forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Well people who actually are part of the family then. Winter would agree

@tungsten fastfood

emi you are on my last damn nerve. How are you claiming Space doesn’t want her info shared…. She literally talks everyday about this situation and asked me to update everyone before she went dark.

Can you imagine how I feel, a fellow depressed and traumatized person, about stuff that is extremely “triggering” and hits every single nerve I have in my body?

Can you see how vehemently I support having privacy? Yes she has shared stuff like this BEFORE but does that mean that she wants it shared now? You use “before” very loosely. It does not carry into “actively wanting you to update them”. Like I said. “She needs to be away for a while. She will explain when she gets back”.

Deleted user

I just told you she asked to keep everyone updated. It’s not your fucking place to tell her what she can and cannot share

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Emi you honestly come across as extremely harsh towards Space, if you don’t want to be part of her recovery then I suggest not standing in the way of it either. She thinks of these people as family, and you claim that’s wrong. Of course that’s going to harm her

@tungsten fastfood


oh my god you people literally have your eyes closed

I’m not standing in the way of anything. I’m unbiased and concerned for her privacy and emotions during this episode. Having your suicidal emotions and ideologies broadcasted and left in history on this forum is not great AT ALL. I never talk about my suicidal thoughts anywhere because it makes me upset looking back at it. I never talk about it on paper or on a forum such as this one because it will send me spiraling.



FOR ME (and others with depression)

This is not healthy to do.

but whatever honestly I didn’t care in the first place either way

Deleted user

That’s wonderful for her mental health to hear you don’t care either way, I’m sure she’ll be thrilled

@tungsten fastfood

anyway moving on from this shitfest of an argument that shouldn’t even be had:

I had too much coffee and I realized I have to go to bed early for a leadership meeting tomorrow

being drum major is v fun in a pandemic 😳🥴

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm not gonna get involved, I do not have time for this tonight. Space needs her Space, and we are an internet family. Which means we're as close as time, internet, and distance allows. I love everyone on here as a friend, because that's how I work. I'm here to offer support when the going gets tought, because I know how it can be. Now, let's move on.
Emi, leadership meetings suck boooottyyyy. Every Monday I've gotta get up at 5:30, and be at school by 6:15, and be prepared for a meeting that lasts from 6:30 to 8:00, and there's not enough sleep, nor energy drinks that can help me on Mondays 😂
And how so with being drum major???

@tungsten fastfood

Emi, leadership meetings suck boooottyyyy. Every Monday I've gotta get up at 5:30, and be at school by 6:15, and be prepared for a meeting that lasts from 6:30 to 8:00

THAT SOUNDS TERRIBLE DUDE. None of the leaders apart from a few of us actually go, so ours lasts only about half an hour. I’d actually like to put in effort into being a leader but my senior drum major and other section leaders really said 😳✌🏻

And how so with being drum major???

I was actually being sarcastic. It sucks being drum major during a pandemic. I don’t know how to conduct the way my new Band Director wants me to, so I rarely get conducting opportunities. I try really hard to participate and get things done for my band but it’s super hard being virtual.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

And everyone here would agree this chat is a family

@Alex_Is_Mourning No. And I’m Dad. Like. Sure we like to support each other. But that’s being a decent person. I’ve taken on the role of trying to help not bc I think I’m an actual dad or smth. It’s bc there are a lot of kids on here and life can be rough to them and a bit of help is nice. But no. We are not family. I don’t count anyone on NB as actual family. That’s dumb. I don’t know them well enough. We haven’t spent enough time together. Even though a good handful of people on NB have been excellent friends and good to me, let me restate. I’m not confusing that for the deep, nearly unbreakable bond of familial love. And neither should you.

Deleted user

Everyone is missing my point…. space doesn’t have a family (at least a non abusive one) so she latches on to the closest thing she has, you guys. So if you don’t agree or think she is right, then good for you, she has her views and I support it

Deleted user

And Family comes in many sizes and shapes, I obviously don’t mean literal family.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Even more of a reason. A fake family that you can’t depend on is going to trash her emotional health as soon as she actually tries to lean on it. Like say, now. Bc as much as I hope she becomes well, we’re not even friends.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Oof. Drum major is something that I gave up a long time ago. My band director always chose the kids who worked in the classroom with him to be drum major, or the horn player that was the golden boy, or this year, the color guard section leader 🤢. Like I have nothing against color guard, but she was a horrible person. She was always really rude, and like showed up in prom dresses for football games to conduct for all of like 10 minutes during the show.

@tungsten fastfood

Oof. Drum major is something that I gave up a long time ago. My band director always chose the kids who worked in the classroom with him to be drum major, or the horn player that was the golden boy, or this year, the color guard section leader 🤢. Like I have nothing against color guard, but she was a horrible person. She was always really rude, and like showed up in prom dresses for football games to conduct for all of like 10 minutes during the show.

Well being dm does include working with the band director A LOT so

but the prom dress thing sounds really obnoxious, we have set, BEAUTIFUL uniforms for our drum majors and they look soooo goood but I wasn’t able to wear it this year. my fingers are crossed to the point of losing circulation that I get next year to be a dumbass in front of the band

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm f u m i n g
We ordered Chipotle in celebration of the inauguration and all of our orders were wrong

Oof that sucks. How’d that end up?

Ate chips alone in my room

Sad day. Why didn’t you eat the other stuff though?