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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Also I love David Bowie, SO MUCHHH
RIP man I love you, he will forever be my goblin king T~T

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What type of movies you like? May i ask?

There's not really certain types of movies that I like. It's a movie to movie bases. But some movies that I like are most of the Marvel movies, Star Wars, Tangled, Frozen and Frozen 2, and 2019 Aladdin.
That's only a couple examples. There's a few more.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I didn't care for Will Smith's version of Genie. I'm not saying that he was horrible. He did try his best to live up to Robin Williams's Genie, and did better than what I thought he would. I prefer the 90s Aladdin, though I would like to see a sequel to 2019's version!

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I didn't care for Will Smith's version of Genie. I'm not saying that he was horrible. He did try his best to live up to Robin Williams's Genie, and did better than what I thought he would. I prefer the 90s Aladdin, though I would like to see a sequel to 2019's version!

I personally think the 2019 version is way better than the original. The original is cheesy I think, and I don't like cheesy movies. But I didn't grow up watching the original either, so…

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And in the original, both Aladdin and Jasmine are a bit of brats. That's why I don't like Ariel either: she's a brat.
The characters are a lot more mature in the remake.

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Loki, why do you have to be so cute and funny and sassy? I did not need another fandom.

Sorry. Just an obsessed Loki/ Tom H fangirl over here watching part of Dark World. lol

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I sometimes fangirl over one of my characters in my story. Cuz he's like everything I want in a brother (I only have sisters), a father, a husband, or just a friend! He's partial perfect in every way!

Siblings can be both the best and the worst at times. I'm the youngest (and ironically the tallest) of 4.

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Yeah. I love my sisters and all, but they can drive me insane at times.

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I have one older sister and four little sisters. Sometimes I want to kill them all. (except the youngest who's five and so cute)


Oh, um I have 10 siblings, 8 older 2 younger, there are 3 boys and 8 of us girls. I live with 6 of them plus two of the grand kids… that's a grand total of 11 people in this house with an occasional 12 that is my other sister who doesn't live here but is the mother of one of the grand kids and picks her up at night and drops her off in the morning so she can go to work.
Before you ask, no none of them are twins, and yes they are all from the same parents please avoid the jokes about this I have heard them all been the victim of quite a few of them and don't need more of that in my life. No to list off the problems I have with the people in this house.

A, Woman mid 20's: Complains about living at home and being at home and not having money when she spends all of hers on frivolous things and does little to help out around the house. She is to be spared from most of my scathing words because she has some type of illness still undermined that keeps her form doing a lot of things, I think it could be CFS but she has her won theories.

K, Woman early 20's: She's just a lot, I love her to bits but she's in a relationship that she's not super happy in she's engaged to the guy but has had thoughts about leaving him. Her biggest obstacle in life is her really bad Depression and her refusal to take her medication.

S, Woman early 20's: Messy, very messy is single mom of toddler that she does not look after as much as she ought. Recently got a diagnosis and had been much better sense as she has recognized her issues and now had ways to combat them. I'm still waiting for her to parent her toddler so I don't have to.

L, Woman late teens: Just an absolute bump an a log that makes messes cry's and can't make choices, man to I love this girl but the number of time I want to slap her across the face and tell her to reexamine her life is a lot. To be fare she would much rather be back at collage where she does much better but this house has a way of killing peoples ability to people.

E, girl early teens: really bad communication skills, so when she gets upset she just fumes and wont talk and wont let us know what the problem is because aparently we should know what the problem is. It's not really her fault If I was her I wouldn't talk to the offender either.v

Z, Boy, early teens: He's just so obnoxious, he knows he's obnoxious and does it on purpose.

T, girl 8: One of the grandchildren, spoiled rotten brat, cry's at everything, bossy to an extreme level, you know that one kid from like 1st grade that was snobby and rude and obnoxious but she had lot's of friends any way, that's her. I think if parented a little more we wouldn't be having these problems, also if perhaps not given everything she wants the moment she starts sniffling maybe she would cry so much.

W boy, toddler: The other grandchild, makes lot's of messes, I love him so so much had probably saved my life, I will say nothing bad because all of my complaints can be traced back to his mother.

Mom, woman late 50's: She's a Karen, and you know I think the propaganda she was taught in school never really faded from her mind. Likes to take her anger out on me in particular, did I do something wrong, yes I existed and so I get yelled at yay me. The reason for all of my siblings and my self's mental health problems. takes no critisism and is imposible to talk to.

Dad, Man late 50's: His only weakness is a short temper and that he loves my mom and so takes her side in every argument wether or not she is in the right. He did kick me out of the house when I was in the middle of a panic attack, because mom felt insulted and in taking her side he kicked me out, to be fair he felt bad and called me back after about 5 minutes but at that point I was halfway up a mountain and bitter and also, did I mention panicked and fleeing a harsh environment. Did I mention it was was winter and it was dark outside and I wasn't wearing shoes. But over all he's one of the best people here. Just stressed because he teaches 7 and 8th graders for a living and comes home to this mess of a house hold.

This concludes the list of people in my house and why I have issues with them.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Holy jeebus Christi Rels. I have one younger sister and I can barely stand her. I don't know how you do it. I inderstand the parents part though. That is relatable to me. I haven't found a way to like get through it, I just cope. I know it's hard, but you can and will get through it because you're you. And you are strong.

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My dog Sophie is a german shepherd, and recently, she’s been going downhill, so much so, my mom thinks this is probably our last New Years’ with her. Which is depressing because her mind is still there it’s just her body that’s failing. She still wants to jump about and act like a puppy, her back legs just don’t want to work anymore. She’ll collapse when all she’s doing is just standing there. I don’t know why I’m telling y’all this, but I guess I just need to tell someone something.
I know there are people out there who think it’s pathetic to be so emotional over an animal, but there is something in dogs, in any animal really, that is hard to find in humans.
Sophie has been with me for 14 years, my whole life practically, she’s my best friend, there’s no other word to describe the loyalty, friendship she gave me. She’s always making me smile when I feel like crying, helps me get back into living life, and I just don’t want that to go away if y’all get what I’m trying to say.
I’m sorry for filling up the chat with my thoughts but I just needed to say something. I guess y’all are wondering why I’m bringing this up, but it’s gotten to where she can’t stand, and it just happened out of the blue. For the last hour, I’ve been following her about the house trying to help her stay balanced and…yeah, sorry, and thanks ya’ll for reading this, it means a lot more than y’all know.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I didn't care for Will Smith's version of Genie. I'm not saying that he was horrible. He did try his best to live up to Robin Williams's Genie, and did better than what I thought he would. I prefer the 90s Aladdin, though I would like to see a sequel to 2019's version!

I personally think the 2019 version is way better than the original. The original is cheesy I think, and I don't like cheesy movies. But I didn't grow up watching the original either, so…

I don’t really have an opinion on which one was better; but I wasn’t blown away by the new one. It’s was kinda meh. Will Smith was great though.