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Did my father just scold me for not planning out my period? I was up in my room in pain from my period (I was up there for about 2 hours) and when I felt well enough to come down, my dad pulled me aside and said, "You shouldn't have been up in your room for that long. We have guests over and you need to interact with them. I don't want to hear your excuses about periods because cramps aren't that bad and you should have planned it out better and had it earlier." Needless to say, I just went back to my room without telling anybody and am binging Supernatural and will probably be grounded tomorrow

Deleted user

No one: -silence-
Me: -screams f**k while running down the hall-

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Did my father just scold me for not planning out my period? I was up in my room in pain from my period (I was up there for about 2 hours) and when I felt well enough to come down, my dad pulled me aside and said, "You shouldn't have been up in your room for that long. We have guests over and you need to interact with them. I don't want to hear your excuses about periods because cramps aren't that bad and you should have planned it out better and had it earlier." Needless to say, I just went back to my room without telling anybody and am binging Supernatural and will probably be grounded tomorrow

Even I know that you can't "plan" when your period happens…. Your dad's an assbutt!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Female to female here, you can't plan for it and you can't have it earlier. It comes when it wants and it does what it wants. Cramps simulate childbirth. If your father can't see past that, or let alone understand, he lives inside his own imagination, and in his own world. He needs to grow up, and to re learn sexual education.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Did my father just scold me for not planning out my period? I was up in my room in pain from my period (I was up there for about 2 hours) and when I felt well enough to come down, my dad pulled me aside and said, "You shouldn't have been up in your room for that long. We have guests over and you need to interact with them. I don't want to hear your excuses about periods because cramps aren't that bad and you should have planned it out better and had it earlier."

Bruh that’s Rood.

Deleted user

Did my father just scold me for not planning out my period? I was up in my room in pain from my period (I was up there for about 2 hours) and when I felt well enough to come down, my dad pulled me aside and said, "You shouldn't have been up in your room for that long. We have guests over and you need to interact with them. I don't want to hear your excuses about periods because cramps aren't that bad and you should have planned it out better and had it earlier." Needless to say, I just went back to my room without telling anybody and am binging Supernatural and will probably be grounded tomorrow

Can I fight your dad? please?


I'm Ash, they/them, I like One Piece and drawing, I'm the site's resident memer and am currently emotionally invested in the Dream SMP, that's about it

Bruh I just got emotionally invested in the dream SMP too, cept I'm way behind and not rlly going in order lol
The parts where Tommy thought he was hallucinating Tubbo hit hard


I don't want to hear your excuses about periods because cramps aren't that bad and you should have planned it out better and had it earlier.

You're dads a dumbass. The type of person I wouldn't feel bad wacking upside the head with a foldable chair.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

It just took me under an hour to clear off 3 vehicles, shovel out two walkways, and shovel off two porches!!!!! One vehicle and porch is that of my elderly neighbor. I'm now a sweaty, exhausted, thirsty mess, but at least I got that chore out of the way!!!!! 😁

Now to relax and drink some H2O.

Deleted user

Why am I giving characters in the same story the same name? Yeah, I know most are being named after a deceased grandparent or aunt or uncle, but even I'm getting confused by it. Imagine how mixed up readers would get if I ever get this series published. But not like I can change their names cuz they've had their names so long, no other name would suit them.

Sorry. That turned into a rant…

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

It just took me under an hour to clear off 3 vehicles, shovel out two walkways, and shovel off two porches!!!!! One vehicle and porch is that of my elderly neighbor. I'm now a sweaty, exhausted, thirsty mess, but at least I got that chore out of the way!!!!! 😁

Now to relax and drink some H2O.

Hot cocoa. It's the way to go.

Deleted user

Give them nicknames.

Logical answer. I was going to say kill off the lesser of the two characters. Problem solved.

Well, it's a series, so I only have one character with the same name in a single book… cuz I killed off the first one. bwahahaha! But it's still confusing.
For example, in the first book of my series, I have a character named Owen. Then I kill him off. In the second book, that first Owen has a grandson name is Owen. And they're a lot alike so I get them mixed up sometimes.

Deleted user

Oof. Call him OJ. Owen Junior. It's a cute little nickname.

Yeah, it is! ….But it doesn't really fit the story.
King OJ. XD XD

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@Winter-The-Gingersnap By the way, I like your profile picture.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

It just took me under an hour to clear off 3 vehicles, shovel out two walkways, and shovel off two porches!!!!! One vehicle and porch is that of my elderly neighbor. I'm now a sweaty, exhausted, thirsty mess, but at least I got that chore out of the way!!!!! 😁

Now to relax and drink some H2O.

Hot cocoa. It's the way to go.

I would've… if I had some.

Deleted user

Oof. Call him OJ. Owen Junior. It's a cute little nickname.

Yeah, it is! ….But it doesn't really fit the story.
King OJ. XD XD


THAT'S WHAT I WAS THINKING! OJ normally stands for orange juice. But this kingdom doesn't have oranges so how would they know it stands for orange juice? XD