forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Space group

Sorry I'm late, but your prom dress is absolutely stunning! My jaw literally dropped when I saw it. You picked a good one!

@requiemisback language

this is totally irrelevant but
i regret not playing friday night funkin for a hot minute
i tried it again earlier today and i forgot that i had gotten rusty after not practicing
so i got like. absolutely destroyed in dadbattle oml-
sigh just like old times i guess

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

this is totally irrelevant but
i regret not playing friday night funkin for a hot minute
i tried it again earlier today and i forgot that i had gotten rusty after not practicing
so i got like. absolutely destroyed in dadbattle oml-
sigh just like old times i guess



I skipped class today, I don't ever do that, I actually think this the first time literally ever I have skipped a class. I also haven't slept for 24 hours, and
I don't know just bleh right now.
I can't skip more classes so I have to go to another one in an hour.
Why cruel world.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I skipped class today, I don't ever do that, I actually think this the first time literally ever I have skipped a class. I also haven't slept for 24 hours, and
I don't know just bleh right now.
I can't skip more classes so I have to go to another one in an hour.
Why cruel world.

Who are you, and what did you do with Rels? 🤣

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I skipped class today, I don't ever do that, I actually think this the first time literally ever I have skipped a class. I also haven't slept for 24 hours, and
I don't know just bleh right now.
I can't skip more classes so I have to go to another one in an hour.
Why cruel world.

I'm proud of you Rels.


I skipped class today, I don't ever do that, I actually think this the first time literally ever I have skipped a class. I also haven't slept for 24 hours, and
I don't know just bleh right now.
I can't skip more classes so I have to go to another one in an hour.
Why cruel world.

I'm proud of you Rels.

Don't be, I accidentally fell asleep ten minutes after writing this and crashed, slept though ever single one of my many alarms and missed all of my classes.
I am a disgrace to humanity.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I skipped class today, I don't ever do that, I actually think this the first time literally ever I have skipped a class. I also haven't slept for 24 hours, and
I don't know just bleh right now.
I can't skip more classes so I have to go to another one in an hour.
Why cruel world.

I'm proud of you Rels.

Don't be, I accidentally fell asleep ten minutes after writing this and crashed, slept though ever single one of my many alarms and missed all of my classes.
I am a disgrace to humanity.

Nope. Your body said you needed sleep, and it did what it deemed necessary, whether your mind wanted it or not. I am still proud of you. And you are not a disgrace. If anyone here is a disgrace, it's me.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Listen, I may not be a disgrace here, but to family, I'm the biggest mess that has ever walked this planet. And I'm totally okay with it. I've been said I am before, and I was like okay, it's not like it's gonna change me or fate. So I'll be the happy little blot on my family name 😂

Deleted user

I spent the last two hours reviving a frozen bird with a cardboard box, some hey, and a hairdryer. It survived! It flew off, and hopefully will find a nice warm place to stay! The whole experience was nerve-racking, not knowing if it was indeed still alive, but it turned out well, and I'm happy!


Nope. Your body said you needed sleep, and it did what it deemed necessary, whether your mind wanted it or not. I am still proud of you. And you are not a disgrace. If anyone here is a disgrace, it's me.

But my Body is supposed to listen to me, which it keeps forgetting. How dare it. I just, school is all I ever do you know, I've done that really unhealthy thing where I attach my worth to my achievements, Don't do that kids it's not good for you.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Nope. Your body said you needed sleep, and it did what it deemed necessary, whether your mind wanted it or not. I am still proud of you. And you are not a disgrace. If anyone here is a disgrace, it's me.

But my Body is supposed to listen to me, which it keeps forgetting. How dare it. I just, school is all I ever do you know, I've done that really unhealthy thing where I attach my worth to my achievements, Don't do that kids it's not good for you.

Youe body does what it needs to do to survive. You control the motor functions, but not the life support functions of your body. And achievements don't mean worth. Live for yourself Rels. Do what you need to do, to be able to thrive, like a cactus in a desert.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

The first one was that you weren’t a disgrace here.

Leis na diathan! Tha mi nam leth-fhacal! Taing mo charaid.

Silópiks bolósu famíkat. neKátelegatu.

Cha d ’fhuair mi bho sin ach teaghlach. Chan eil mi a 'tuigsinn. Ach an uairsin a-rithist, dh ’fhaodadh e a bhith na eanchainn turtar.