forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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The Christmas tree stabbed me in the eye ;-;

I got stabbed with a knife lol

I'm sorry to hear that @murphysgirl .

WHAT THE F, Winter?!?!?!

(edit; oh, geez… I read that and thought you said you got stabbed in the eye with a knife.)

A Christmas tree is more dangerous than a Red Rider BB gun. (if you know you know)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

The Christmas tree stabbed me in the eye ;-;

I got stabbed with a knife lol

I'm sorry to hear that @murphysgirl .

WHAT THE F, Winter?!?!?!

(edit; oh, geez… I read that and thought you said you got stabbed in the eye with a knife.)

A Christmas tree is more dangerous than a Red Rider BB gun. (if you know you know)

Lol. Watch the 24-hour marathon every year 😉

@CaseyJ group

The Christmas tree stabbed me in the eye ;-;

I got stabbed with a knife lol

I'm sorry to hear that @murphysgirl .

WHAT THE F, Winter?!?!?!

(edit; oh, geez… I read that and thought you said you got stabbed in the eye with a knife.)

A Christmas tree is more dangerous than a Red Rider BB gun. (if you know you know)

"you'll shoot your eye out-" "Oh no, I shot my eye out" 0-0

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

The Christmas tree stabbed me in the eye ;-;

I got stabbed with a knife lol

I'm sorry to hear that @murphysgirl .

WHAT THE F, Winter?!?!?!

(edit; oh, geez… I read that and thought you said you got stabbed in the eye with a knife.)

A Christmas tree is more dangerous than a Red Rider BB gun. (if you know you know)

I understood tha reference

@Burn_With_Me group

My heart is beating so fast right now. My stomach keeps flopping and twisting and swimming around my insides. My thoughts are going a million miles an hour. I just want it to STOP. I'm so done with feeling like this. It's immature and stupid. I hate it. I hate being wrong, and if I'm wrong about him, I'll be so wrong. Wrong about how he felt, how I felt, what anything meant. Worse, it will have meant nothing, and I made it into something. I spent all that time in fairy land. I hate fairy land. I want it to go away. I wish I could just not have feelings until I knew who I should be with.

I hate that heavy heart feeling. It's not just my heart, it's my whole chest. My throat squeezes up. My head hurts. My stomach feels like lead. My eyes sting, but crying just makes me more of a baby. Hope hurts. And I feel like I'll be let down. I was crushed last time I had given up hope, and nothing bad had even happened—I was smitten, of course. Even my sister agreed he was cute. But Matt decided to talk to me about him… I don't even remember what he said. Probably something true. Something I didn't want to be true.

My spirit had been shattered. I hated myself. I hated him, even though he had done nothing wrong. Except be good. He was too good, that was the problem. Too good, just like my imagination was too good. I wanted them both to leave me alone. I was upset for weeks. I was sullen and cried easily and was constantly berating myself for having emotions. My mom noticed. She asked me what was wrong. I made up something I was sort of upset about, but didn't tell her about him. She knew better. I caved. I cried and explained. She listened, and I was comforted, but I still wished the whole thing had never happened.

I distanced myself from him after that. It hurt my heart just to see his face, and I was distraught to learn that the butterflies had never left. Smothering them only made them flap more frantically, so I focused on school and family and art.

For a time, I forgot about him. Things were peaceful. If someone brought up his name, my heart would skip a beat, but I got good at pretending I didn't care anymore. I would laugh at myself, and his name came up less and less. I think I convinced myself I was over him. Maybe I was. But then I saw him again at a party a few weeks ago.

It was so painful. I felt like I was having a heart attack. He was as funny and dorky and sweet as he had always been from the moment we had met, and it was all I could do to keep the butterflies from flying out of my mouth. I told myself I would keep my distance, and only talk to him if necessary. I could do that much, couldn't I?

We talked the whole time.

I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face. It had been so lovely. I had been nervous to see him again, but once we started talking, it was as though we had never drifted apart. He made me laugh—like he always had. I was smitten all over again. The high lasted about a week. Then I started doubting. Then I started worrying. Then I started hating. This is the cycle. I like him, I'm smitten with him, I think of him all the time, I overthink everything to the point that I doubt he even likes me or if I even like him or if I just like the way he makes me feel and I tie myself all up into knots until I'm sick of myself and I hate everything that brought me to that point.

I'm going to see him this weekend. I don't want to start the cycle over, but I know as soon as I look into his big brown eyes and hear him say my name, my heart is going to trickle down my ribcage.

I don't know if I can do this anymore.

(sorry I'm ranting about a boy I like and don't really feel like talking to humans I know about this)


First of all, have you been reading my diary because that is super scarily familiar a situation to be in.

Something really really really important for you to understand, is that it is ok to have feelings, and it is ok to be confused and hurt and all of the things you just talked about. Having feelings isn't wrong, having emotions isn't wrong, you are human, it's what we do, we have emotions. If you want the cycle to stop you need to take a good long and hard look at this relationship and what you want out of it.

Do you want him to be your friend, Or do you want to be more than friends, do you want to date? Do you want him in your life at all? And after you figure out the answer to what you want your relationship with him to be you need to figure out what he wants the relationship to be, If he wants to just be friends you're going to have to accept that and be the best friend you can be, and if you can't do that, or if doing that is painful for you, I hate to say it but cut him out, not forever but for long enough where you can be friends again with out being in pain.

If what you're feeling right now is anything like how I felt for someone. You may not know how to be friends with them with out expecting something more, you're going to have to figure out what the boundaries are for you. One of the biggest game changers for me was a very indirect but direct conversation I had with my person. We talked around the subject getting the message across with out actually having to talk about ourselves directly. He just said, hey I think Highschool relationships are dumb what do you think, and I said yeah I agree, and he was like chill, also I have plans right after I graduate so relationships wont even be possible for me for a really long time it wouldn't be fair to leave someone waiting for me. And I was like yeah makes sense. And that was our boundary conversation. Basically saying, hey I like you, you like me but we are not going to work out right now so we need to just be friends. That conversation hurt, not going to lie but it made sure that both he and I knew where we stood and it took me a really long time to be able to say he is your friend and not more, but now he's one of my best friends ever and we have a really healthy relationship.

That conversation, that healing could not have happened had I not accepted what my emotions were. You are going to get no where, and you are going to make no progress if you do not accept the fact that what you feel is what you feel. If you keep trying to just stomp it out the cycle will never end, accept your emotions, figure out why you feel the way you do, and try to move on from there.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Alrighty hun.
It’s okay to be so hopelessly in love that you can’t breathe. That’s feelings doing what they do best. What’s not okay is being consumed by them. Feelings are feelings, and they are valid, and their job is to make you feel something; anything, to let you know you’re alive. It’s alright. Hmu if you wanna talk about it. I’m here for you.

@Burn_With_Me group

First of all, have you been reading my diary because that is super scarily familiar a situation to be in.

Something really really really important for you to understand, is that it is ok to have feelings, and it is ok to be confused and hurt and all of the things you just talked about. Having feelings isn't wrong, having emotions isn't wrong, you are human, it's what we do, we have emotions. If you want the cycle to stop you need to take a good long and hard look at this relationship and what you want out of it.

Do you want him to be your friend, Or do you want to be more than friends, do you want to date? Do you want him in your life at all? And after you figure out the answer to what you want your relationship with him to be you need to figure out what he wants the relationship to be, If he wants to just be friends you're going to have to accept that and be the best friend you can be, and if you can't do that, or if doing that is painful for you, I hate to say it but cut him out, not forever but for long enough where you can be friends again with out being in pain.

If what you're feeling right now is anything like how I felt for someone. You may not know how to be friends with them with out expecting something more, you're going to have to figure out what the boundaries are for you. One of the biggest game changers for me was a very indirect but direct conversation I had with my person. We talked around the subject getting the message across with out actually having to talk about ourselves directly. He just said, hey I think Highschool relationships are dumb what do you think, and I said yeah I agree, and he was like chill, also I have plans right after I graduate so relationships wont even be possible for me for a really long time it wouldn't be fair to leave someone waiting for me. And I was like yeah makes sense. And that was our boundary conversation. Basically saying, hey I like you, you like me but we are not going to work out right now so we need to just be friends. That conversation hurt, not going to lie but it made sure that both he and I knew where we stood and it took me a really long time to be able to say he is your friend and not more, but now he's one of my best friends ever and we have a really healthy relationship.

That conversation, that healing could not have happened had I not accepted what my emotions were. You are going to get no where, and you are going to make no progress if you do not accept the fact that what you feel is what you feel. If you keep trying to just stomp it out the cycle will never end, accept your emotions, figure out why you feel the way you do, and try to move on from there.

Holy crap this is so amazing thank you 😭 I needed to hear this. Wow. I'm trying to come to terms with how I feel and I have a million trains of thought and it's like I'm drowning but this really helped me calm down a bit. Wish I could say more. Thank you

@Burn_With_Me group

Alrighty hun.
It’s okay to be so hopelessly in love that you can’t breathe. That’s feelings doing what they do best. What’s not okay is being consumed by them. Feelings are feelings, and they are valid, and their job is to make you feel something; anything, to let you know you’re alive. It’s alright. Hmu if you wanna talk about it. I’m here for you.

Thank you so. Much. I'm doing my best not to be totally overwhelmed by all this (most of me is telling myself it's dumb to have all these emotions in the first place and that doesn't help) but it's hard and I feel like I don't get a lot of encouragement from older people who could give me more perspective so I just havr my few peer confidantes and I dont want to tire them out from me talking about this dumb guy 😭😭 thank you for your kind words


Holy crap this is so amazing thank you 😭 I needed to hear this. Wow. I'm trying to come to terms with how I feel and I have a million trains of thought and it's like I'm drowning but this really helped me calm down a bit. Wish I could say more. Thank you

Glad I could help, going through crappy experiences sucks but then you can help other people through crappy experiences you know.

@Space group

I'm renovating a woodland mansion in Minecraft. Anyone got ideas for rooms I can put in?

Dining hall, armory, potion room, farm, library

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Anyone have any fun/exciting/interesting ideas that you're working on/wanting to do?

I made a Demon's Hunt au with my friend where Beth is alive; she and George are divorced and have "joint custody" over William. (If you know what Demon's Hunt is, you know.)

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Anyone have any fun/exciting/interesting ideas that you're working on/wanting to do?

I made a Demon's Hunt au with my friend where Beth is alive; she and George are divorced and have "joint custody" over William. (If you know what Demon's Hunt is, you know.)

I just came up with an idea for a story about an organisation that's dedicated to the revival of extinct animals and releasing them back into the wild to thrive! Its a really cool concept and I really like it (also an excuse to make more animals lool)

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Anyone have any fun/exciting/interesting ideas that you're working on/wanting to do?

I made a Demon's Hunt au with my friend where Beth is alive; she and George are divorced and have "joint custody" over William. (If you know what Demon's Hunt is, you know.)

I just came up with an idea for a story about an organisation that's dedicated to the revival of extinct animals and releasing them back into the wild to thrive! Its a really cool concept and I really like it (also an excuse to make more animals lool)

Jurassic Park movie franchise comes to mind! 😁