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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

My brother just figured out that he can glitch himself into the train in the new Spiderman game

Bruh I feel that. My best guy friend can glitch Spider-Man into whatever he passes swinging around. Like he'll just fly past a car and he'll turn into the car. Idk how he does it but it's funny as all get out.


I got lots of books for Christmas, as well as 2 McLarens. And I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey. And I've been playing Cookie Clicker and watching Top Gear and eating food. And singing songs. And being lazy. And rereading Harry Potter for the 18th time. And drawing. And reconnecting with old friends. And low-key forgetting that NB exists. And shopping. And PoGo. And writing.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I got lots of books for Christmas, as well as 2 McLarens. And I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey. And I've been playing Cookie Clicker and watching Top Gear and eating food. And singing songs. And being lazy. And rereading Harry Potter for the 18th time. And drawing. And reconnecting with old friends. And low-key forgetting that NB exists. And shopping. And PoGo. And writing.

Niceeeee I just got a Mac book pro computer.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

I searched up goguardian chat and goguardian fucking blocked it, I'm crying asdfdfeerfwr

A true bruh moment

And the #1 most shocking anime betrayal is
Goguardian blocks goguardian from the anime Chromebook

@JustALostM book

Still, that's not really all that long.

True, True.

Do puzzles. That passes the time. I should know. I slaved over a 1000 piece puzzle for 12 hours and I didn't even really know 12 hours had passed.

Oooo Nice Idea!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Still, that's not really all that long.

True, True.

Do puzzles. That passes the time. I should know. I slaved over a 1000 piece puzzle for 12 hours and I didn't even really know 12 hours had passed.

Oooo Nice Idea!

Yep, do anything that you enjoy doing and time always flies right on by! Time to start reading Dracula for Sy Reads!