forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Space group

What. The. Hell.
Look Rae, I'm pissed enough as it is, I don't need you to tell me it was my fault that I was raped. That's complete crap

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Alright hun. I don't need your bitch ass this morning. You're a sorry excuse for a human, and rape is a serious thing. And come on. I know you're more educated than that. A rock has more sense than to think rape is something that people bring upon themselves. I suggest you reevaluate your life choices, and I suggest that you learn the difference between right and wrong, or we're going to have a problem.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

You've come into a place where people can share some pretty serious things, and I don't need you to come in and make things worse for people. I've tried being nice, we all have, so I think I speak for the people here. You need to stop before this thread revolts, and you lose your account. We won't tolerate you, or the things you say.


Alright hun. I don't need your bitch ass this morning. You're a sorry excuse for a human, and rape is a serious thing. And come on. I know you're more educated than that. A rock has more sense than to think rape is something that people bring upon themselves. I suggest you reevaluate your life choices, and I suggest that you learn the difference between right and wrong, or we're going to have a problem.


@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Honestly Space, if he raped you that's your own fault. You could've stopped it, or an easy fix would be to not seduce him in the first place

Rape is nobody's fault except for the perpetrator's! The victim could be unconscious or in a catatonic state due to date-rape drugs or because they've consumed too much alcohol. Sometimes the victim even blacks out as their defense mechanism in a attempt to prevent further harm. Things can even start out as consensual with one of the two changing their mind during the act, thus making it rape. There are a crap ton of factors that could play part. Watch or read 13 Reasons Why, or even do both.


Honestly Space, if he raped you that's your own fault. You could've stopped it, or an easy fix would be to not seduce him in the first place

That. Is. SICK. What on Earth is wrong with you?

@tungsten fastfood

to further my thing so people actually listen:

That is an incredibly shitty thing to say to someone in a context like this. While I personally don’t think r-pe should be discussed in this thread at all, we were obviously talking to a victim of it. so they said that in an attempt to get a reaction. and they got it from you people. Just relax and report it. It’s the internet.

Deleted user

Well Emi it seems you're just as bad as me. You basically said that Space shouldn't be able to discuss something traumatic with her online family. She's keeping us updated. Although I feel she brought it upon herself, she shouldn't be repeatedly downgraded and scolded by you.

@tungsten fastfood

You’re the asshole who said she deserved to be raped.

I’m just saying that saying stuff like that without at LEAST a trigger warning is not the greatest for the community.

The only person I was “degrading” was you.