forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Quick story for y'alls
So I was at work today and I had to bring something outside and there was this little white Porsche SUV in the parking lot and it made me indescribably happy and I honestly have no idea why but it honestly did. It's not like Porsche SUVs are that uncommon, right? I see them all the time. But this one just made me super happy. And then I went back into my work place and one of my coworkers was like "You seem happy" and I was just like "There's a white Porsche in the parking lot and it's adorable" and she was so confused but was super happy for me and it just made my heart happy.
And yes I'm sharing that with you but it made me happy and yes I'm weird you can take that how you will fight me

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Dude, that kind of thing happens to me all the time. I just get super happy over something so little and weird and insignificant, and everyone looks at me like I’m crazy.


this is the greatest home I’ve ever had the chance to stay in
it’s so beautiful I could cry-
everything is surrounded by mountains and orange trees, there are flowers everywhere, the house feels so cozy but not fancy, like the world’s warmest, softest little home
There’s a gigantic chalkboard wall in my bedroom, signed by all the children who’ve stayed here. Conveniently there happens to be a blank space no one else could reach, so I’m gonna draw a thing or two with the paint markers :D
there’s a garden, a trampoline, a barn, three handmade tree swings, I just saw a baby deer run past our driveway-
I’m so happy…

Deleted user

I've eaten 3 bagels in the past 3 hours and I regret nothing
That's a lie. I regret it. Stop me before I try and eat a fourth.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

…. I’m not stopping you because then I’d be the hypocrite who does not have a concept of food worth. [either I eat a bunch in one go and never can eat enough or a go an entire day on a piece of bread and peanut butter. There’s no in between]


…. I’m not stopping you because then I’d be the hypocrite who does not have a concept of food worth. [either I eat a bunch in one go and never can eat enough or a go an entire day on a piece of bread and peanut butter. There’s no in between]

I feel that on a deeply emotional level

@Moxie group

I should do a vacation house tour thing like I did with my backyard that time
even if no one else wants it I can look back on it and happy cry

I want this so bad

@Moxie group

I'm really good at being imposter

I suck at it. My heartrate goes up and I usually get caught. That or I just don't kill anyone, sabotage things, and hope no one reaches them

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I'm really good at being imposter

I suck at it. My heartrate goes up and I usually get caught. That or I just don't kill anyone, sabotage things, and hope no one reaches them

9/10 times I kill near a vent, I mess up and press the report button instead of the vent button and that's it for me

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm really good at being imposter

I suck at it. My heartrate goes up and I usually get caught. That or I just don't kill anyone, sabotage things, and hope no one reaches them

9/10 times I kill near a vent, I mess up and press the report button instead of the vent button and that's it for me

My god Ash you just explained me. The other luck that I have is killing and then struggling to find a vent and I end up getting seen while jumping into a vent.