dog or something got to her, though.

@CaseyJ group

So, hurricane hit the east coast this weekend. I got the out skirt s so just a lot of wind. whole county was out of power. I was from 21:40 - 18:30 or 20 ish hours.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

I have decided to title all of my homework assignments as if they were chapter titles in the OG Percy Jackson books

I sometimes title my day like that if I've been in a funk, it always makes me laugh.
what's ur fav assignment title you've come up with?


I will be getting my prosthetic very soon! I really looking forwards to it.

Also, if I could visit any place… I think Canada I would like to visit! I have relatives there as well. I have been out of Ukraine a few times, but I’ve never left Europe before!


I have to give two monologue auditions, I know the one I want to do, but does anybody have a second idea.

On another note I’ve been writing notes for a fanfic, they’re all writing in a silly chaotic way and I like it.


I have decided to title all of my homework assignments as if they were chapter titles in the OG Percy Jackson books

I sometimes title my day like that if I've been in a funk, it always makes me laugh.
what's ur fav assignment title you've come up with?

Well, I had like 4 assignments due for the same class and I was doing them at a potluck so they were all different forms of what I did like "Depression Pasta (hit me up if you want the recipe)" "Banging Cinnamon rolls and also my GF (jk I'm Ace)" "My new Plant Jefford died today" and "My Migraine is chronic but this half-assed assignment is iconic" and other dumb stuff like that

@Starfast group

this is really random but if you guys could visit any place in the world where would you go?

Where wouldn't I go is probably the easier question to answer. The list of places I want to visit is like a mile long. I really want to try to get to all the continents and all I have left are South America and Africa (if you exclude Antartica). So I really want to do Peru and Namibia to complete, but maybe also Bolivia or Morocco. I also really want to do Germany (I already have an itinerary written up somewhere, but I don't know if or when I'll be going).