forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I know that I recommended that someone read The Count of Monte Cristo for their own live-thoughts reading thread, but I can't remember who it was, nor can I find said thread…. It's gonna drive me nuts until I figure it out!


I just really really miss my friend, well I miss more than just one I miss the whole lot of those Idiots. But the one I'm currently thinking about I just miss Him a whole lot and I haven't scene him sense the school closed, and chances of me seeing him before he leaves the area for two years is slim at this point because of this stupid plague and Two years is a really freaking long time.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I love how this thread became a chaotic mixture of random thoughts, conversations, sharing, and venting. 😁

Rels, I know how you feel, yet I don't know what to say. Keep your chin up? Hang in there? Guinea pigs are cute little furry potatoes?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Ughhhhh today is not my day, this week has not been my week. I just need to crash for 12 hours, wait I already did that twice in a row. I don't know I've already gone through all of my healthy coping mechanisms and I'm still stuck and I don't like it and am I going to have my third mental break down in the past three day's well maybe I am.

So what you’re saying is it hasn’t been your day, your week, your month, or even your year?
I’m so sorry.


Ughhhhh today is not my day, this week has not been my week. I just need to crash for 12 hours, wait I already did that twice in a row. I don't know I've already gone through all of my healthy coping mechanisms and I'm still stuck and I don't like it and am I going to have my third mental break down in the past three day's well maybe I am.

So what you’re saying is it hasn’t been your day, your week, your month, or even your year?
I’m so sorry.

Don't you dare be sorry that's the first time I've actually laughed in literal months.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Okay so hear me out for a second
Audio gore, right?
It's just ASMR for serial killers

It's far too early to be thinking about that Ash go to sleeppppp

ill fall asleep in a few hours at like noon and wake up at 4-ish

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I know that I recommended that someone read The Count of Monte Cristo for their own live-thoughts reading thread, but I can't remember who it was, nor can I find said thread…. It's gonna drive me nuts until I figure it out!

I have uncovered who it was by going through my online history. 😁 Unfortunately they've removed the thread, which sucks since I was looking forward to seeing what they thought/think while reading it.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

A snowflake landed in/on my eye; that felt weird.

Back in Alaska, if you went outside for too long, your eyelashes, hair, and facial hair would freeze over, and if you touched it, it would break. So when we went outside hair had to be pulled up and we had to put skiing goggles over our faces to protect our eyelashes. And it hurt to breathe. Not even gonna lie. It hurt to breathe. Felt like I was inhaling glass particles.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

A snowflake landed in/on my eye; that felt weird.

Back in Alaska, if you went outside for too long, your eyelashes, hair, and facial hair would freeze over, and if you touched it, it would break. So when we went outside hair had to be pulled up and we had to put skiing goggles over our faces to protect our eyelashes. And it hurt to breathe. Not even gonna lie. It hurt to breathe. Felt like I was inhaling glass particles.

This only makes me wonder at which temperature hair begins to freeze at! (And feel sorry for those that live in Alaska.)

Deleted user

Back in Alaska, if you went outside for too long, your eyelashes, hair, and facial hair would freeze over, and if you touched it, it would break. So when we went outside hair had to be pulled up and we had to put skiing goggles over our faces to protect our eyelashes. And it hurt to breathe. Not even gonna lie. It hurt to breathe. Felt like I was inhaling glass particles.

Ugh, I want to go to Alaska and live there for like 2-3 years! I've always wanted to go there, but your stories make it sound so amazing, and I want to go there so badly! I mean, I don't really want my eyelashes and hair to freeze and break off, but it sounds like it'd be a great adventure!

It's on the top of my bucket list, right beside traveling to Ireland and Scotland. I've dreamt of traveling to those places since I was…well, since forever.

If you don't mind my asking, how long did you live in Alaska?


Imma spend the day with you guys, if y'alls don't mind, and then at the end of today, Imma disappear again. I'm very bored and I've got like nothing to do 😂

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Ughhhhh today is not my day, this week has not been my week. I just need to crash for 12 hours, wait I already did that twice in a row. I don't know I've already gone through all of my healthy coping mechanisms and I'm still stuck and I don't like it and am I going to have my third mental break down in the past three day's well maybe I am.

So what you’re saying is it hasn’t been your day, your week, your month, or even your year?
I’m so sorry.

Don't you dare be sorry that's the first time I've actually laughed in literal months.

I am very happy for you. It was a terrible joke. And I neither watch or like Friends.