forum Share things nobody asked you to share
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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I asked God to give you a sign to let you know that I am hearing and praying for you and your safety. Listen. Every human matters, and you are human. You mess up, you screw up, and you make decisions that you may not like. But that's what makes you human. It's your humanity. Right now, we may be the only things keeping you here. I know it feels like everything is collapsing, and that your life is worthless, but it's not. You're valuable. You have value, even if you don't see it in yourself. It's in the way you talk. In the way you have such enthusiasm over your Youtube channel. You take pride in what you've done, and to me, that's one of the hardest steps that you could have ever done. I hope that you read this and realize how much you mean to us, as a family here on Notebook. I hope I reach you before times runs out. I beg you to find the sign I know is coming your way. Look for something small. Because it'll remind you of everything you have here.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm on the edge of suicide…. somebody please help

PMs if you want, kid. Most of us have been in a bad place before. A lot of us understand the feeling. But we insisted on staying under the sun. Hang in there, dude. It gets better. I promise.

@tungsten fastfood

I just finished reading Letters from a Stoic, I suggest it

Why do you think it was good/what did you get out of it?

I’m a big philosophical person, but he discusses a lot of things based on ancient Roman times, really letting you into how they lived. it’s v interesting

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I just finished reading Letters from a Stoic, I suggest it

Why do you think it was good/what did you get out of it?

I’m a big philosophical person, but he discusses a lot of things based on ancient Roman times, really letting you into how they lived. it’s v interesting

Could you give me a brief summary? I'd like to read it if piques my interest…

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I just finished reading Letters from a Stoic, I suggest it

Why do you think it was good/what did you get out of it?

I’m a big philosophical person, but he discusses a lot of things based on ancient Roman times, really letting you into how they lived. it’s v interesting

Could you give me a brief summary? I'd like to read it if piques my interest…

When I looked it up I saw that it's literally a collection of letters that Seneca wrote to the person that was going to replace him as procurator (essentially the governor) of Sicily.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Alright I let it be for a little bit and still no response from Space. Honestly, I'm worried that she has gone and destroyed herself. She was beautiful in her own way, but she didn't see what we saw in her. Sy, I'm scared. I don't want her to mess up her own life in a brief moment of complete and total despair. Space, if you're still out there, come back to us. We love you and we care.

@tungsten fastfood

I just finished reading Letters from a Stoic, I suggest it

Why do you think it was good/what did you get out of it?

I’m a big philosophical person, but he discusses a lot of things based on ancient Roman times, really letting you into how they lived. it’s v interesting

Could you give me a brief summary? I'd like to read it if piques my interest…

When I looked it up I saw that it's literally a collection of letters that Seneca wrote to the person that was going to replace him as procurator (essentially the governor) of Sicily.

actually it’s to his young apprentice Lucilius, who gets taught Stoicism through letters that were preserved.

it was originally written in Latin, and translated all over.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Nice! I'll definitely look into it. Rn I'm reading a historical fiction that takes place in like A.D. 60 where The Romans are trying to invade Britan (Scotland and Ireland more specifically) and it talks of Agricola (A Roman General and how he wanted Britan for her resources) and it talks of how the Romans went and put the "Celts" (A uniform term for that time) into slavery, but that the Caledonian tribes revolted first thus spurring everyone else to fight, and it gets pretty cool. And where the final battles were at Hadrian's and Antonine's walls. It's pretty epic.