forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@furetakunai ac_unit

Okay, so, when I was younger. I had a research assignment and I was assigned to study the living areas, habits, and others of Great Blue Herons. While studying, I began to love Great Blue Herons and wanted to know more and more about them. For whatever reason.

So, a little while after I studied them, I saw a Great Blue Heron on my way to school. When I tell you my eyes popped out of my head, I mean it. They don't really populate where I am too much, so it was beyond shocking. So for weeks and weeks, I looked around, hoping to see another. I probably looked like a lost puppy tbh. But eventually, I saw another one, and yes, once again, my eyes popped out of my head.

I was so very and stupidly excited over a bird. Looking back on it kinda makes me smile, actually. So, ye, I thought I'd share a small story of little me.

@nebula__ group

i have a question i need someone to answer: there's this fly buzzing around me trying to go up my nose, and i don't have a fly swatter to kill it and i have nothing else that will kill the fly without it flying away before i get the chance to smack it- what the heck do i do?-


A) That's such a sweet story!!
B) Get a spatula, tape paper towels over it, and use it as a flyswatter. I had to do that once at work when the flyswatter went missing.
C) I put my hair in pigtails today and I feel five years old and I love it and I don't care if anyone hates on me for it because I am the freaking undisputed queen of inner child

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I had my hair in pigtails once for an avant- guard day in my fashion design class, but my hair was SUPER LONG. (Longer than it is now, and right now, it reaches to the top of my butt) And my best friend was like, “Oh gods no, what did your mother DO to you??” I hated it so much but I felt guilty for taking them out until my scalp started to hurt. Then I finally caved and pulled them out and put my hair back into it’s normal ponytail.


You know, I'm still mad that Skittles changed the green one from lime to green apple. I'm never going to forgive them for doing that. And I mean never.


You know, I'm still mad that Skittles changed the green one from lime to green apple. I'm never going to forgive them for doing that. And I mean never.

Me neither!

@Mojack group

i met a guy on a game who was a really dedicated roleplayer
it was on a game where people don’t ever roleplay, he was just rping by himself
and you know what? good for him


You know, I'm still mad that Skittles changed the green one from lime to green apple. I'm never going to forgive them for doing that. And I mean never.

Me neither!

Thank you! I'm so glad someone agrees with me. Let's storm the Skittles offices and demand our lime candy back.
Actually, it just struck me, the only candy I can think of with a lime option in the "regular" pack is Mike'n'Ikes. Other candies don't have one. Lemon and orange, yes. Lime, no. Starburst, Skittles, gummy bears…

@Elder-God-Whisper work

You know, I'm still mad that Skittles changed the green one from lime to green apple. I'm never going to forgive them for doing that. And I mean never.

Me neither!

Thank you! I'm so glad someone agrees with me. Let's storm the Skittles offices and demand our lime candy back.
Actually, it just struck me, the only candy I can think of with a lime option in the "regular" pack is Mike'n'Ikes. Other candies don't have one. Lemon and orange, yes. Lime, no. Starburst, Skittles, gummy bears…

I heard that the skittles actually all taste the same, our brains are just tricked into perceiving them as different flavors because they smell and look different.


The ice cream at work was so freaking hard today, even the sherbets, and my wrist feels like it's about to snap in two
I love that for me

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Oh ICK. My arms were always sore after I worked my clothes retail job in the women’s or junior’s (teen feminine) departments because I was always hanging about two dozen clothes from each arm on a slightly bad day where I wasn’t given a clothes rack to sort on.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Under a different note)

Me: “I’m going to murder a cat. There will be animal blood on my hands!”

My little brother: “If you murder my cat, there will be human blood in my room!”

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hi bored, I’m Dad

How dare you steal my line.

Well, when you leave your children unattended, they will get adopted. Natural cycle of life. hefts up my new child and runs Catch ya later!

This is full of power. I am filled with respect.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Hi bored, I’m Dad

How dare you steal my line.

Well, when you leave your children unattended, they will get adopted. Natural cycle of life. hefts up my new child and runs Catch ya later!

This is full of power. I am filled with respect.

bows jokingly Why thank you!