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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Space group

I'm in pain and it hasn't stopped for two weeks. I thought I was getting better last weekend but now it's full force again 🥲 I've been dealing with this pain off and on for 3/4 years and the doctors don't know what it is


I'm in pain and it hasn't stopped for two weeks. I thought I was getting better last weekend but now it's full force again 🥲 I've been dealing with this pain off and on for 3/4 years and the doctors don't know what it is

Yeesh! That sucks. I've been dealing with these seizure things I sometimes get off and on for the past four years. I think it might be something to do with when I forget to take my meds but idk. Mystery pain is no fun, my mom has really bad headaches and she's been to like ten different doctors, and none of them can figure it out.

@Space group

Ah that sounds scary, I'm sorry <3

But yeah my pain is like to the point where I can't focus on anything else, just the fact my body feels like it's burning or someone is twisting a knife into me. I'm upset because it makes me miss a lot of social events. My bestfriend's birthday is tomorrow and she's having a huge party but I'm not sure if I'll make it. I also have to stay after school for 3 hours to file music and prepare the stage for the concert. (I don't HAVE to but I offered to help the band director and I'm not backing out now. And it's extra credit-)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Ah that sounds scary, I'm sorry <3

But yeah my pain is like to the point where I can't focus on anything else, just the fact my body feels like it's burning or someone is twisting a knife into me. I'm upset because it makes me miss a lot of social events. My bestfriend's birthday is tomorrow and she's having a huge party but I'm not sure if I'll make it. I also have to stay after school for 3 hours to file music and prepare the stage for the concert. (I don't HAVE to but I offered to help the band director and I'm not backing out now. And it's extra credit-)

Sounds like fibromyalgia to me

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I'm feeling real down right now. We're gonna be putting our 13-14 yr old cat Leo to sleep. He's old, skin and bone, has asthma and is having trouble breathing, and is spitting up a foamy white substance…. On top of that I'm worried about my neighbor. She fell about a month ago and broke some bones. She had to go to the hospital and then pt. She was supposed to come home this week, but she unfortunately caught Covid. She has COPD and is a smoker. Really worried about her.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm feeling real down right now. We're gonna be putting our 13-14 yr old cat Leo to sleep. He's old, skin and bone, has asthma and is having trouble breathing, and is spitting up a foamy white substance…. On top of that I'm worried about my neighbor. She fell about a month ago and broke some bones. She had to go to the hospital and then pt. She was supposed to come home this week, but she unfortunately caught Covid. She has COPD and is a smoker. Really worried about her.

I’m praying for you and your Neighbor Sy.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

It's my birthday
I'm Adult now

Happy bornday!
Mar a tha thu a chomharrachadh do latha, tha mi a ‘comharrachadh àlainn càirdeas sinn a roinn! Happy Birthday, caraid !! Latha math leat!
Mo charaid, Just dìochuimhnich na làithean a dh’fhalbh agus a ‘coimhead air adhart ris an àm ri teachd airson na rudan as fheàrr a tha fhathast ri thighinn ann do bheatha. Co-là-breith math !
(As you celebrate the day, I celebrate the beautiful relationship we share! Happy Birthday, friend!! Good day to you! My friend, just forget the past & look forward to the future for the best things are coming in your life. Happy birthday!)


I'm sitting in the lobby of a fancy hotel, and there's a man and an older man sitting nearby listening to something, a sports video I think, at full volume on one of their phones, and it's driving me NUTS. It's horrid manners and it's annoying and just uuuuugh!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm sitting in the lobby of a fancy hotel, and there's a man and an older man sitting nearby listening to something, a sports video I think, at full volume on one of their phones, and it's driving me NUTS. It's horrid manners and it's annoying and just uuuuugh!

Knock ‘em out

@Space group

When emailing someone in a higher position than me I feel like I spend more time rereading the email over and over again rather than actually writing it.