forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Space group

I dont mind how much you roll your eyes I'm always by your side. I'll follow your stride. You say the world broke you, put you down. But somehow you stand your ground. I don't see how

And Yet

Your smile lights my life got me saying this ain't right
tell me how tell me why
You're the stars in my sky out of reach not out of sight)

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I dont mind how much you roll your eyes I'm always by your side. I'll follow your stride. You say the world broke you, put you down. But somehow you stand your ground. I don't see how

And Yet

Your smile lights my life got me saying this ain't right
tell me how tell me why
You're the stars in my sky out of reach not out of sight)

Dang Space! ❤

@Space group

I dont mind how much you roll your eyes I'm always by your side. I'll follow your stride. You say the world broke you, put you down. But somehow you stand your ground. I don't see how

And Yet

Your smile lights my life got me saying this ain't right
tell me how tell me why
You're the stars in my sky out of reach not out of sight
just a dot on the skyline telling me its alright

but it doesnt feel alright

I'm proud of you its true, but it hurts as they rush to get your picture, kids screaming Mister Mister! They push me aside. just a background to your fantasy life.
Maybe the canvas is blank
but my paintings seem to fade
As you dazzle and woe the millions I couldn't reach

and yet

Your smile lights my life (chorus blah blah blah)


@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Nah I'll just send a sword in the mail or a Gaelic blessing. Here's a blessing I made up on the spot. Take it to heart Sy!
Rionnagan fortanach os do chionn, grian air do shlighe, mòran charaidean airson do ghràdhachadh, gàirdeachas ann an obair agus cluich, bu chòir gàire ruith gu saor sa chridhe, òran agus gàirdeachas a ’feitheamh riut anns a h-uile àite fad do bheatha. Sèididh na gaothan aig do dhruim. Biodh a ’ghrian a’ deàrrsadh blàth air d ’aghaidh; agus tuitidh na h-uisgeachan gu socair air do achaidhean. A ’Bhana-phrionnsa as fheàrr leat, cuimhnich air faclan an àm a dh’ fhalbh, agus coimhead ris an àm ri teachd. Tha thu beannaichte agus measail thar tomhas.

@Space group

Hey! This is the highest honor a person will ever receive from me probably XD

Honestly, I think you'd be a lot better off in my family.


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Nah I'll just send a sword in the mail or a Gaelic blessing. Here's a blessing I made up on the spot. Take it to heart Sy!
Rionnagan fortanach os do chionn, grian air do shlighe, mòran charaidean airson do ghràdhachadh, gàirdeachas ann an obair agus cluich, bu chòir gàire ruith gu saor sa chridhe, òran agus gàirdeachas a ’feitheamh riut anns a h-uile àite fad do bheatha. Sèididh na gaothan aig do dhruim. Biodh a ’ghrian a’ deàrrsadh blàth air d ’aghaidh; agus tuitidh na h-uisgeachan gu socair air do achaidhean. A ’Bhana-phrionnsa as fheàrr leat, cuimhnich air faclan an àm a dh’ fhalbh, agus coimhead ris an àm ri teachd. Tha thu beannaichte agus measail thar tomhas.


@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Nah I'll just send a sword in the mail or a Gaelic blessing. Here's a blessing I made up on the spot. Take it to heart Sy!
Rionnagan fortanach os do chionn, grian air do shlighe, mòran charaidean airson do ghràdhachadh, gàirdeachas ann an obair agus cluich, bu chòir gàire ruith gu saor sa chridhe, òran agus gàirdeachas a ’feitheamh riut anns a h-uile àite fad do bheatha. Sèididh na gaothan aig do dhruim. Biodh a ’ghrian a’ deàrrsadh blàth air d ’aghaidh; agus tuitidh na h-uisgeachan gu socair air do achaidhean. A ’Bhana-phrionnsa as fheàrr leat, cuimhnich air faclan an àm a dh’ fhalbh, agus coimhead ris an àm ri teachd. Tha thu beannaichte agus measail thar tomhas.


Much thanks Dom. I'll give the kid a blessing, and then later on down the line, I'll teach her curses that would make a grizzly back down 😂

@Space group

So.. Is this normal? I dream in third person. And all of my memories are in third person too. Even just thinking about something I did this morning is like I'm seeing it from someone else that was watching me

@requiemisback language

So.. Is this normal? I dream in third person. And all of my memories are in third person too. Even just thinking about something I did this morning is like I'm seeing it from someone else that was watching me

idk if it's normal, but i'm the same way
i've always thought it was weird but now i'm kinda used to it hnghnmg

@Space group

But it's also kind of weird because I can recall stuff that happened to me from other people's pov. Like going into preschool I see that memory from my mom's eyes. I can also remember exactly how I look and what I wore on random days that were YEARS ago

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I assume it's normal, but I dream in first person. All the time. But I become another person. Like in my vast brain knowledge of memories that aren't mine, I am the person, and I see and do what they do. If I ever dream in 3rd person, it's because I'm a ghost in the dream. Like I can remember one dream where I was watching a battle and I was waaaaaayyyyyy up in the sky but I could like zoom around and look through other people to see what they saw and it was all very interesting. I swear I'm a conduit for something.