forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@wren-has-mommy-issues group

That reminds me of something…when my graduation for grade 8 was going on we (as a class, there were eight of us which fun fact made us the smallest graduating class in our school’s history) had to choose a song to walk out to when the ceremony started.

We came up with two choices.

A) the USSR anthem

B) the Caillou theme song

we walked out to option B. definitely an interesting song choice for one of the most important moments of my life but at least it wasn’t WAP….which wasn’t even out at the time

That's iconic.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

Comrade reminds me of the Vampire Academy book series, I don't know if you know it or not, but the protagonist, Rose, calls her boyfriend that to make fun of him. But my pronouns are she/they for reference lolol.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Gotcha. Krigsbror is war brother in Nordic and Elias uses that for his male friends. He uses Nordstjerne for me. Which means North Star. I call him Mo ’anam, which means my soul. We use Mo chridhe/Mitt hjerte which means my heart in Gaelic/Nordic. It's all very complicated but it is what it is. And thanks for the pronoun tip. I'm trying to remember everyone's but as you can see, it's not going too hot.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Yeah. So here's the deal with that. I'm engaged to Elias and he's full Nordic and I'm full Scottish (or Alban if you're reallllll old school) we're 18 now, so it's all good. We don't plan to marry until like we're 22 to 24 tho. But when we do get married, it's a whole mess bc my Scottish clan stole the prince of Norway way back when and forced the prince to marry the Scottish princess, that's all cool beans, until we realized that no Nord from the same clan had married a Scot from the clan that stole the prince, since well, the prince was stolen. So we're gonna be the first in like 1000 plus years and uh yeah the fam across the sea is like NO not this crap again. So ta daaaa the more you knowwwwww.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

So I was about to post this:

It's wild that 3 guys scattered across the country can cause a burning desire for me to sleep until Saturday

Then I realized that it is Saturday??? it's been 7 whole minutes of Saturday? I thought it was Thursday for like- the past 3 days

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

@Winter-The-Gingersnap that's so amazing, i wish my life was that interesting wtf

It really isn't it just so happened to happen. And we were like welcome to the crap show. We've already started a mini war in a small town in Norway. But that's fine, the small toen in Scotland revolted first and we've ignored them so far. Winter's tips 101: Ignore the problem until it gets tired and goes away.


I can deny it no longer I AM Smol

Me, at 6'2" or 6'3", looking down. "Hi Winter!"

Why is everyone so big? What do you eat to grow like bamboo or something?

I'm the same height as you Winter!