forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

So none of y'all asked for this, but this was real freaking cute and I need to share with someone. I was at work (I work at a daycare during the week) and one of my kids Isa (Nickname) has down syndrome and works with a couple of different therapists. Today her speech therapist was in and one of their activities was to pick a book to be read allowed to her so she can see how peoples mouths move for certain words (It works great for her). Anyways, her therapist is trying to get Isa to pick a book and I'm watching a couple feet away and instead of pointing to a book on the bookshelf, she points to my backpack. She is very insistent on my backpack, so I walk over and open it for her and she immediately grabs out my notebook and flips to the story I'm working on. Both me and her therapist were caught off-guard so Isa starts reading it to herself out loud, which sounds more like la la la ah al ah la than actual words. Finally breaking out of the shock, I walked over and was like "you want this story Isa?" To which she replied "ya" and handed me my notebook. The story was mostly done and I was in the editing stage, so I was like "Why not" I looked to her therapist who nodded like go ahead. And I sat down and read my short story out to Isa (who I'm pretty sure had no idea what I was saying). Her therapist liked the story. And that's how I read my story out to my first live audience.

That is adorable! My mom is a speech therapist, so I can relate! My favorite lil one right now is a young boy with Down syndrome. He doesn’t like responding to people, unless you sing his name. And it’s the sweetest thing. He also super into instrumental music and it’s so cute watching him do his lil happy dance when a classical banger comes on. Like that boy can jam to Winter by Vivaldi. Just runnin in circles. No stop. No breaks. Just full speed ahead. 😂

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Anyone know who well a toothbrush goes when flushed down a toilet?

Fairly well. I should be an expert in this type of stuff. I was a menace to plumbing when I was younger. I would throw random crap in the toilet and see if it would go down. A toothbrush is fairly alright. Carpet however is not. I learned that lesson at 3 years old.


I spent the first hours of my new years changing bedding and crying with a mad toddler who decided to climb into my bed before peeing everywhere instead of staying in his own bed. said toddler was furious that I made him get up and change his clothes and rinse off, how dare I, and even more upset when I made him go back to his own bed and then didn't sit with him because I had to change out all of my bedding. good times


My mom spent the first day of New Years screaming at my sister for being around her. So that was wonderful /s

I spent most of the time around New Years editing ace attorney sprites because I was bored.

@vibesofeuphoria fastfood

i was backpacking a portion of the appalachian trail in virginia and my then-boyfriend was trying to make a stream crossing and he thinks he lost his balance and fell but i accidentally bumped into him from behind and pushed him into the river and his stuff was soaked until we could reach the closest shelter to set up camp and i feel so guilty for not fessing up haha

@Space group

I was forced to go to a Catholic church with my Grandpa because he had no one to drive him (He has hallucinations and memory issues so he can't drive). I felt really out of place and kinda nervous/uncomfortable. I didn't know what to do or say the entire time, the whole bread thing gave me anxiety because everyone started moving around and getting up. But hey, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. The singing was actually kinda nice, everyone had really good voices.

@Space group

Also, my friend and I shared a twin sized mattress and I fell off halfway through the night and gouged my forehead on the side of a desk so now I have an angry red mark that I'm covering with a bandaid that looks just as bad <3

@Space group

hmm I kinda expected that
Idk how to send it then- trust me it isn't anything special. Once I finish it or get more done I'll find a way to share it

@Space group

my legs are SHAKING. My idiot dog (shih tzu. Extremely tiny and fast) decided to jump out of the car when I only cracked open the door for a second to say something to a lady. The dog preceded to run out onto the road in front of a speeding car. Keep in mind, I'm wearing high heels and the ground is muddy, but in pure panic I tumble out of the car and drunk sprint in front of the car trying to get it to stop. My dog doesn't listen worth shit so she didn't even look at me when I called and almost got killed. I literally hate her so much right now (ignore the fact I was willing to get hit by a car for her)