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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Yeah, like they pick on him all the time for being into more feminine stuff, while Howard's basically the textbook definition of a "Nice Guy™", I bet you have to pay some to hang around Sheldon, and the other dude is such a creep, he'd could play the bromantic in a few shoddy harem animes

@Tidermelon group

I'm currently in rehearsals for band and we're on stage and I'm wearing all black and a hoodie and I'm overheatinggggg

Stage lights are a whole different breed of hot. They will melt you. But yooooo I have a band concert in about an hour and a half! What instrument you play? I'm a flute player 😂

I'm off-brand squidward!
I play the clarinet.
I originally wanted to be a flute player but all the positions were filled so they just made me be clarinet.

Nice. Tried playing the clarinet, didn't like it very much. But the French Horn my guy is heaven. I wish I could play it more. Been playing the flute for about 7 years now. It's aggravating. But I love that stupid metal stick that has caused me so much stress.

I didn't do band, but I did do public school choir… I wasn't fond of the instructor. Lol

Sorry about your instructor, buckaroo. :( I take band class in my own school — I’m a baritone (euphonium) player, the only one of two who came back in-person. It’s fun playing low brass, but do I wish I could be part of the main melody for once. Trumpets get ALL THE PARTS.

@Space group

@Space group

I'm currently more worried about the family than myself. No one has to find words for this event, I'm at a loss too. Thank you though


TW: ?my mental health is progressively getting worse? depression mentioned

@tay_sweetwriter group

nah mate i wonder how long it'll be before i set the curtains on fire with a lavender-scented yankee candle because it's only a matter of time

should I be concerned?

@requiemisback language

nah mate i wonder how long it'll be before i set the curtains on fire with a lavender-scented yankee candle because it's only a matter of time

^^^^^ this, very much this yes