forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Ah. Same. Me and My brother are working on a book. He's on this website I think?

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Ok, first off, after y’all helped me get in a writing mindset last night. (Something I am eternally grateful for), ideas for short stories popped into my head, and I managed to write 6 pages worth. Yay!
Anyway, some of the tales will loosely be mentioned in my main series since they’re now main points in my world’s history. I was wondering if it’s wise to publish short stories set in my fantasy world before my main series is even out there? My mom said it’s a way to get my name out there, but I don’t really know. Should I wait and get my bigger project out there first, or could I go ahead and publish the short stories I have done?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Ok, first off, after y’all helped me get in a writing mindset last night. (Something I am eternally grateful for), ideas for short stories popped into my head, and I managed to write 6 pages worth. Yay!
Anyway, some of the tales will loosely be mentioned in my main series since they’re now main points in my world’s history. I was wondering if it’s wise to publish short stories set in my fantasy world before my main series is even out there? My mom said it’s a way to get my name out there, but I don’t really know. Should I wait and get my bigger project out there first, or could I go ahead and publish the short stories I have done?

Do little tidbits. Like ideas that didn't quite make the cut, but are still good, to get people interested. It's good publicity.

Deleted user

Ah. Same. Me and My brother are working on a book. He's on this website I think?

Annnnddd somehow my brother found me-


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I think I'm going to sleep on the couch tonight.

I've been sleeping on the couch for 4 nights now. It's not too uncomfortable, although the first night did give me a crick in the neck…well, on that happy note, good luck. XD

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I think I'm going to sleep on the couch tonight.

I've been sleeping on the couch for 4 nights now. It's not too uncomfortable, although the first night did give me a crick in the neck…on that note, good luck. XD

I'm actually quite used to it. I slept on a couch for multiple years (the living room was essentially my bedroom).

Deleted user

Multiple years?! Oof, I could never!

  1. I need my privacy.
  2. I'm a side sleeper, and I can't do that very well on the couch.
  3. The couch is low enough for my dogs to reach my face, and I don't really want to wake up in the middle of the night with their kisses.
  4. My little brothers wake up early and watch TV…not fun…for me.

Glad you're used to it! :)

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Lived in a trailer with 3 older siblings and my parents. My sisters moved out, my brother still lived with us, and my dad moved into the other bedroom; my mom worked 3rd shift and he worked 1st shifts, so it was more convenient for them to sleep in separate bedrooms.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Younger me: Get out of my room!

One of my siblings: But this is the living room, Sy.

Younger me: Yeah, but the couch is my bed, so technically speaking the living room is my bedroom!

(My parents couldn't argue with that logic, so that was the only fun thing about it, I guess! Lol)

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Lol! What I wouldn't give to wield such power! mwahaha!!
Thank you! For some reason, your post gave me a good laugh. XD

Deleted user

Younger me: Get out of my room!

One of my siblings: But this is the living room, Sy.

Younger me: Yeah, but the couch is my bed, so technically speaking the living room is my bedroom!

(My parents couldn't argue with that logic, so that was the only fun thing about it, I guess! Lol)

MY BROTHER. Im telling you. He sleeps on a couch be so he's like: "Get out of my bedroom!"

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Oh I just uh sleep upstairs in a hand me down bed but I'm not complaining bc it's queen sized. I made it smell really good tho. I mixed vanilla extract with flour and baking soda and let it sit on my bed to get rid of the funky smells and weird stains and now it looks okay. But I do know where it came from so we're all okay there. How come all of you guys sleep on the couch???

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Ok, first off, after y’all helped me get in a writing mindset last night. (Something I am eternally grateful for), ideas for short stories popped into my head, and I managed to write 6 pages worth. Yay!

If you’re down to share I’m down to see.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Just to clarify that I do have my own bedroom now. I just don't want to sleep in my room tonight because I haven't been able to clean out my Guinea pig's cage lately which made it a bit smelly in my room; I have to get her more bedding.