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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Most of my class stayed home to watch the inauguration but my mom was like 'no, you're lying, that's absurd' so now everybody but 2 of the most annoying kids in my class are on Zoom in their warm houses and I'm here in the freezing cold science room

@tungsten fastfood

Nice! I'll definitely look into it. Rn I'm reading a historical fiction that takes place in like A.D. 60 where The Romans are trying to invade Britan (Scotland and Ireland more specifically) and it talks of Agricola (A Roman General and how he wanted Britan for her resources) and it talks of how the Romans went and put the "Celts" (A uniform term for that time) into slavery, but that the Caledonian tribes revolted first thus spurring everyone else to fight, and it gets pretty cool. And where the final battles were at Hadrian's and Antonine's walls. It's pretty epic.

It was apparently written between 60-65 AD, actually, so I bet it’d be a great read after. Especially if you’re into philosophy


Most of my class stayed home to watch the inauguration but my mom was like 'no, you're lying, that's absurd' so now everybody but 2 of the most annoying kids in my class are on Zoom in their warm houses and I'm here in the freezing cold science room

Oof. It's gunna be a weird day. Our teachers had an emergency meeting before school, and we're all pretty sure it was about possible events happening either in DC or at here (lots of redneck trumpies here that are willing to throw a public fit). Everyone seems to be at school though.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Governor Whitmer the other night: "We need to get Michigan's economy back on track and in better shape!"

Also Governor Whitmer: Refuses to let bars, small businesses, etc. open up.

She's a fucking joke….

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Well, can you blame me for feeling how I feel? 😐 (I'm usually apolitical, so I can get why you're going "uh….")

I can understand trying to keep some sort of control over Covid, but she's just…. Like, we're able to go to stores, movie theaters, etc. here, yet we can't eat at bars, restaurants, or other places without being in a canopy that's outside. Plus smaller businesses are suffering.

Then there's also everything that happened with the dam failures/breaches last May. I get that things take time for help and what not, but it feels like we've been forgotten by the government on both state and federal levels.

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Ok, I'm a friend of Space. She hasn't spoken to anyone in days, hasn't been at school, hasn't been eating at all. She's mostly just been in bed staring blankly at a wall while hugging a plushie she was given as a child. It breaks my heart to see her like this, especially when she was happy and excited about youtube and stuff just hours before. So here's the thing, and I'm only going to say this once: @ImNotOnline792 what. the. hell.
Let me tell all these kind people what happened.
Space was threatened to be killed by her ex. NotOnline told the police that Space is lying. Now Space is facing charges and accusations. This fake friend is trying to take everything from Space. She's been using her and manipulating her for years and I've had enough of this.
So, people of notebook, I'm here to announce why Space is mentally gone, and soon may be gone forever because of suicude.
This is because of @ImNotOnline792. You hurt Space and suffered no consequences, then tried blaming everything on Space and said that she's manipulating you. I've known Space since she was 9. She's not like that.
So way to go. You took one of the best people away from the world.


My U.S. History class is learning about the Trail of Tears, so today we had to go outside and walk in the mud. Before we got to the mud part, we had to run across the field, and the toe of my rubber boot caught the ground and I fell flat on my stomach. I also scratched my arm on the fence when we got to the mud part. I'm okay though!


Space…. I know I wasn't very nice… But you weren't that bad… I just kinda saw you as competition for my fame, Im sorry. That bitch should suffer because what she did istg


Hey, Space… I know we've never talked before, but I really hope you're alright. I know things aren't looking great for you at the moment, but we're here for you. I'm sorry that you had to go through all that.

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I just checked… and uh… Space hit her 20 sub goal, actually 21 right now… Im kinda tearing up because she can't celebrate it or be happy…. she's just blank… her first real goal and she doesnt even get the chance to enjoy it

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Honestly Space just seems kinda… brain dead right now. She barely reacts to anything… just kinda blank. The only thing that shows she is alive is the occasional muffled sobbing. She's fallen completely into shock. I hope time heals her… but it's almost like death already has her in its grasp.. and she keeps refusing to eat or drink, she is already underweight and suffers quiet a few health issues…