forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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I simp over only Faramir.

What's that?

The greatest man in Gondor.

One who continues to prove his quality to be the very finest.
There is also his namesake Faramir Took, Son of Peregrin Took Guard of the Citadel and Thane of the shire, Husband to Goldilocks Gardner, daughter of Samwise Gamgee, Mayor of the Shire (For seven consecutive years mind you).
So really, either Faramir is great.


I simp over only Faramir.

What's that?

The greatest man in Gondor.

I personally think Tom Bombadil was the grreatest man, and Aragorn and Faramir are tied in my book for second.

Tom Bombadil is… I don't know what he is but he is no man, he is a being beyond description by our pitiful mortal language.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I simp over only Faramir.

What's that?

The greatest man in Gondor.

I personally think Tom Bombadil was the grreatest man, and Aragorn and Faramir are tied in my book for second.

Tom Bombadil is… I don't know what he is but he is no man, he is a being beyond description by our pitiful mortal language.

A deity far beyond the Istari but chose to live a mortal life is what I came up with.

Deleted user

I simp over only Faramir.

What's that?

The greatest man in Gondor.

I'm a bit late to the party but WHAT?!?!
Aragorn is the greatest man in Gondor, no, he's the greatest man in Middle-earth!
My friend has recently forged Andúril anew, and I am ready to enter battle and fight any foe who dares disagree with me! >:)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

As much as the valor, strength, and love of the most noble Lord Aragorn is to be commented on, his steward’s sway over Beregond stands as testament to the beautiful soul of Faramir that stayed constant even under years of distressful adversity.

@FuzzySocksElias group

This is way off topic and of course, no one asked me for this.

I made this country idea i really like but I can’t write like- at all so I’m seeing if people want to use the idea for their own story (with credit) anyway hope you guys have a great day
The Idea i was talking about:

Deleted user

I like Faramir a lot, and there are great qualities in him, but is still believe Aragorn is the man.
He's seen many dark things, and yet that didn't take away from his carrying heart. Just look at the care he shows the hobbits! It's just soooo touching! He literally ran non-stop to save the lives of Merry and Pippin!
He's beyond selfless, something I have yet to see in any other character (except maybe Sam).
He's trustworthy and loyal, and one of the most upstanding characters in the entire series! Not to mention his love and loyalty to Arwen just rises him even higher. I mean, who doesn't want a man like that!

Deleted user

I'm on day three of zero-little sleep and day two of forgetting to take my meds. I can now taste colors.


I would say that Aragorn and Faramir would disapprove of this comparison entirely for they are both great men . But let's be real Aragorn isn't really of Gondor, He takes up the kingship but he doesn't have the same ties to that Faramir would have. Now I know someone is going to bring up the years he spent serving Steward Ecthelion II but even then I don't think he had the same connection to the kingdom. He spent his early years in Lands inhabited by Elves, He protected the lands surrounding the Shire, He hunted Orc with the sons of Elrond and spent time serving the King of Rohan and Steward Ecthelion II. He is not a man of Gondor, He can't be a man of Only Gondor because he was not the king of Just Gondor.
Faramir on the other hand grew up in Gondor, he spent his life in service to the Kingdom with his Brother, He is a man of Gondor, who spent his entire life fighting for the City despite his dislike for fighting. So Aragorn may be the greater, not better, greater Man between the both of them but when it comes to the best man Of Gondor, it has to go to Faramir because Aragorn isn't Of Gondor.


I think Tom is supposed to literally be him but He said out of all the Hero's of middle earth he was most like Faramir. In more of a , same thoughts and Ideals kind of way.


Does anyone else get superrrrrrr excited about other people's birthdays?? I got my friend her gift today and its so perfect i cant wait to give it to her!!!