forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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It just took me under an hour to clear off 3 vehicles, shovel out two walkways, and shovel off two porches!!!!! One vehicle and porch is that of my elderly neighbor. I'm now a sweaty, exhausted, thirsty mess, but at least I got that chore out of the way!!!!! 😁

Now to relax and drink some H2O.

Hot cocoa. It's the way to go.

I would've… if I had some.

If I could send things through a screen, my house has plenties of hot chocolate.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

It just took me under an hour to clear off 3 vehicles, shovel out two walkways, and shovel off two porches!!!!! One vehicle and porch is that of my elderly neighbor. I'm now a sweaty, exhausted, thirsty mess, but at least I got that chore out of the way!!!!! 😁

Now to relax and drink some H2O.

Hot cocoa. It's the way to go.

I would've… if I had some.

If I could send things through a screen, my house has plenties of hot chocolate.

Peppermint candy cane hot coco?

Deleted user

It just took me under an hour to clear off 3 vehicles, shovel out two walkways, and shovel off two porches!!!!! One vehicle and porch is that of my elderly neighbor. I'm now a sweaty, exhausted, thirsty mess, but at least I got that chore out of the way!!!!! 😁

Now to relax and drink some H2O.

Hot cocoa. It's the way to go.

I would've… if I had some.

If I could send things through a screen, my house has plenties of hot chocolate.

Peppermint candy cane hot coco?

No, just dark chocolate and marshmallow, but we do have candy canes.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Vortex remained sitting in the dining room, reminiscing over the past.
Music blared out of the room next door. Oliver groaned in annoyance, placing a pillow over his ears in a vain attempt to drown out the noise. He had a test to take in the morning, and needed as much rest as he could get.

The blankets fly upwards and over as Oliver angrily climbs out of bed, and storms his way across the room. He wraps himself in his house-coat, opens the door, and goes across the hall. He pounds his fist furiously on the door. Another young man answers the door, a can of beer in his hand.

"Could you turn that down," he starts. "Some of us have to get some fucking sleep!"

"Oh, uh, sorry 'bout that dude. I'll turn it down."

Oliver relaxes upon realizing that the other guy is listening to a Fall Out Boy album, and noticing that his eyes are a bright emerald green.

Deleted user

Remember Sy, show not tell. Show that his eyes are green. Don't straight out tell that they're green.

How can you /show/ that his eyes are green?

Deleted user

"(name/pronoun's) emerald green eyes flicked about the room nervously."?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Remember Sy, show not tell. Show that his eyes are green. Don't straight out tell that they're green.

How can you /show/ that his eyes are green?

Here, I'll rewrite the entire little snippet by the showing portion.
Here's the original.
Oliver relaxes upon realizing that the other guy is listening to a Fall Out Boy album, and noticing that his eyes are a bright emerald green.
Here's the show version.
Oliver relaxed upon hearing the familiar tune of Fall Out Boy (granted you could leave it vague here, and give the readers a chance to connect to the character) and he noticed that his eyes mirrored the emeralds of the far east in the sunlight. (Thus, making the comparison that his eyes are emerald green. It shows instead of straight up saying his eyes are green)

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I'm Ash, they/them, I like One Piece and drawing, I'm the site's resident memer and am currently emotionally invested in the Dream SMP, that's about it

Bruh I just got emotionally invested in the dream SMP too, cept I'm way behind and not rlly going in order lol
The parts where Tommy thought he was hallucinating Tubbo hit hard

It really did :'(

I'm on an Eret-drawing spree because dresses
They're fun to draw even though I despise wearing them and I can't stop, I'm considering turning them all into an animatic or something because Eret does streams where she reacts to our animatics and since I'm broke and can't donate or gift subs, I can still draw


So me, my brother, and my nieces played “The Oregon Trail” and the funny part is that only two of us survived, me and one of my nieces. I was called “Queen Elizabeth the 3rd” while my niece was called “I died”

@redwood eco

Remember Sy, show not tell. Show that his eyes are green. Don't straight out tell that they're green.

How can you /show/ that his eyes are green?

Here, I'll rewrite the entire little snippet by the showing portion.
Here's the original.
Oliver relaxes upon realizing that the other guy is listening to a Fall Out Boy album, and noticing that his eyes are a bright emerald green.
Here's the show version.
Oliver relaxed upon hearing the familiar tune of Fall Out Boy (granted you could leave it vague here, and give the readers a chance to connect to the character) and he noticed that his eyes mirrored the emeralds of the far east in the sunlight. (Thus, making the comparison that his eyes are emerald green. It shows instead of straight up saying his eyes are green)

I don't know, I'm not sure if it's really necessary to be that wordy just to say that someone's eyes are green. I think Sy did it fine, there's no need to paint every sentence, in my opinion. Watching paint dry is quite a mundane activity. But I suppose it's all up to a matter of opinion.

@ClownB*tch eco

im an age regressor also:
if anyone (who supports it) join my age regression chat? I can teach you about agere or we can just chat and have a safe place. If anyone is comfortable with it, my pms are always open for caregivers and other littles to vent or just chat. Please please please sfw only, heres the link:

also i am uncomfortable around men so please know it's nothing against you if I dont answer you cuz youre male